Her Pains

"Michelle!!!!!" Scarlet and Emma rushed to Michelle immediately,they both carried her and left the place without a word.

Meanwhile,Carly opened her eyes and saw that Michelle was gone,she slowly pulled away from the kiss and stepped back.

She turned and with a swifty move,she immediately took to her heels.

"Carly..."He called but she didn't wait.

Carly exhaled as she began walking to class,her mind not getting off the kiss. What if Michelle and her friends and her friends appeared and bullied her more for what she did.

Suddenly,she began hearing murmuring from the start students as she walked and she looked up to see almost everyone staring at her.

Even before she got to class millions of hateful glares were already piercing on her body and she didn't understand why?

She held her book tightly to herself as she heard them whispered a mong themselves.

Who did she think she is really?

I hate her guts.

The students murmured among themselves.

She never understand what exactly she did wrong until she got to class and the glares doubled. They seem to be watching something on thier phones and this time she heard thier murmurs.

How dare she?

With those filthy lips of hers?

I've never liked her since day one and I hate her more now!

Me too.

She's not even s*xy,I bet she seduced him.

So cheap, I'm sure he f*cked her already.

He pay her I guess!!!

She must be feeling on top of the world right now!!!

Carly stood on a spot not knowing how to move with all these meanful glares on her,tears was already filling her eyes but she controlled herself.

If there's anything she hates so much, that's being the tool of mockery and she didn't even know what she did wrong.

"Carly!" Leah suddenly pulled her away from the front of the class.

She made her seat at the far end of the class,and Carly's eyes darted between her and Lavender,wishing they could just tell her what's wrong already.

"Is this true?" Lavender asked showing her a video on her phone.

Carly's eyes widened and she blinked at once.

It's a video of her kissing Reed just now,and worse the poster made it seems like she forcefully kissed him,and the part where Reed responded was cut out too.

"You really kissed Reed? For real!" Leah gasped.


Michelle was being brought in by Scarlet and Emma and she was already treated but still unconscious.

Emma and Scarlet stood by the door watching the video too.

"Michelle must have freaked out when she saw this.. No wonder she fainted" Scarlet laughed and Emma looked up from her phone.

"Is this funny?" She asked with a glare.

"Maybe.. And I never ask you to laugh" Scarlet rolled her eyes.

"Whatever,but whoever posted this is surely gonna get it from Michelle once she wakes up" Emma said but her eyes suddenly caught a Freddie coming.

She quickly pulled up her skirt making it extremely short and exposing,she unbolting her shirt too. Since she's not wearing a bra,her b**bs were showing.

"Freddie!" She smiled when she got to him.

Freddie who seems to be busy texting someone on his phone looked up a frown settled on his face immediately he saw her.

"What do you want from me again? Haven't you done enough-"

"Enough? That's not in my dictionary and you guys still haven't break up yet so expect more"

Freddie raised his eyebrows.

"By the time I'm done with her, you'll hardly recognize who she is" Emma smirked evilly.

"Don't you dare try to hurt my girlfriend. I'm warning you.. And f**king stay away from me too.."

"That's never gonna happen,you're stucked and once I'm determined to get something I'll surely get. Tell your jealous freak girlfriend to prepare herself" She whispered and smirk before walking away.

Freddie resumed walking.

Emma turned to stare at him and she was already feeling damp wet between her legs mere staring at him.

"I won't stop until you're mine Freddie! I bets his d*ck is as long as he his.. I can't wait to get hold of that too" She smiled dreamingly.


The video was still trending all over the campus.

Kylan just got to class and the first thing he heard was students gossiping about the video of Reed kissing a girl.

He immediately became alarmed, something just told him he has to check the video, he's not the type that is interested in what's trending in the school but this.

Immediately he clicked on the video and saw it's Carly,his heart shattered and he had to stop watching when he couldn't take it anymore.

He stood up and left the class.

"I know right! I hope her face is badly ruined before the end of today! Stupid b*tch!!" Ava laughed with JoAnn as they both made to enter the lecture hall but Kylan suddenly grabbed Ava and began taking her to where no one knows.

"Ava!" JoAnn went after them but she lost them.

"Let me go! You're hurting me!" Ava struggles from Kylan's grip but it's as if he didn't hear cos he never did until he got to secret area.

Kylan suddenly grabbed her shoulders and pushed her to the wall.

