Motorcycle Ride

"Don't stay away.... Please,I don't know why but it's didn't hurt..." Carly cuts in.

Reed was shocked but he didn't show it,he didn't say a word either,he was just staring at her.

"Please... don't stay away" Carly said again,pouting her lips.

Reed just chuckled and held her hand,he began taking her to his car and she just kept mute,watching him.

He opened the back seat for her and she got in.

"Stay here..." He said and ran back to the convenience store.

He came back with a shopping bag and handed it to Carly. She looked at him and he gestured her to open it. She blinked and look down at the items.

It's contains a warm drinks and soup, some tissues, pain relievers. He also added a bottle of water and a bar of chocolate for good measure.

Carly raised her head and thier eyes met,she was lost of words.

"Is it not enough? Did I miss something?" Reed suddenly asked and Carly quickly shooked her head.

"No! No.. I'm really grateful but don't you think this is too-"

"You can just pay me for it at school tomorrow,when is your class ending?" He asked,looking away from her.


"Even great,so do we have a deal?" He faced her.

Carly nodded. "Sure" She replied.

Reed smiled and then he started the engine heading to her house. Carly continue stealing glances at him wondering what he's planning.

'Relax Carly,you can trust him now' She said inwardly.

Soon,they got to the front of her house and Reed halted and turned to her. Good thing the rain already stopped.

"You should go in now.." He said and she nodded like an obedient kids,she got down.

"Goodnight..." She waved and began walking in. She could feel Reed's eyes on her but she didn't look back till she got in. She stopped by the door to see his car leaving.

She pouted and head for her room,getting there,she dropped what he gave her on her table. Surprisedly, she's not feeling hungry anymore.

She took a deep breath before taking off her wet clothes,she had a warm bath and opened her closet to select a warm outfits but-

None of her hoodie or jacket seems to pleased her. She went back to where she dropped Reed's jacket,she grabbed it and put it on, loving how it's fitted her body so well.

She stared at herself in the mirror and a smile escape her lips,the jacket really smells like him. His favorite cologne he always wore.

She fell on her bed and closed her eyes,inhaling his smell, it's felt like he's with her.



"Guess what?" Leah announced immediately she got to Lavender and Carly who was just coming to class.

"Aargh,she's here again.." Lavender graoned.

"I'm serious,this is really urgent. If you got the guess right,I'll be your servant for a week" Leah added and Lavender smirk.

"I'm in!" She hand her back to Leah pack her hair in buns.

"The P3 attended class for the first time in a while..." Lavender said proudly and Leah's jaw fell.

"How come you guess so right?"

"Is that a news? You're always asking me to guess if they attend class.. What to do,now you're my servant for a whole week.. You should better do anything I want you to,that included not kissing or touching Freddie" Lavender smiled and entered the class.

"What? I'm surely gonna die.. please reconsider,you know I love you right?" Leah rushed after her.

Carly eyes spotted Reed immediately they entered, he's sitting at the back and more than five girls are around him,but he didn't give then attention though.

"Too late. I made up my mind" Lavender winked funnily and Carly smiled.

"I hate you!" Leah rolled her eyes and sat dejectedly.

"It's mutual. My cat eyed girl" Lavender replied and Leah just looked away, regretting she ever brought that up.

The class began filling up with students and soon,the professor came in and everyone settled down.

Leah and Freddie was holding hands and she could feel Lavender's gaze on them,if she tries to make any move she cleared her throat as a reminder.

"Please.. Just this once,It's will be quick..." She gestured raising a finger's up.

Lavender shooked her head and Leah rolled her eyes.

Carly on the other side was trying her best not to look back,she wanted to see if Michelle is sitting with Reed or not which is so unlike her but she was finding it hard to control herself so she turned back, and directly,her eyes met with Reed,he was also staring at her.

He winked at her and she immediately turned,she fold her hands tightly trying to prevent her smiles,her cheeks became red. Good thing nobody noticed.

After what seems like eternity,the professor simply walked out.

Leah exhaled and dropped her pen

"I'm so tired" she whined and Freddie turned to her.

"Need to recharge to 100% again?" He smiled and she nodded,he almost kissed her and Lavender cleared at throat again.

"Please Vender, I'm dying here.." she pouted and Lavender shakes her head.

