The Party Saga 2


Reed's car stopped in front of the house,and Carly stepped out,she turned to wave to him only to see him already walking to her.

"I've something to ask" He said and she looked up.

"Do you have any plans doing the weekends?" Reed asked.

"No why?" Carly replied immediately.

"Just asking,what about tomorrow? You're attending the party right-"

"Which party?" Carly raised a brow.

"The school fun night tomorrow. Didn't you friends told you it's every friday?" Reed replied, choosing his words correctly.

"Oh,they did but I'm not interested.."

"Can you come for me?" He cuts in and Carly just stared at him.


"We're friends now right? And I'm really asking nicely"

"Fine.. Happy?" She rolled her eyes.

Reed nodded with a smile.

"So, goodnight" he added.

"Goodnight!" She replied and began walking in. She could feel his eyes on her but she didn't turn untill she got it,she made her away to her room quickly and went to opened the window.

Carly slowly opened the window, peeking out,to her surprise,Reed is still waiting. He looked up at her expectantly.

He waved, and she quickly ducked out of sight, her face burning with embarrassment. She couldn't believe he had waited for her to get in.

She fell on her bed and shook the thought off immediately,shutting her eyes.


"Why haven't you bring your girlfriend here?" Amanda suddenly break the silence and Kylan chocked on his food.

"What girlfriend?" He looked up.

"Carly,I think that's her name.. The girl you brought to the shoot remember?"

Kylan only smile.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Amanda grinned taking a sip from her drink.

"Not yet-"

"Soon to be, whoa.. you're now growing up,I can't recall the last time you've been like this, you've really changed over the month just for her.. You just really love her" Amanda chuckled.

"Of course I do"

"Over my dead body will you ever date that b*tch of a girl,is either you kill me first or I end up killing her.. I won't allow it,you hear me!!!" Ava yelled,coming in.

Amanda stood.

"What's wrong with you Ava? What's your business with whoever you brother wish to be with? He has never meddle with your love affairs?" Amanda defended.

"That's none of my concern,all I know is won't allow it.." Ava hissed and walked away.

Amanda sat back.

"Just ignore her" She said


"Finally,I'm free" Leah groaned tiredly immediately the lecturer left the class. She sat on the table and stretched tiredly.

"I hope one day I'll be able to award you the most laziest in the world" Lavender shooked her head.

"I would gladly take it but add most pretty and romantic too. If you're pretty then don't waste it on books,spend it enjoying your life instead" Leah said dramatically.

"I bet I'm not the only one who can't wait for the night party?" She added smilling.

"And the assignment?" Lavender cut in.

"Why do I have a smart boyfriend if I'm gonna be doing the work all by myself" Leah gushed.

"Let's go shopping before evening, we've to rock that party by all means.. bills on me" Leah gushed and Lavender just shook her head in wonder.

Leah turned to Carly.

"You know my rules,don't bother saying no.. I'll drag you with me to that party if I've to" She winked and Carly sighed.

"Gosh, I'm so excited already.. Why do I feel the party will be more interesting than before. Kissing? Smooches? Make outs publicly? OMG-"

"Stop talking about party will you?" Lavender took off her sneakers and threw it to her but Leah dulge it.

"What more? S*x? I can't wait! Really!!" Leah added

Lavender held her head.



Lavender peeked into the lecture all, She could see Jasper at the far end of the room, his back to her as he worked on his painting. She took a deep breath and started to tiptoe across the floor, trying to avoid making any noise.

But it was too late. Jasper heard the soft creak of the floorboards and turned around, his eyes landing on Lavender. She froze.

"You're here" Jasper smiled at her and turned back to his painting.

"You could have just pretend not to see me" Lavender mumbled and take a seat.

"Sorry,I couldn't help it" Jasper replied

Lavender walked up to his easel, curious to see what he was painting.

"What are you working on?" she asked, her voice low.

Jasper turned to her.

"It's a painting of the forest near the edge of town,It's been my favorite place to go when I need to clear my head" Jasper replied with a smile.

"Weird,why would a forest be your favorite spot of all places" She shook her head.

"But then,it's beautiful" She couldn't help but admire admiring the painting. It was beautiful, and it captured the essence of the forest perfectly.