"Delete those sh!tty videos right now!" He ordered his face ranging with anger.

"Why would I-"

"F*cking delete it before I get more mad! You surely won't like the other side of me!!" He yelled and Ava swallowed hard.

This is the first time she would ever witness his anger and it's scary.

"I-I'm not deleting any video,so do you worst!" She hissed and Kylan raised his fist up to her face as if to hit her.

Ava flinched.

"Are you going to hit your own sister because of that b*tch! Com'on! Hit me all you want,you can't tell me what to do" She made to leave but Kylan pulled her back and snatched her phone from her.

"Give it back! Don't you dare delete the video or this is just the start" She kept on jumping to reached his hand but she it was pointless cos he's way taller than her.

Kylan threw the phone back to her after deleting the video.

"Are you crazy?" Ava gasped in disbelief. She bent down to pick up the broken phone. The screen was already cracked, and she could see the damage spreading across the display.

"This is my last warning dear twin sister... You'll really get it from me the next time you tried to hurt that girl!" Kylan jeered and walk away.

"I'm never gonna stop.. This is just the beginning of her suffering!" Ava smirked with determination in her eyes.


Carly sniffed in tears as she made her way out of the restroom after washing her face but it's seems pointless cos the tears kept coming.

She saw students filled up at the entrance and she immediately turned and rushed back in.

She totally regret what she did. What came over her? Why did she even tried such in school.

She stared at herself in the mirror and replayed the kiss in her head again. Was she really being a slut by kissing him?

What kind of girl kiss a guy first? And they are not even dating.

But he didn't ask her before kissing her first too. Why's everyone blaming her alone.

Her phone suddenly beeped from her pocket and she brought it out to check.



She read and immediately text a reply.

*I'M OKAY* She sent and return her phone to her pocket.

As Carly made to leave the restroom,she was confronted by a group of tall and huge girls, blocking her path.

She was immediately intimidated by their imposing stature,and felt her heart begin to race. They were all glaring at her, with looks of disapproval on their faces.

"What do you want?" Carly asked, trying to sound tough. But her voice came out small and shaky.

The girls exchanged glances, then the one in the front stepped forward, a smug smile on her face.

"You must be Carly! The famous girl who stole our knights first kiss" She smirked and the rest of the girls broke into laughter.

Carly swallowed hard,she knew what she got herself into so she expects this anyway.

"I.... I...." She stammered in fear and began shrinking backward.

"Grab her!" The girl ordered and girl immediately charged towards Carly. Two of them grabbed her hands.

"Let me go please-"

The bathroom door suddenly burst open. Carly looked up in surprise,and saw Kylan standing there,his eyes blazing with fury.

"Let her go right now!!!" Kylan ordered, stepping between Carly and the girls.

The girls backed away, looking cowed by his anger. Carly felt her knees go weak with relief as they released her.

"You're really lucky this time.. Let's go girls!!" The girls hissed and left.

"Are you okay?"Kylan asked worriedly as he rushed to Carly.

Carly shooked her head as no word came out of her mouth. She was looking weak and tired.

Kylan bent and immediately carried her in a bridal style and left the restroom.

He took her to the computer lab and dropped her on the table.

"I'm sorry for coming late" He muttered and Carly just stared at him. She could see in his eyes that he's hurt by the kiss too but he's trying his best not to ask.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" He turned to her face and Carly nodded like an obedient kid.


Carly raised her skirt up a bit and Kylan gasped when he saw her ankle all swollen and red, covered in bruises.

"Wait here!"

He left the class,he came back with a small first aid kits. He gently lifted her leg onto a chair and began cleaning the wound on her ankle.

"Kylan...." she called in a whisper, but no answer came from him, he just kept wiping.

"Kylan" she called again, and he stopped wiping to look into her eyes.

"I'm sorry for kissing him" She said gently, and he sighed.

"I'm not mad cos of that..." He said and her eyes widened.

"I'm mad for the fact that I wasn't there and allow them to bully and hurt you this way..."

Carly swallowed.

"Do you like him?" He suddenly ask.


"I mean Reed?"

Carly said nothing and he look up.

"N...No!" She sputtered without thinking.

"I think it would be best if you stayed away from him...." Kylan paused when he saw her expression changed.


"I'll try" She cut in and he smiled.

He finished wiping and bandaged it,then she covered the place up.