"Gosh-" She gasped when she Freddie shoved his lollipop in her mouth and winked.

"Consider that as a battery saver" He said and Leah smiled.

Carly turned to where Reed was sitting,only to see him already heading out of class. She bit her lips and look away.

"Guys, I'll be back" Simon said and left too.

"Should we grab lunch before the next class starts?" Lavender suggested and they all agreed. They left the class together and Freddie suddenly stopped walking.

"Go on without me, I've to use the restroom really quick..." He said and left.

"Me too.." Leah chirped in and followed him quickly.

Lavender shooked her head.

"These two..I bets they made that up to find a spot to kiss. Always acting like a highschool students,I wonder how they are gonna survived if they didn't later end up together" She said.

"Why would they split up?" Carly suddenly asked and Lavender faced her in wonder.

"Awwn,my baby is growing.. You now know the meaning of break up?" She gushed and cupped her cheeks.

"I read it in a book I found at our house,Is break up actually real?" She whispered.

"Of course baby girl.. Dating for years doesn't mean you'll be together for a lifetime. Reason why I don't believe in a relationship,if possible I don't even wanna date" Lavender giggles

"Why? I thought you found a crush..."

"A crush Carly! I only admire his painting! But actually he's hot,but dating is not for everyone most especially me.. It's clingy" She shakes her head.

Carly laughed.

"Wait a minute.. Where's all this questions coming from? Are you in love with someone?" Lavender grinned.

"Of course not, I'm just asking..." Carly replied and pressed her lips together.

Lavender smile.


"Hey Violet! Stop!!" Michelle and her friends called as they went after Violet but she didn't wait,she only increased her pace.

"Please leave me alone! Please!" Violet muttered beneath her breath. Her hearts racing as they are almost catching up with her.

"B*tch stop right there before we lost it!!" She heard Scarlet voice but pay no attention to it. She was almost heading out of the school when he hand grabbed her and pulled her to a corner.

He covered her mouth and she almost screamed but he saw his face. Simon.

"Violet! Where did she go! Violet!" Scarlet ranted and stamped her foot on the floor.

"We should leave, I've got no time to spare..." Michelle ordered and immediately turned,she began leaving.

"F*ck! I hate this!!" Scarlet said dejectedly and followed.

"Are you okay?" Simon asked and release Violet who just nodded and attempt to leave.

He grabbed her hand,and pulled her back and held her waist.

Violet let out a gasp.

"Are you still angry with me? Cos I kissed you without permission..." He ask in a mutter.

She shooked her head.

"Come.. I'll take you home" He release her and held her hand.

"What about you? You still have classes right?" She spoke up.

"Just a one hour class, It's okay.. I'll only be rest assured if I see you're in save hand,let's just go" He added.

They both left afterwards.



Reed couldn't focus as a b*tch touched him seductively,she was all over him but his mind was somewhere else and it felt so strange as h**k.

She suddenly stop when he didn't respond to it


"Leave" He cut her off

"Huh? I thought we both agreed to this"

"I'm no longer interested,just go" Reed said and she got down from his laps

"Go,I'm not joking" He muttered and went into the bathroom.

He took a cold bath and dressed up in a casual T-shirt and jean trousers with a jacket,he look so hot,just too handsome.

"Going somewhere?" Alex asked as he got to the living room

"Maybe or maybe not" He muttered and went out

"He's still definitely going to Carly again" Alex chuckled and Felix came out of his room,all dressed in his swimming suit too.

"Heading to that boring pool again" Alex groaned.

"How's that your concern?" Felix rolled his eyes.

"You patch thing up with Reed right? He came to find you three days ago so you can talk-"

"I didn't see him" Felix cut him off and start to walk out.

"What is he going to do with a float? I thought he's an expert?" Alex ask no one in particular before concentrating back on his phone. He's doing what he knows best again. S*x chatting.


Carly was the only one left in class since classes was over. Leah and others left a while ago. She's trying to finish up her assignments cos she knows she won't have the time for it at home cos she has to sleep early.

Her phone suddenly buzzed,it's a text from Kylan.



She reply back and he texted her again.



She replied and dropped her phone,but almost immediately a new text pooped up immediately,it's from an unknown number.


She didn't replied at first,wondering what the sender is talking about. She thought for a while before starting to type a reply.

