The Fall


He knows he was forcing things but his emotions already took the best of him,he was not ready let go or break the kiss rather he lifted her up from the ground and wrapped her legs around his waist,still devouring her hungrily.

"Reed...." Carly use all her strength to released herself from him,and Reed fall on the couch,he shut her eyes and sleep off.

She looked at him and rubbed her lips immediately,she could still taste his siliva in her mouth.

She ran upstairs to her room,to wash her face. Once she's done,she came back downstairs,she was already wearing her pjamas.

Reed was still on the couch,she turned to the wall clock and gasped.

"10:30! Don't tell me-" She rushed over to him and squatted beside him, tapping him lightly.

"Hey,wake up.. Reed!" She called as she tried to wake him up but he didn't bulge.

He was still dripping and shivering from the cold and strangely she was worried.

She bit her lips and grabbed his arm,throwing it over her shoulder.. She lift him up to his feet,then she began taking him upstairs.

It was hard but she got him to her room anyway,she couldn't take him to the guest room or she'll surely land in trouble if Mona found out.

Carly placed him on the bed and sat next to him and touched his forehead,he was still cold and it's can only be reduced if she took off his clothes.

How is she supposed to do that?!

But she don't want him to die of cold.

"I can do this" She muttered as she knelt beside him,she dipped her hand under his wet shirt and slowly raised it above his head,she blinked as his bare and broad chest came to few.

Anything apart from being Perfect?

From his six packs to his s*xy and tempting abs. No wonder the girls are dying to have him. She thought returning her gaze to his face.

The fact that he still look so much handsome and hot,while his eyes are closed is unbelievable.

Now that she's done taking off the shirt,what about the his trouser?

She took a deep and began unhooking his trouser,doing her best to keep a straight face as she did.

She finished doing that and swallowed hard as she made to pulled it down..

"No! I can't do this! I can't! I just can't! What would he think of me when wake up! No!" She screamed and get off the bed quickly.

"I really can't" She shooked her head and covered him with a duvets. She gave him one last look before walking out of the room.


Felix was the first to opened his eyes, immediately he saw Ava he palmed his face in anger.

How did she even end up coming home with him and worse they f*cked.

He made to get off the bed but Ava opened her eyes that moment and thier eyes met.

"Good morning..." She smiled and hugged him but Felix pushed her off.

"Get out!" He said huskily and Ava's eyes widened.


"F*cking get out b*tch!" He growled and Ava spranged up in fear. She claimed off the bed,and pack her clothes.

"Felix..." She called when she was done wearing her clothes.

"Get out of my sight!!!" He yelled and Ava stormed out in a rush.

"I'll surely get you again" Ava thought as she left.

"What have I done? You're such a fool Felix!!" Felix ruffled his hair frustratedly.


Reed slowly opened his eyes and sat up.

He looked around to see everywhere pink and girly,he knew immediately that he's not in his condo.

He raised the duvet off him and his eyes widened when he saw that his clothes were already changed,his shirt and trouser.

He was still trying to recall what happened last night when the door opened and Carly came in.

"You're awake" Carly said and Reed eyes widened when he saw her,the memories of what happened last night came flooding back.

How he senselessly kissed her last night without her consent.

"Are you okay now?" Carly asked and he looks up at her.

He slowly nodded avoiding her eyes.

"I'm sorry for last night... for kissing you,I really wasn't thinking-"

"It's okay,I understand" She gave a smile.

Reed continue staring at her,did she just said it's okay for him to kiss her. She wasn't angry with him?

"You should wash up and come down..."She stood to leave but Reed pulled her back.


"What?" Carly blinked.

"Did you take off my clothes last night?"

"Of course,you were cold and-"

"F*ck! That means you saw it already.. Mind rating it from 1-10?" Reed smirked proudly.

"-0.5" Carly replied.


"It's not even close to what I expected? What are you so proud of huh?" She rolled her eyes.

Reed eyes widened staring down his short as if to confirm,he returned his face to her.

"Say that again" He moved closer.

"I said what I said-" Carly blinked.

"So I didn't meet your expectation,how about you confirm yourself..." He smirked and grabbed her.

"I was only kidding! I didn't even take it off,the guard did" She immediately said and Reed released her.


"Yh,the guard is a guy.. You don't mind right?" She asked.

"Why would you let a guard do that-"

"So you prefer me?" Carly replied.

"Of course.. To a mere guard" Reed pouted.

Carly shooked her head.

"I'll wait downstairs..." She said and went out.

Reed's eyes followed her and he let out a releave still surprised she isn't mad for what he did.


"Bye!!!" Becca waved and Mrs Acosta kissed her forehead.

"Take care of yourself! And don't stay up late waiting for me!" Mrs Acosta said. H is. H

"But mum-'

"Do as i say,it's bad for your health and make sure to keep watch on your new tutor because of your brother okay?" Mrs Acosta whispered and Becca nodded with a assuring smile.

Mrs Acosta then left afterwards.

Becca turned to go back to her room but Alex blocked her way.

"When is your new tutor coming?" He asked and she raised her brows.

"I dunno...." She replied him.

"Com'on Becca, I'm tell me is she pretty?" Alex squatted in front her

"Not at all. She's totally ugly.. Not your type of a girl" She answered.

"How come you know my type of a girl?"

"Of course I'm your sister,trust me you wouldn't like her at all..." Becca grinned.

"Okay.. But still you've to inform me when she arrived.." Alex said and stood up to his feet.

Becca nodded and Alex rough her hair playfully,he went to the kitchen and got himself a drink before heading back to his room.

Becca didn't bother returning back to her room, she sat on the couch waiting for her new tutor.

After few minutes of waiting,the doorbell rings and she stood up to get it.

