First Kiss

"I choose the first choice,I'll give him a lap dance-" She stood up and walk up to Reed while everyone's watched anticipatedly.

Kylan eyes widened the most,wondering if she's really gonna do it or not, jealousy flowed within him.

Felix look up from his phone and smirk.

"I need to record this for future reference!!" Alex laughed raising his phone up.

Meanwhile,Michelle was fuming as she glared at Carly dangerously,Ava too.

Carly finally got to where Reed is sited and he look up,she bit her lips nervously and he saw it. He knew she didn't even know what a lap dance meant and she won't be able to face him anymore if that happens.

Carly was still blinking not knowing where to start.

"We're still waiting!" Emma suddenly snapped.

Carly took in her bottom lips,regretting why she has to choose this, why does it bother her if Michelle kissed Reed or not?

She took a deep breath and was about to sit on Reed's laps when-

"I'll drink for her!" Reed stood and pour himself a glass full,he drank it all at once.

"This isn't part of the game" Alex said and Reed rolled his eyes.

"I just lost interest..." He turned and left.

"Me too! The game is no fun without my Reed!!" Some of girls muttered and began walking away one after the other.

"Seriously?" Michelle hissed and left too.

Scarlet glared at Violet and followed her.

Emma turned to see Leah and Freddie already chatting together,she folded her fist and walk away too.

Alex already diverted his attention to the b*tch caressing him,the way she was rubbing her big @ss on his d*ck already made him hard.

"Let's get a room!" He whispered and eventually left with her.

Felix was about to walk to Carly but Kylan beat him to it. He left the place without a word. Ava quickly went after him.

"Are you okay?" Kylan voice brought her back to reality.

Carly nodded,suddenly feeling hot.

"I need to use the restroom" She turned.

"Will you be fine alone?" Kylan asked concernly.

Carly faced him and nodded,before walking away.


"Stop!!!" Ava yelled immediately she spotted Felix at a corner,he was about lighting a cigarette.

Felix look up to see her walk up to him,Ava got to him and snatched the cigarette from his mouth.

"Give it back!" He said codly and made to take it from her but she didn't give in.

"Since when did you start smoking again?" She spat taking another step backward.

"Mind your own business! Are we even friends?" Felix rolled his eyes.

Ava stood on her toes raising the cigarette above her head,Felix grabbed her forcefully and pinned her against the wall.

"Aargh" Ava winced and Felix eyes widened.

"Are you okay?" He released her.

"See. Can you ever stop loving me? I knew it,you still have feelings for me don't you-"

"Shut up!" Felix snapped his face ranging with anger.

"What if I don't? You'll kiss me? I'm really com'on.." She pouted and close her eyes.

Felix swallowed hard. Of all girl he had to fall head over heels with,it's had to turn out to be her. No matter how much he tried to get over her,he only fall for her harder.

Ava opened her eyes. "Just forget it-" She made to leave but Felix pulled her back,before she could open her mouth to talk,Felix slammed his lips on hers.

She was shocked beyond words but her shock didn't last for long cos she responded to the kiss too.


Carly was just heading back after using the restroom when she run into Reed.

"Gosh! You startled me" She heaved and moved closer to him since he wouldn't leave a spot.

"Were you waiting for me?" She grimaced but he still wouldn't speak.

"Are you-"

He suddenly hugged her and Carly gasped.

"Reed..." She made to break it but he held onto her tighter.

"Don't you like me at all?" He asked faintly and Carly blinked confusedly.

"What do you mean-"

"I'm willing to stop my bad act for you. Just tell me! I'll do anything for you to like me..." Reed mumbled confusing her even more.

She broke the hug to look at him.

"What do you mean?" Carly snorted.

"Carly!" They suddenly heard Kylan voice,he was obviously approaching.

Carly turned to leave but Reed grabbed her hand,pulling her back to himself.

"Can't you choose me Instead?" He whispered his voice low.

Carly went mute.

Like that,Reed turned and walk away without a word,Carly bit her lips as she stared at him.

"Carly!" Kylan called out and she turned.

"I've been looking for-"

"I want to go home" She cut in.

"Already?" He replied.

Carly nodded.


Leah stepped out of bathroom,a towel wrapped around her body. She walked up to Freddie who's eyes was glued on something.

"I'm done" Leah announced and he shift what he was doing aside to face her.

"Same here!" He replied and stretched his hands forward,Leah sat on his thighs.

"I trust you" She smiled and peck his lips.

Freddie smiled

"I've heard some strange noises while I was taking a shower" Leah said.

"Really? Maybe it's the neighbour..." Freddie replied.

"You've a neighbor now" Leah asked.

"I just happen to heard about it-"

"That aside...You still haven't fulfill my wish yet" Leah pouted and pressed her lips on his.