Just then,the door opened and Reed walked in.

"Carly" She heard a familiar voice and Carly turned looking surprised that he's in class. He then walked over to her

"You didn't reply my text" He said showing him his phone.

"I didn't know it's you,how did you get my number?" Carly blinked surprisedly.

"I've my ways.. What are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing.. Just preparing to head home" She replied,packing her stuff.

"Home at this hour,that's boring..." Reed scoffed.

"What should I do then?"

"Come with me.." He smiled and grabbed her hand at once

"Where are we going?" Carly asked as they walked out of the class,eyes on them, of course she wouldn't expect less,Reed is popular while she's a nobody.

They got to his bike and he handed her the helmet.

"Where are we going?" Carly asked again

"I'm not going to sell you or something,you trust me right?" He chuckled and wore the helmet for her since she had never used one. He then climbed on the bike.

"Hop on" He said and Carly climbed on,leaving a lot of space between them.

"Seriously? Are that afraid of body contact? You should hold onto he if you don't want to fall" He said and she just stared at him.

"Is it really necessary?" She muttered.

"Of course.. Just trust me this once okay?" He replied and Carly did as he said but not too close cos it's makes her feel weird.

Reed rode out of the school instantly,Carly held him tightly and rest her head on his back.

Reed's motorcycle roared as he sped away from the school, weaving through traffic as if he were invincible.

Carly gripped his waist tightly, her heart pounding in her chest. The wind whipped her hair, It felt like they were flying,free from all her worries and cares.

She has never tried something like this before,she can't explain the feeling.

She could hear the engine thrumming beneath her, and the smell of exhaust and rubber filled her senses. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

She couldn't help but hold on even tighter, pressing her cheek against Reed's back.

Reed seemed to sense her fear, and he slowed down slightly, taking the curves a little less

"Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded.

"You sure? Should I stop-

"No" She replied and he sighed in relieve before zooming down the street, Carly screamed into the wind, her voice lost in the rush of sound.

But the fear that had gripped her at first was fading, replaced by a sense of pleasure.

She clutched Reed's waist tightly, feeling the motorcycle's vibrations through her body.

Reed sense her change in mood, and he sped up again, taking the curves with ease. It was like they were gliding through the city, defying gravity. For a moment,she opened her eyes forgotten about all her troubles.

"We're here" Reed suddenly announced and she opened her eyes.

"Oh" She muttered and got down,she removed her helmet and looked around,they are actually at a riverside. The waves crashed against the shore, and the wind carried the salty scent of the ocean. The road curved around to follow the shoreline, and the long bridge.

Everywhere felt like a paradise,the night was drawing near making the view more relaxing. This is her first time touring the city and its really beautiful.

"You love what you see?" Reed asked when he saw the excitement on her face.

"Of course,I never imagine this place to be this beautiful" she replied.

"We can come here often if you want.." He added and Carly smiled.

Her face suddenly went to her chest, it's was as if her b**bs disappeared, probably because she pressed it too much on Reed's back.

She saw that he's not looking at her,and stylishly adjust it but it's didn't went back to it's normal form. Not like she really have the b**bs but it's incredibly so small now.

She didn't know what she dipped her hand in her top,in attempt to adjust it and Reed turned to her that moment.

Her eyes widened and she quickly removed her hand.

"Why do you keep adjusting that? Not like it's gonna Increase or something..." he teased and Carly's eyes widened.

"Are you saying it is small?" She scorned.

"Of course! I didn't even feel anything earlier,are you really a girl?" He added and her eyes grew more wide.

"It's not small!" She snapped.

"Mind if I confirm-"

Carly hit him before he could finish.

"Aargh!" He winced pretending to be hurt.

"Hey,are you okay? I didn't mean to..." She asked worriedly.

"I need a hug" Reed muttered,still holding that spot.

"Huh?" Carly gasped

"Hug,I need a hug" Reed murmured

"Hug? We should get pills first....."

"A hug first,I'm dying" Reed pouted like a child.

Carly had no choice but to hugged him. Reed immediately wrapped his hand around her waist and her heart skipped a beat.

Carly wanted to break the hug but Kingsley hugged her more tightly

"Are you okay now?" She asked

"One more minute" Reed muttered