"Hello,you must be Becca! I'm Tasha by the way" Tasha waved jovially and Becca stepped aside for her to come in. This whole time,she was staring at her face and body.

She's totally her brother's type,her pretty face and her backside says it all.

"Hi,nice to meet you...." She replied politely.

"You're so pretty and I hope we get along really well" Tasha smiled as they both sat on the couch.

"Me too,Aunt...Can you do something for me first?" Becca suddenly asked

"Anything for you my darling"

"You'll be meeting my crazy brother anytime from now,once he ask for your name.. Just tell him you've HIV or any deadly disease that came to your mind..."

Tasha eyes budge. "What?"

"I'm only looking out for you,you won't be able to resist my brother once you see him.. Can you do that for me?" She pouted and the lady just stared at her.

Just then, Alex appeared.

"Who's this angel we got here? What's your name?" He asked and gave a charming smile.

"I've HIV!" Tasha found herself spilling out loudly immediately.

"What? H....I..... what?" Alex eyes widened.

"Yh right, I forget to include she told mom about it already" Becca chirped in.

Alex spanged up at once.

"Thank you so much for saving my precious life.. Mummy!!!!" He ran off to his room immediately.

"Why do you ask me to do that?" Tasha faced Becca.

"You don't have to worry but you did great... High five!" She raised her hand up and the Tasha raised hers too.

"I love you already" Becca smiled and Tasha gave her a confused look.


Mona finished arranging her stuff in her room and stepped out of her room,to enjoy the cool breeze outside.

She's actually at a resort,enjoying her life.

As she sat enjoying the air,she suddenly spotted a familiar face and she made to look away but the person already saw her.

"Mona" The Man who seems in his late 50s rushed to her and Mona gave him an unfriendly look.

"What do you want?" She asked meanly.

"About our daughter, How's Carly doing? Is she okay? Or is she here with you?" He asked looking around

"And why will I brought her here? So everyone can know I have a daughter-"

"You're still ashamed of our daughter,it's been 19 years Mona.. I know It's hurt when you found it you're pregnant with her but my poor baby is innocent,and she's always longed for a motherly love.. Show her one-"

"And you? Do you even care about her too? You've never even called or texted her since she get to me. What kind of a father are you?" Mona hissed

"I was busy,did Carly told you that?"

"Of course not! I'm not stupid not to notice" Mona rolled her eyes.

"You really cared about her-"

"I never said I don't, the problem I have with her is she remind me of you whenever I looked at her face. If only she had look like me and not you, I'll have get over the pain but that's not the case. This conversation is pointless anyway,I've to go" She turned and walked away.


Carly was already late for class. Once she came down from the cab she took here,she hurriedly payed the driver and ran off.

She walked through the hallway quitely wishing the lecturer shouldn't be in class before her. Her phone suddenly buzzed and she brought it out to check who the text's from.

Her eyes widened when she saw the caller ID saved with Dad.


"Dad?" She called emotionally and made to type a reply but she suddenly tripped on something and she fell down heavily,hurting her kneel in the process.

"Hahahahaha!!" Michelle and her friends laughed mockingly.

Carly looked up with teary eyes.

"OMG! The cute baby is gonna cry anytime soon.. Does it hurt? Huh?" Michelle yelled and squatted in her front.

"Or you want me to add more?" She smirked and grabbed her hair.

"Let me go!!!" Carly cried as both Emma and Scarlet pinned her down,making it impossible for her to retaliate.

"Let you go?! After what you did to me b*tch! How dare you ruined my chance of getting kissed by Reed? How f*cing dare you!!" Michelle shouted madly.

"Let me go please!" Carly struggled as Michelle pulled her hair even more.

"Only on one condition.." She smirked.

Carly said nothing.

"Are you going to do it or not?" She yelled and Carly nodded fearfully.

"I'll do it" She bit her lips.

"I see you became close with Reed,that's only the limit.. Friends! Don't you ever think of getting intimate or else I'll kill you. Understand?!!"

Carly nodded.

"Now what you have to do for me is you've to go to him and tell him to kiss me.. Don't even think of trying nonsense cos I'll be watching.." She shrieked and Carly nodded.

She released her and her friends pulled her up.

"Now lead the way!" Michelle ordered and Carly immediately began walking while they stood some meter away from her so Reed wouldn't see them.

Carly was almost getting to the P3 LOUNGE when he saw Reed coming out. She quickly cleaned her tears and rushed to him.

"Carly..." Reed called surprisedly and smile.

Carly said nothing.

"Are you okay?" He asked when he noticed the unease tension within her. He made to touch her but she stepped back.

Carly turned back and see Michelle and her friends watching them from afar.

"Can you do something for me?" She muttered and sucked on her lower lips nervously.

"Of course, anything.." Reed smiled.

"Can you kiss-" She shut her eyes and bit her lips again. Why does she find it hard to make the request,now like she cared or something.

What's wrong with her??

Reed only stared at her confusedly.

Seeing Michelle getting near,Carly moved closer to Reed and hunged her hands around his neck.

Reed only stared at her confusedly, wondering what she's up to.

Then she spoke.

"Kiss me...." She whispered and Reed eyes widened,he refused to make a move and Michelle is almost getting to them.

Carly quickly stood on her toes and pressed her lips on Reed's.

As if planned,Reed didn't waste any time,he held her waist firmly and began kissing her back.

Michelle was already frozen on a spot as she behold the scene,the kiss she has been longing for... For years, he's giving it to her.

Just like that?

Tears rolled down her cheek on its own accord and her hand was already shaking on the rails,but she lost her balance when she couldn't take it anymore.

Michelle began falling from the stairs till she met with the ground,she passed out immediately.

"Michelle!!!!!!" Emma and Scarlet rushed to her.