"Thank you"

"And about my drawings-"

"I'll be done with it before Monday, I'll definitely show it to you first before submitting" Jasper said and Lavender smiled.

"Are you attending the party tonight?" She suddenly asks.

"I don't really like party but-

"No but,we had a deal?" She grimaced.

Jasper nodded.


"What is wrong with her? I think she has finally gone crazy!!" Emma said to Scarlet who looked up from her phone.

She turned to Michelle and met her still smiling.

"Are you okay?" She tapped her and Michelle snapped out of her daydreaming.

"Reed will have no choice but to kiss me tonight, I'll finally have the chance to taste those sexy lips! I really can't wait! F*ck!" Michelle gushed dreamingly.

"How is that even possible?" Emma broke into laughter.

"I'm serious, I've just the perfect plan to make him do it" Michelle smirked.

Emma and Scarlet exchange glances.



Carly had been staring at the clothes Leah picked out for her at the mall for hours now but she still haven't found any that suited her taste.

Everything was either too revealing or too short.

Finally, she found a dress that seemed like it might work. It was a deep purple color, with long sleeves and a modest hemline.

It's also a bit revealing but it's still preferable to the other ones.

Carly held the dress up against her body, trying to imagine how it would look on her,she was about putting it on when a maid rushed in.

"Ma'am want to see you" The maid announced.

Carly turned to her at once.

"Mom is back?" She inquired with wide eyes.

The maid nodded.

Carly followed the maid, her stomach twisting with nerves. She couldn't help but feel anxious, unsure of what Mona would say when she saw her.

They reached Mona's room, the maid gave a quick curtsy and left, leaving Carly standing alone in the doorway.

Mona was busy packing some of her things, her back turned to the door.

Carly stood at a spot,her back resting on the door.

Mona suddenly turn and thier eyes met,she then look away.

"Why are you just standing there?" Mona said, her voice cold and distant.

Carly bit her lips and stepped forward,her head bowed.

"Welcome back mom..." She muttered slowly.

"Are you going out?" Mona asked without looking at her.

Carly slowly nodded

"That's great,I see you make friends already. I wasn't going to stay long anyway.. I only come back cos I left few things behind,but I'll be back soon.. you can go back" Mona said.

Carly turned and left the room dejected. She suddenly got a text from her friends,it's from thier group chat.

LEAH: You both should get your @ss here right now before I loose it!!!







Before she knew it,she was already smiling as she read,Kylan is also online but he didn't join the chat like her, she was about texting him when his text appeared on her screen


She read and reread again for a moment,not sure of what to reply with.



She texted back,opening her room door with one hand,she got in and closed the door.


Her eyes widened immediately. If Mona found out, she'll surely be dead.


She texted back and immediately dropped the phone,she stormed into the bathroom in a rush.



Different types of dressing are in display as students flooded the house. Everyone is mingling around the house with cups of wine or alcohol in hand,with or without a partner,everyone is having fun.

It's not a pool party tonight so,everyone is rocking thier choice.

Leah was still sitting on Freddie's laps and he was holding her @ss as they kissed in a corner hotly,

"Let's do it again..." She muttered into the kiss and Frieddie broke the kiss immediately

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Of course, I'm ready.. Not like it's our first time. So,tonight? There's no class tomorrow anyway" Leah winked.

Freddie nodded.


The P3 are HERE!!!

My Angels!

Is it be or Reed is getting more hot as the day pass?

Felix is so cute.


As expected, Alex came with a girl. He was holding her waist as they walk,Reed eyes was roaming around as if he was looking for someone while Felix eyes was glued on his phone,doing thing only him knows.

They found an available seat and Alex and the b*tch he came in with started making out publicly. Reed was still looking around.

Michelle was also glaring at him from behind a corner but it's not far from where The P3 sit,Emma ana Scarlet were sitting with her doing what they are good at.

F*cking themselves with vibrator.

Just then,Carly came in with Lavender and another noise interrupted the place.

Who's she?

Isn't that the girl the school princes saved from drowning?

She's the one! Why does she look so hot

That s*xy legs,oh my goodness her own body is on fire.

I don't think so, I'll always hate her!!