He palmed her butt, and his erection rubbed on her thighs through his pants, turning her on immediately.

He lift her up and deepened the kiss even more, he laid her down slowly on the bed, him on top.He kissed her forehead,her neck and earlobes and stomach.

He loosen the towel from her body and groped one of her breast into his mouth.

"Ouch!!" Leah moaned softly and gripped his hair,pulling her closer.

He sucked on it for minutes before releasing it and Leah let out a grunt, wanting him to continue. His fingers trailed toward her flat tummy downward, igniting some tingling feeling in her.

His hands hovered above her panties liner before he slowly pulled it down, off her feet.He placed a kiss to her cleavage, her navels, tummy and then to her lips before inserting a finger inside her h*neypot.

"Fred!!" She grabbed his shirt and Freddie stopped.

"Should I stop?"

"No" She replied.

"Ouch.. Babe!" Leah screamed out as he slammed his finger into her again.

"I'm going in now.." Freddie said and she didn't bother looking down before nodding.

He locked his lips with hers and thrust into her at once.

"Aaargh.. Babe" Leah moaned out.

Freddie took her hand away and returned to sucking it, slamming deep into her hot pulsating p*ssy again.

"Yes! Yes baby! Yes I love you!" She screamed, feeling so hot and warm at the same time. He began drilling her really fast.

Freddie kissed her lips and she responded to the kiss hungrily.

"Fred....I love you!!!!!" She screamed out.

"I love you more... Babe!!!"


Leah eyes parted and she sat up on the bed, looking around,Freddie is no where to be found.

She pouted and stretched tiredly,last night it's was as if they had a marathon s*x,they didn't stop untill 5 in the morning,she could still feel the pain between her legs but it's worth it.

She crawled off the bed and head downstairs,she met Freddie in the kitchen, preparing breakfast already.

She walk quietly to him and hug him from behind.

"You're awake" Freddie turned to her and cupped her cheek.

"Why do you leave me alone? I was so scared when I couldn't find you by my side.." Leah pouted.

Freddie chuckled.

"You didn't have anything last night so I thought you'll be starving, I'm sorry" He said hugging her waist.

"It's okay,what are you preparing?" She switched position with him.

"Your favorite..." He whispered and Lead giggles.

He kissed her nose lightly, then he stole a kiss from her lips.

"You surely know me well!" She made to kiss him again but the door bell suddenly rang interrupting them.

"Are you expecting someone?" Leah left his side,heading to the door. Immediately she saw who it is,her eyes widened.

"F**k! Why are you here?!!" Emma hissed and pushed her out of her way,and walked in.

Leah turned to Freddie,who was also looking surprised.

"Whoa! What a small world... I'm only here to give you this welcome basket as your new neighbor,I never expect you to live here" Emma exclaimed excitedly.

"Even better,I guess we'll be seeing each other more often from now on" Emma smirked and shot Leah a glare before walking out.

"I thought you said you don't know who your new neighbor is,How come?" Leah faced Freddie,her voice clearly showing that she's a angry.

"I'm serious,she just moved in last night and I'm just seeing she's Emma-"

"You even knew her name already!" Leah cut him off.

"Com'on babe,she's our course mate! I didn't just know her name because I want to-"

"You're raising your voice at me now..." Leah frowned.

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay" She replied and look up.

"The food is already-"

"I'm not hungry! Call your Emma and eat with her" She hissed and headed upstairs, slamming the door behind her loudly.

Freddie sighed.


It's was unusual for Lavender to met both Mr DiCaprio and Michelle's mom at home but it's happened today.

As soon as she stepped into the house,she met them eating like one big happy family at the dinner table with Michelle.

Still,it's didn't bother her,she did her best to ignore them and start making her way to her room but her dad voice suddenly sounded.

"How dare you just walk pass us as if we're non existing? Are you crazy?!!!'" He growled but Lavender didn't stopped.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear Dad is talking to you?!!" Michelle stood up and grabbed her.

"What right do you have to tell me what to do?" Lavender hissed and threw her hands off.

"AARGH!" Michelle faked a winced and Gladys stood up immediately.

"How dare you lay your filthy hands on my precious baby?" She raised her hand to slap Lavender but she caught it.

"I'm no longer the kid you slap as you want! You both suck! All of you!!" She yelled and a hot slap from Mr DiCaprio landed on her cheek.

"Never in your life should you refer to my family that manner,you this ungrateful b*tch!" He shouted.

"Dad?" Lavender called in tears.

"I'm not your f*cking Dad! I only have one daughter and that's Michelle,you should stop bothering me and go meet your mom already-"

"What?" Lavender eyes widened.

