The Pool Kiss


Leah tried to wipe her tears which kept coming as she grabbed her car key hurriedly and left her room.

She suddenly run into Joan who was just coming to her room,she tried to take another path but Joan blocked her.

"Whao! It's been so long I last saw your cries.. I actually forget you are a cry baby" Joan laughed and Leah shot her a glare.

"Out of my way" She spat wanting to leave but Joan blocked her again.

"This is serious.. Are you for real? Okay let's be serious.. Why are you crying?" Joan asked more seriously this time and Leah looked at her.

Should she tell her or not? Why should she even bother telling her? She's running late and Emma might have done the deal before she got there.

"Just let me go" Her voice came out low and Joan held her.

"I know you don't like me, me neither.. But can you tell me why you're crying? Who knows I might have to fight.. I'm really in the mood to throw some punches to someone's child face. Is this about the punk you call a boyfriend-"

"My boyfriend is not a punk" Leah defended.

"So what's the problem? I know he's the only one that can make you cry,"

Leah just stared at her.


Immediately Leah drove into Freddie's compound,Joan was the first to jump down from the car.

"Lead the way" She said to Leah who immediately started walking in.

As Leah and Joan approached the front door, it suddenly swung open, revealing Emma. She was just about to step out when she came face to face with the two of them.

Leah's face became teary immediately,she was hurt to the core.

Joan was standing on a spot looking like a woman on a mission.

"Ouch.. You're late!" Emma smirked making a mockery face.

"Is she the one?" Joan faced Emma, pulling up her sleeves as she stared at Emma.

Leah nodded.

Joan quickly pull the sleeve and marched up to Emma, grabbing her by the arm.

"You little tramp!" Joan spat,her eyes blazing with anger. "How dare you mess with my..."

"Remind me who you're to me?" She turned to Leah who almost laugh out but it's didn't come cos of the situation.

Leah didn't say a word so she turned back to Emma.

"My cousin's boyfriend! F*cking speak up or you want to loose your important part of being a b*tch?"

Emma looked terrified, but before she could say anything, Joan pulled back her fist and punched Emma square in the face.

Emma stumbled backwards, clutching her nose as blood began to gush out. Leah's eyes were wide with shock, and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Joan was normally a hot headed b*tch but she had never seen her so enraged before

Emma staggered to her feet, her eyes filled with tears. She was clearly frightened, and she looked like she was about to cry. But Joan wasn't finished yet.

"You're nothing but a home-wrecking piece of trash!" she yelled, her voice trembling with rage.

"Let me go b*th!" Emma shot wanting to fight back but Joan didn't give her a chance to.

"You don't have to remind me before I know I'm a b*tch. But a bad one" Joan hissed and slap Emma across her face.

"Why are you still standing there? Go in there and check on your Boyfii before I doubled this b*tch snack" Joan turned to Leah.

Leah slowly pushed the door and walked in,she met Freddie naked on the couch and tears began pouring down her cheeks.

She imagined what that b*tch could have done to him and more tears poured out,she could still hear Emma's cries from outside.

Nevertheless, she walk up to him and covered him up with a spreadsheet she found. She didn't spare him another glance before walking out.

She met Joan outside waiting.

"Sorry I had to release her before I kill someone.. Why are you-"

Leah suddenly hug her and broke into tears.

"It's okay to cry but don't let that w*tch think she succeeded in breaking you apart,okay?" Joan pat her back.

Leah only hug her tighter still crying hard.


The third class for the day just came to an end,one more class and they are done for the day.

Lavender noticed that Leah's face was contorted in a frown, her eyebrows knitted together in a deep scowl.

"Are you okay?" She turned to her.

Leah looked at her.

"I'm fine-"

"I don't think so, why didn't you show up yesterday?" Lavender cuts in.

"Joan and Carl are back and mom forced me to attend their welcome party..."

"They are back!" Lavender exclaimed.

Leah nodded but suddenly sight Freddie coming.

"I've to use the restroom, I'll be back" She said and quickly left the class.

"Where did Leah go?" Freddie got to thier seat and ask.

"She just left. Are you both-"

Freddie didn't wait for her to finish before rushing out.

"They are fighting again?" Lavender shooked her head turning to Carly who has been quite.

"Should we grab lunch before class starts?" Lavender smiled.

"Sorry,I just remember something. I've to go" Carly stood and left the class.

"Seriously? Am I all alone again? I guess I'm the only single left?" Lavender said as she packed her stuff.

She suddenly got a text from Jasper.


She smile and left the class.


Emma got down from the bed and walked straight to the kitchen where she got an ice pack.

Her bruises hurt, and she couldn't sleep cos of the pains.

She'd have gone to the hospital, but letting people see her face like this is what she'd never do.

She sat on the couch and started pressing the pack gently on her face, gasping at every sting.