Me too!

"Ignore them!" Lavender whispered to Carly who gave a smile.

"Girls!" Leah waved them to come. They both went to join them.

Reed and Felix stood up at once and they both glared at each other,they began walking towards her but a little before they could got to her,Kylan appeared and sat next to her.

Felix turned and walk away.

Reed folded his fist as he stood there and watch them,unable to move.


They suddenly heard Michelle announced from the microphone and everyone turned thier gaze to her.


I'm so in!!!!


Michelle dropped the microphone and students began gathering around immediately.

"Exactly what I'm anticipating, let's join! Com'on!!" Leah stood and grabbed Freddie's hand. She turned to the others.

"You should join too" She said.

"I'm not interested.." Kylan replied.

"Of course we know you" Lavender rolled her eyes, turning to Carly who has been quite

"Don't tell me you haven't played it before?" Lavender pouted,giving a hopeful look.

"I have" Carly found herself saying.

"Then we should join" Lavender grabbed her hand and pull her to the middle of the big circle,they found a seat. Kylan was force to join because of her.

Even Felix was not left out. Reed too.

Carly didn't see him at first but she could feel someone's eyes on her,she look up to see it's him. He gave her a quick wink and Carly smiled.

"It's simple! You guys know how it's done, Once you're told to do something and you can't do it,you've to drink..." Emma instructed.


"I'll go first"

She spined the bottle and it's landed on Ava.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Dare!" Ava replied proudly.

"Dare you to walk up to Kylan and give him a quick blow job" Emma smirked


"Are you nuts? How do you f*ckng expect me to do with with my-" She paused and look around to see them at for her to land.

"He's your what?" Michelle chirped in.

"None of your business" Ava hissed and grabbed a cup of the tequila,she drank it all at once.

She then spined the bottle and it's landed on Simon.

"T or D?" She asked simply.

"Truth" Simon replied.

"Do you have someone you love here and who is it?" Ava asked.

"I do have someone I've love since we were kids, she's actually my first love and I still love her till now" Simon replied.


Violet gulped down,as her eyes met with Scarlet own constantly.

"Who's it?" Scarlet cuts in.

"Only one question allowed..." Simon replied coldly.

Scarlet bit her lips sadly.

He spined the bottle too,it's stoped on Michelle.

"Dare!!!" Michelle shouts before he could even uttered a word.

"I dare you not to do anything" Simon smirked and some of the students burst into laughter.

"What?" Michelle folded her fist.

"That's what I want-"

"F*ck you!" She hissed aloud and angrily spined the bottle but her face brighten immediately she saw who it's caught.


"Truth or Dare?" She asked quickly.

"T-tr---Dare!" Carly blinked constantly.

"I dare you to give Reed a 30 minutes lap dance-" Michelle smirked.

Everyone eyes bulged.

"What sort of dare is that? She's not a slut like you?" Leah interrupted.

"That's not part of the rules" Lavender added.

"Same way daring me to do nothing is not part too. That's what I also what,if she can't do it then Reed has to kiss me..." Michelle growled.

Half of the students broke into laughter as if what she said is the most funniest thing ever.

"This is crazy!" Alex joined the laughter and Michelle rolled her eyes.

Carly kept mute.

"She has to choose either or the two if she want to avoid drinking,Is either she give him a lap dance right here or he kiss me-" Michelle smirked and Carly's eyes widened.

"You don't have to do it, I'll drink for her.." Kylan immediately said.

"No one can drink for the other,rules are rules.. She has to choose one" Michelle cuts in.

Meanwhile,Carly was just watching the whole scene like a soap opera,like she's not even the one Michelle is talking to,she turned to Reed and thier gaze locked,he was already staring at her.

•IF I'M EVER GONNA KISS A GIRL,I WANT YOU TO BE MY FIRST• He remembered his words last night and she bits her lips hard and look away.

"You never mentioned no one can't drink in place of someone" Kylan said attempting to grabbed the drink already.

"You weren't here when the game started,stop this nonsense.. I wasn't talking to you" Michelle rolled her eyes.

Kylan was about to reply when Carly uttered the unexpected.

"I choose the first choice,I'll give him a lap dance-"