"You heard him right? You're not needed here.. You should just leave us alone!" Michelle sticked out her tongue to her.

Lavender sniffed and stormed into her room in tears,she rushed in and squatted on the floor,crying like a baby.



Reed's car stopped in front of the mansion and he went in,he actually came to pack some few things he left behind,he already made up his mind to leave the mansion completely.

He was about to entered the living room when a maid block him.

"You can't go in" She said politely.

"What?" Reed chuckled.

"It's ma'am order" The maid replied.

"The last time I checked,this is dad's property and automatically mine!" He said but the maid insisted.

An idea suddenly popped on his head.

"One night stand with me if only you would allow me in" He smirked and the maids face brighten immediately.

"Here sir" She gestured him to go in.

Reed shooked his head and entered,but what she met shocked him. He wasn't really shocked cos he knew his mom's job from the start as a porn star but this...

Lauren was filming a porn movie in the living room with three different guys who seemed his age, and the room was filled with almost 30 people, It's practically like a movie house.

The guys was s*xing her mercilessly with the camera recording.

"What the f*ck is going on here?!!" He yelled and the guys pulled out of her at once.

Lauren didn't bother to cover up her nakedness before walking up to him.

"What are you doing here? How did you get in?" She asked him.

"I ask a f*cking question mum, what the hell is happening? Are you crazy? What is the meaning of the rubbish? Have you no shame at all? Why are you embarrassing dad and I? Why? Why mum? You're disgracing me...." Reed yelled angrily and Lauren slapped him hard across his face.

👥 Gasps...

"If you can't take it then leave,I never ask you to come here!! Get the f*ck out!" Lauren shouted back.


"Get out Reed! Before I loose it.. Get out of my live! If you're so ashamed of me then you should stop considering me as your mum @sshole..." Lauren snapped and pushed him out.

Reed walked out of the mansion, his head spinning. He couldn't believe all what he had seen,and why does her words hurts like hell when they have never really cared about each other.

It was like a punch to the gut, and he felt like he couldn't breathe.

The rain was already pouring as he stepped out into the street, but he didn't even notice. His mind was filled up with his dad,he would never forget the day he died because he had a heart attack after founding out his mom job.

He started walking down the street, not caring where he was going.He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice the maid he met earlier running after him. She caught up to him, grabbing his arm.

That was when he turned and discover he was already dripping from head to toe.

"You need an umbrella or you might get sick" the maid said, trying to catch her breath.

Reed just brushed her off, pulling his arm away. He kept walking, his shoes splashing in the puddles on the sidewalk.

The rain was coming down harder now, and he could feel it soaking through his clothes. He didn't care.


Carly was doing videos on her phone in the living room,she was bored as f*ck,so she decided to do something to kill it.

She's actually a great dancer since she was a kid,she won a lot of medals and award during highschool but her dad was against her dream of becoming a dancer so she quit.

She was only In a sport bra and elastic bum short,since no one was around expect the maids.

She pulled out her headphones and sat on the couch to check her videos out but none of it suited her taste maybe because it's been long she dance.

"Let's try again!" She said to herself and stood returning her phone back to the tripod stand,she stepped backward and made to start dancing when she heard the doorbell rings.

Carly  frowned, wondering who could possibly be at the door at this hour. She hesitated but She opened the door anyway, and her eyes widened in surprise.

There was Reed, dripping wet from the rain, looking a little dazed. He looked up at her, and she could see that he was shivering.


Before Carly could finish her sentence, Reed stepped inside and pulled her into a tight embrace.

She could feel his cold, wet clothes against her skin, and she shivered. He pressed her back against the wall,his hands holding her close. Carly was taken aback, and could feel her heart was racing

"What are you doing?" You're all wet!" She muttered, her voice shaky

Reed didn't say anything, but his gaze was intense, and he didn't let go of her.


He broke the hug but the next thing he did shocked her to the bone,his placed his hand on her waist pulling her closer with it,he slammed his lips on hers hungrily.

Carly eyes widened.

What's happening? Did Reed just kissed her or she's dreaming?

Reed just kissed her!

No,he's still kissing her.

And the craziest part is she wasn't responding to the kiss but he cared less,all he knows is he had to kiss her tonight or he might just explode before the morning.

Hunger,thirst and quest lived between the kiss,it's was as if he wanted to take the pain he was feeling with it,the fast pace was unexplainable and hot.

No,he was eating up her up that she could hardly breath anymore.

"Reed! Reed wait! Reed!" Carly tried to broke the kiss but he didn't give her the chance,he was already out of this planets and this period,all that matters is her lips.


He knows he was forcing things but his emotions already took the best of him,he was not ready let go or break the kiss rather he lifted her up from the ground and wrapped her legs around his waist,still devouring her hungrily.