
"Why would you do that?"

"Because I feel the pain when you're hurt more than you do." Reed replied passionately.

Carly blinked.. She could swear that she felt something moved in her.

"Please.. Let me Carly" He made puppy eyes and Carly couldn't hold her laughter.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" Reed immediately asked.

"You didn't offend me,it's my fault anyway" She muttered crossing her arms.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you anywhere-"

"It's too late. Someone already took care of it" She rolled her eyes as if she was still annoyed with him.

He went to grabbed her hand and before she could say another word,he carried her and dropped her on a table he found,staring directly into her eyes .

"Where? Can I see?" He asked she touched the particular spot since it's was exposing anyway,she's only wearing a bumshort and a top.

Reed clenched his fist.

"Is this Michelle's doing? Or Ava? Which of them?" He asked at once.

Carly shooked her head. "I don't know who they are"

Reed's eyes went to the plastered on her ankle again and he let out a scoff seeing a small heart shape on it.


"Nothing.. Are you hurt anywhere else? Tell me...." He said

"That's all." Carly replied and he nodded in affirmation.

"Aren't you disappointed it's not me who did this for you?" He suddenly asked and Carly swiftly turned to him. "Not at all"

"Have you eaten?" Reed asked changing the topic.


"I want to make it up to you.. Eat with me" He chortled and Carly turned to the wall clock.

"It's late-"

"Please,Just an hour..."

She gave it a thought for a while before speaking.

"Fine.. But I can't go with this. Wait here.." She made to get down but he grabs her first and drop her.

"Thank you" She smiled and quickly rushed to her room. Reed sat on the couch as he waited for her.

Carly came back after putting on a casual outfits. They both left the house and Reed drove to the nearest restaurants where they got a perfect spot to sit.

"What do you want? I'm eating anything you want" Reed said and look up.

"Anything" She gave a short smile.

Reed called the attention of the waiter and gave him thier orders. Soon,the waiter returned with thier food.

Carly didn't even bother hiding the hunger she's feeling,she began eating immediately and Reed watch with keen interest. She was already bothered of what she's gonna eat if he didn't show up.

"Am I being too fast?" She asked and dropped the fork.

"No. This is just the first time I'm seeing a girl who looks even more cute while eating" Reed replied and Carly mouth formed an 'O'

She cut the gaze and continue eating,but she slow down this time.

Reed crossed his arms and even stared at her more.

She couldn't help but blush,his gaze was just too intense for her to keep pretending not to see him.

"Which one taste better? My lips or the food?" Reed suddenly ask and Carly looked up.


"They can't possibly taste the same. Do you enjoy the my lips more or the food?" He repeated the question.

"The food" She replied.

"Who's the best kisser between I and Kylan?" He added.

She only stared at him,wondering how he knew he kissed Kylan.

"I don't know.. I'm full,I wanna go home" She immediately stood and walk out of the restaurant.

Reed paid for the food before going after her,she met him waiting by his car.

"Are you angry?" He asked when he got to her.

Carly shooked her head.

"The place suddenly feels hot. Take me home,it's late already" She pouted and he opened the car door for her to got in.

He also went to the driver seats and drove off. Soon his car halted in front of Carly's house and she got down.

"Thanks for tonight.. Goodnight!!" She waved and ran into the house.

She got back to her room and fell on her bed,shutting her eyes with a smile playing on her lips.


Alex is not the type that comes home regularly but since Tasha became Becca's tutor. He became an homie.

He was currently in his room,s*x chatting a b*th he's meeting up with tonight but she turned him down and he's already sweating so hard already.

He groaned and dropped his phone,he left the room and headed downstairs where he met Becca writing alone.

He looked around but Tasha was no where. Becca didn't even notice him cos she was way too engrossed in what she's doing.

He head to the kitchen and met Tasha trying to opened a bottled water,she seemed to be struggling with it.

"Let me help" He smiled and took the the water from her.

Tasha watch as he opened it and hand it back to her.

"Thank you" Tasha smiled and drank from it,Alex staring at her the whole time but when he recall she had *HIV*

He began to wonder how a cute and innocent lady could have contract such,she don't look like a slût or so.

"Excuse me.." He suddenly hear her spoke and he snapped back to reality.He was actually blocking his way.

"Oh.." He made to stepped aside but stop and held her. Tasha's eyes widened.

"What's your name?" He asked charmingly.

She blinked and when she opened her mouth to talk,Becca rushed in.

"Aunt!" She called and immediately went to grab her from Alex.

"It's getting late.. You still have to check my workings out" She said and began taking her out.

Alex turned and stared at her till they left the kitchen. Then he smiled widely,no doubt she's type.

She's endowed with both b**bs and @ss,most especially her @ss and she's pretty too.

"Told you to don't let my brother get close.. I'm only looking out for you!" Becca released Tasha's hand as they to the living room.

"Is he bad-"

"Obviously.. He's a player" Becca replied.



Leah hissed for the upteenth time as she checked her phone nonstop. No calls or text from Freddie and they didn't speak to each other.

She kept on staring at the phone hoping a text from him will just pooped up but nothing came.

"I hate this.. Why am I the only one feeling this way? Did he even love me at all?" She hissed and threw the phone aside and leave the room.

She met her mom watching a TV series in the living room and she went to sat next to her.

Her mom was laughing the whole time but nothing seems to pleased her. She kept frowning and her mom suddenly noticed it.

