
Reed watched as Kylan kissed her hungrily and he almost went there and punch his face but he didn't.

His eyes moved to Kylan's hand around Carly's waist too and he could feel the crazy anger burning inside him, he gently turned and walked away.

Carly broke the kiss and stepped back,she placed her a finger on her lips staring at him.

"I'm sorry." Kylan apologized ruffling his hair.

"It's okay" She said in a mutter.

"Are you done with classes for the day?" Kylan asked.

Carly nodded.

"I've got just one more class-"

"I'll wait for you" Carly cut in.

Kylan nodded, a sense of warmth spreading through him.

"Thanks" he said, his voice soft.

Carly smiled.

"See you after class" Kylan said, giving Carly a quick wave before heading off down the hall.

Carly watched him leave, feeling a pang of loneliness. Leah and Freddie definitely left already,and Lavender went to Jasper too.

It's too early to head home,she will only feel more lonely.

She pouted and left the place.



Reed sat in the cellar, sipping liquor slowly to calm his anger. The thought of Carly kissing him back made him more mad.

How could she allow him to kiss her just like that? The fact that he has been pleading just to get a kiss and she gave in to him willingly?

Is that how much she hates him? Why is he even bothered?

"Guess who's going through a heartbreak.. It's our very own Reed Knight!" Alex voice sounded from the back but Reed didn't pay attention to him until he got to his front.

"Is everything funny to you?" Reed glared at him.

"Actually yes, I can't help it." Alex replied, still laughing.

Reed rolled his eyes and poured himself another full glass.

"You can tell me what happened now, It's no more funny." Alex chuckled and sat across him,he drank from his glass.

"Just leave me alone" Reed answered coldly.

"I won't, so tell me...."

"I bet this is about that newbie girl again.. Did you got your first kiss already?" Alex grinned while Reed kept glaring at him.

"Why aren't you saying anything..."

"She acted as if I was gonna bite her whenever she's with me but allow him to touched her as he wants,and even kissed her." Reed scoffed.

"So this is really about Carly. I see you saw her kissing Kylan. Are you interested in that girl?" Alex asked.

"No, I'm not" Reed replied rather quickly.


The door suddenly creaked opened and Ava walked in,dressed like a slut she is. Alex was the only one that turned,Ava walked up to them,to Reed to be precise.

"Are you really not gonna fuck me anymore? Why? I love you Reed!" She yelled and staggered on him. She's obviously drunk.

Reed pushed her off immediately.

"How did you get here?" He demanded angrily.

"Calm down." Alex grabbed him,but he threw his hand off.

"She's obviously the one who keeps throwing herself to me and that fool still believe I f*ck her on purpose-"

Ava stood up weakly.

"Please f*ck me Reed,I'm dying to have you inside me!" Ava pleaded in tears.

"Go gave your dad prick inside you! Get out b*tch!!!" He snapped and Ava stepped back.

"I'll leave,but I'ma come back for you..." Ava smirked and began leaving,her heels clicking sound as she walk.

"Where's Felix?" Reed faced Alex.

"Probably at his favorite spot,Why do you ask?" Alex ask but Reed didn't reply before heading out.

"Fuck Reed wait." Alex went after him.


Carly wandered through the school, lost in thought. She stumbled upon the indoor swimming center and was struck by its beauty.

The ceiling soared high above her head, and the walls were lined with windows that let in natural light. The water in the pool sparkled in the sunlight, and the air smelled fresh and clean.

She felt like she was in a different world, far away from the troubles of her everyday life. She took a deep breath and let herself relax, feeling the stress of the day melt away.

Then, she turned back to the swimming pool and noticed someone swimming laps in the pool. It was Felix. Felix raised his head and saw Carly and waved to her. Carly smiled and waved back; he began swimming towards her.

Felix stepped out of the pool and walked over to where Carly was standing. As Felix stood in front of her, water dripping off his arms and shoulders, Carly couldn't help but notice how muscular he was.

"How are you doing?" Felix chuckled, wiping the water off his face with a towel. "I'm doing great, thanks," she replied simply.

"Are you here to swim?" Felix asked. "Even if I want to, I don't know how to swim," Carly said, shrugging.

"You interested in learning how to swim? I can teach you if you want?" Felix suggested.

"Whoa... I would really love to..." Carly giggled. Felix smiled, but then he saw a shadow fall over the pool and turned to see Reed standing in the doorway, his face a mask of anger.

Felix pretended not to see him and stepped forward.

Before Carly could process what he was about to do, his hands fell on her waist, and she let out a tiny gasp.

Reed stood there, silent, his face expressionless. He knew if he walked up to them, he might just beat Felix to a pulp.

The fact that Carly didn't push him off like she always did with him made him more annoyed. Then, without a word, he turned and walked away.

Felix reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her cheek, he then release her.

"Wanted to remove this.." He showed her and she nodded.

"When should I start?" She added, smiling.

"Anytime" Felix replied.



"Are you okay?" Mrs Howard broke the long silence when she noticed Leah pacing out as they eats

"I'm fine mom!" Leah replied and force a smile.

"You sure?"

"Of course" Leah smiled.

They resumed eating,but not without Leah checking her phone constantly. She frowned when she met nothing.

'That jerk,did he even miss me at all?' She mumbled.

"Huh?" Mrs Howard looked up.

"Nothing mom..." She replied and continue eating.

"How's Freddie?" Mrs Howard suddenly asked and Leah chocked on her food. Mrs Howard quickly hand her a glass of water and she drank it.

"Why? Don't tell me you guys break up-"

"Of course not,that's never gonna happen.." Leah chirped in.

"That's great to hear,I was worried.. And school?" Mrs Howard futher ask.

"Why ruined the mood?" Leah groaned and her mom shooked her head.

Her phone suddenly beeped and she checked it at quickly,a smile spreading across her lips as she read.


She immediately spranged up.

"I'm full already, Goodnight Mom!" She said.

Before Mrs Howard could say a word,Leah rushed to her side and give her a light peck on her cheek,she blew her a kiss and ran off.

She got to her room,and truly Freddie was waiting. She hide her excitement and cleared her throat, making her presence known to him.

Freddie turned to her.

"Why are you here?"

Freddie moved closer and held her hand.

"I'm sorry.. Are you still mad at me?" He asked but she didn't respond.

"I couldn't sleep peacefully knowing that you're mad at me. Please babe!"

Leah stared at him for a moment before smilling.

"I won't be able to sleep if you want didn't come here, I miss you and I'm sorry for acting that way. It's just that, I want you for myself alone.." She pouted and Freddie smiled.

"Me too. I love you so much" He hugged her.

"Same here,I feel like I was dying when you wouldn't talk me" She broke the hug and Freddie leaned in for a kiss but she placed a finger on his lips.

"I could still see that bitch filthy lips.. Maybe tomorrow-"


"Just kidding" She stood on her toes and pressed her lips on his

He held her waist and they began kissing hungrily.