"All done" Kylan muttered and dropped her.

"Thank you" Carly smiled.

"My pleasure.. Are you done for the day?" He asked.

"No,but I wanna go home..."

"Let's go then" he held her hand and Carly blinked surprisedly but she didn't say a word. They both left the lab.


Violet bit her lips nervously as she stared at the big mansion in front of her.

Simon didn't show up in school today and she decided to check up on him. She knows very well he would do the same for her if she's absent too.

She took a deep breath and entered the house,she didn't have any problem getting in since the guards and maid all knew her.

She ran into Miranda immediately she entered the living room,she was preparing to leave the house.

"Oh my goodness! Violet is that you?" Miranda gushed and cupped her cheeks.

"Good evening ma'am" Violet replied politely.

"No need to be too formal,this isn't your first time here.. You've truly changed a lot,still cute and adorable" Miranda complemented.

"Thanks ma'am!" Violet smirked.

"And your dad?" Miranda asked.

"He's okay,he extend his greetings!" Violet replied.

"Send mine too! Too bad I've to be somewhere.. We could have catch up! Make sure you drop by with Simon anytime you're free okay?" Miranda said and Violet nodded looking around.

"He's in his room.. You still know where it is right?"

Violet nodded.

"Great.. I've to go now. Take care of yourself!" Miranda winked and left.

Violet made her way upstairs,fo Simon's room. She got to the door and gently placed a knock on the door.

"Come in! The door is not locked" She heard Simon's voice from inside and she walked in.

Simon who was working on his laptop looked up and saw her.

"Violet?" Simon called surprisedly and rushed to her.

"Hi!" Violet waved nervously, not knowing how to act.

Simon pulled her to sit.

"Are you here because you miss me?" He grinned and Violet looked down. She wouldn't deny she missed seeing his face in school and there was no one there to disturb her.

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

"I didn't miss you! I'm here because Dad ask for you and-"

"How did he know I'm absent in school?" Simon smirked.

"I-I rea...lly.. didn't... I-" She stuttered and bit her lips.

"Why are you so cute?" He smiled widely staring at her.


"Let's date" He blurted out and Violet swallowed hard.


Simon held her hand.

"No but.. Don't sacrifice your happiness cos you want to please anyway.. Listen! I really like you a lot. I've been meaning to tell you since we were kids but I was too afraid-"


She remembered Scarlet's words.

"I'm sorry....." She muttered slowly.

"It's okay.. I won't stop until I win you over" He smiled and cupped her cheek.

Violet smiled.

"Are you hungry?" Simon added.

"No.. I ate before coming here" Violet replied.


Reed's eyes fluttered open and looked around shocked. The sky had darkened,the sun had already set. He had no idea how much time had passed since he had fallen asleep.

He came here directly after the kiss and he hasn't stepped out since then. He had been sleeping.

He blinked away the sleepiness,and sat up.

Reed stood up from the bed, and walked out of the room,he head to the kitchen and walk over to the fridge where he grabbed a can of soda.

He opened it and poured a large amount in his mouth. His phone buzzed loudly on the countertop.

He set the drink down and picked up his phone. It's actually a text from Alex.


Reed's eyes widened when he clicked on the video Alex sent with the text.

He fumbled the drink, spilling it all over himself. He knew for sure the video will be all over SHC.

Meaning? He got her into trouble and he wasn't even there to defend her.

*How they bullied the poor girl because of you*

Reed stared at the phone, his mind racing. He immediately dailed her number but she didn't picked,he did that for minutes but still nothing.

He texted her too but she didn't reply. He knew he's in for trouble.

"Sh!t!" He grabbed his car key and left the place hurriedly.

He got to her house in less than 5 minutes cos he literally drove thier in full speed. Fortunately for him,the maid were around to open the door for him.

"Can I speak with Carly for a few-" He paused when he saw her coming out of her room.

The maid immediately bowed and went back to thier post.

"What are you doing here?" Carly asked coldly.

"I'm sorry-"

"Leave! I don't want to talk to you.." Carly cut him off.

"It's all my fault! I'm sorry for hurting you,for causing you pain and for not being there when you need me.. I promise to always protect you from now on. Just please,forgive me!!"

"Why would you do that?" She raised her brows.

"Because I feel more pains when you do" Reed said and Carly's eyes widened.