"You had a couple fight again? I know that's the only thing that can make you Moody?" Mrs Howard asked

"No mum,I'm just tired..." Leah forced a smile.

"I believe you.. That reminds me. Joan and Carl are returning to England tomorrow...."

"What?" Leah spranged up.

"What's the problem? You really have to try your best to get along with those two even if they're annoying.. They are your cousins-"

"So what mum? Why do they have to return? I hate the f**k" Leah hissed and sat back.

"And we're attending thier welcome party.. It's tomorrow-"

"I've class mumu" Leah cuts in.

"Since when did you care about not missing a class. We're attending the party Leah.. You can catch up with class from your boyfriend-"

"I'm not attending that party mum.. You can't force me to do what I don't want" Leah stood and head to her room.



BWL ENTERTAINMENT is the most popular p*rn film industry.

t's Lauren Knight!!!

OMG did she did another surgery?

Why's her @ss bigger than the it is in the movie she released yesterday?

I agree with you,I wish I can touch them.

Lauren shamelessly blew them a kiss and wave as they complement her,feeling herself in what she's putting on.

It's f*cking exposing and disgracing but she cared less,as long as it's gain her more fame and money.

Her smile suddenly fell when she got to the lobby and met Maureen having a fan sign meeting with her fans,she just finished giving one her autograph and as Laurens watch as they too pictures next,her blood boils.

They are both the biggest and famous p*rn stars in the industries and of course enemies. They both hates each other so much.

"What the h*ll is going on here?" Lauren hissed and Maureen looked up,and immediately thier gaze meet she hissed and rolled her eyes too.

Lauren folded her fist jealously.

The man Maureen was taking pictures with suddenly left her side and walk up to Lauren.

"You seems more interesting to stare at.. I bets your whole body is as interesting? One night stand for 50million dollars,what do you say?" The man smirked and palmed her @ss squeezing it right in that spot.

"Of course,, Should we start now?" Lauren replied shamelessly stranding the man.

Maureen walk up to them and push Lauren away from him.

"He ask for my service first b*tch!!" She hissed.

"And he suddenly lost interest.. You're expired products so accept your fate!!" Lauren shot and Maureen's eyes widened.

"What did you say?" She launched forward...


I just knew they would fight...

Another Violence loading....

Just as Maureen was about to get to Lauren,the man stepped in thier middle.

"How about twosome from both of you? What do you think?" The man grinned.


"Finally!!!" Lavender groaned as stretched tiredly as soon as the lecture exist the lecture hall.

Carly chuckled knowing fully who she's imitating.

"I miss her.. Why didn't she come?" She pouted.

"She didn't tell me anything.. You should know Freddie? Where's your Bae-"

Freddie's phone suddenly interrupted and Lavender stopped talking.

"What?!!!" Freddie suddenly screamed loud and ran out of the class immediately.

"Is he okay?" Lavender turned to Simon.

"I don't think so. That dude have so much going on with him but he wouldn't share.. Not even with his girlfriend. I'm tired of asking" Simon replied and Lavender sighed.

"And where on earth is Leah?" She said grabbing her phone.


Freddie got down from his car and began staggering Into his apartment. He's so drunk. How he got home without getting hurt is still surprising.

He made to opened the door but the keys kept slipping out of his hand as a result of the tipsiness.

"D@mn!!" He cussed as he bent to pick the keys but he couldn't locate it.

A hand suddenly helped him picked it up and opened the door,Freddie looked up.. His face unclear. He wasn't seeing a thing.

Emma pulled him into the house and locked the door, without warning she held his shirt and immediately slammed her lips on his,she was taken aback when he reciprocate.

But she was sure it's because he's drunk but who cares. He suddenly broke the kiss.

"Leah....." Freddie held her face.

Emma smirked even more, knowing fully he'll gave in quickly since he mistook her for his girlfriend.

"Yes.. It's me" She pushed him to the couch and went on top. She bent and began kissing him again as her hand travelled to under his shirt impatiently.

She started unblottling it without breaking the kiss. She threw the shirt across the room and placed both her palm on his bare chest.

"F*ck!!" She bit her lips as her whole body screamed in excitement.

She has been longing to have this moment for so long. Mere thinking about it is already getting her d@mn wet.

She was still rubbing his chest when she felt Freddie's phone vibrate from his pocket.

She brought it out and an evil smirked escape on her lips immediately she saw the caller ID. It's Leah!!!

She's actually calling him on video call. She was about to hang up when a mischievous thought popped into her head.

With a sly grin, she set the phone on a nearby table, angling it so that it could capture the entire scene. Then, she answered the call and Leah's face appeared on the screen beaming with a smile but her smile quickly faded as she saw the scene before her.

Her jaw dropped, and her face turned bright red.

There,was Emma kissing her caressing her own Freddie the way she want.

Leah's eyes welled up with tears, and a single drop trickled down her cheek.

"W-what is going on here?" Leah sputtered,the hands trembling on the phone she's holding.

"What do you think? I thought you're gonna give me a hard time getting him but guess what? You made it even more easy.. Now,he's mine" Emma smirked and kiss Freddie again.

Another drop of tears trickled from Leah's face.

"Don't even bother coming cos you won't even get the chance to witness the fun cos I'll be done before you even got here. Finally! I'll be able to get a taste of what you are enjoying alone" Emma began unhooking Freddie's belt and Leah's phone fell from her hand.

"Nooo!!!!" She broke down in tears.