She could not even attend class cos of her face was badly ruined.

"I'll make you pay for this Leah.. Mark my words!!" She gritted her teeths.


"Leah, wait please!" Freddie called, chasing after Leah as she hurried into the restroom.He caught up to her just as she reached for the door, and he put his hand on it before she could close it.

"I'm sorry" He held her hand but Leah threw it off.

"Why do you follow me in here? This is a girl private place-"

"And you're my girlfriend" Freddie cuts in,his voice breaking.

"Girlfriend my foot..  What do you want from me?" Leah snapped, turning to face him with a scowl.

"I just want to talk, Please, just hear me out" Freddie said, his voice calm and steady

Leah looked at him, her eyes full of anger and hurt.

"What exactly? How you had s*x with that b*tch or how you've been ignoring me_"

"I was drunk,, I swear she took advantage of my drunk state" Freddie explained.

"That's not an excuse,what do you want me to do? Pretend as if nothing happens and continue being your fool girlfriend,huh?_"

"I'm sorry,please trust me.. Please,it's wasn't on purpose! Babe! Leah! Please Forgive me"

Leah kept yanking his hand off as he tried to hold her.

"You know what? I'm tired of this pointless relationship.. You want me to trust you when you don't even trust me a bit. We've been dating for years and you refused to tell me where your family is? I know nothing about you,Who you are really? I feel you don't even love me, I'm the one who's senselessly obsessed with you in this relationship.. I'm tired.."


"I need a break" She said and Freddie's eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" he asked, his voice filled with sadness.

Leah took a deep breath, her shoulders drooping.

"I just need some time to myself and I'm not sure how long, but I need to think things through.." She said seriously.

The words stung, but he knew she wasn't joking.

"I've to go" She turned and left the restroom.

Freddie ruffled his hair regretting everything.


"Whoa! I love it..." Lavender pouted as she checked out the paintings Jasper showned her.

"You like it?" Jasper grinned.

"Like is an understatement word,I love it" Lavender said pouting.

"I'll make one for you if you want" Jasper said and Lavender immediately smiled.

"Thank you" She walk up to him and dropped the painting.

"You know what.. Now that I think about it,what's out relationship?" She suddenly asked and Jasper looked up what he's doing.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean. We don't even chat or text that often.. Are we even friends or what?" She asked.

"The first day I met you,, you didn't want to be friends so I thought-"

"But I gave you the permission to draw me right? Why would I do that if we aren't friends" Lavender said crossing her arms.

"I'm sorry,I didn't know.. Actually you're the first person willing to be my friend since I got admitted here-"

"Really?" Lavender gasped in shock.

Jasper nodded.

"You're really weird.. Am I safe?" She asked sarcastically.

"Of course" Jasper smiled.

Her phone suddenly buzzed. It's a text from Freddie.


She sighed. Knowing fully he'll never text her except it's about Leah.

"Uhm.. I've to step out for a while. Wait for me, I'll be back"

Jasper nodded

"Bye...." She left the class.

She was welcomed by the screamed of the girls in the hallway.

* Who's he?

* I've never seen him before.. I doubts he's a students of this school.

* Me too!!

* OMG, please look at me... What's your name hottie?

"Hottie my foot.. So d@mn ugly!!" Lavender scoffed as she walk pass Carl with a disgusted look on her face.

Unknown to her, Carl heard her.

"Hey you.." He suddenly called and Lavender frozed on spot.

"Me?" She asks as she turned.

"Yh,Do you perhaps believe in love at first sight or should I walk pass you again?" He said with a sly grin on his lips.

* Awwn!

* She's so Lucky!

* I want to be her.

"What?" Lavender said with wide eyes.

Carl walked up to Lavender who was still standing there in shocked. He smirked and lean closer to her hearings.

"You're so d@mn cute,I could just eat you up" Carl whispered seductively.

"Wait what...."


Carly peek at Kylan from the door before entering the class fully. Kylan was alone in the class,his face fixed to the book he's reading.

"Kylan..." She called as she got to him.

"Carly" Kylan immediately stood and smile.

"You ask me to come-"

"Yes.. how's your leg faring?" He asked with a concern look.

"Fine.. All thanks to you" Carly smiled.

"I've something to tell you.. Later"

"Okay, I'll wait for you by the pool center. I've to meet someone there anyway" She said and Kylan raised his brows.


"No.. Felix, he wanted to teach me how to swim.. I've stood him up for so long,I need to see him today_"

Carly flash him a smile and left.

"But I can swim too" Kylan sighed and concerntrate back on his books.


"Where the f*ck is Felix?"Reed asked immediately he came in. He met Alex in the living room,playing a video game all by himself.

"His favorite spot of course... What's the problem this time?" Alex graoned tiredly.

"This is between me and him" Reed rolled his eyes and walked out.

"I should just break up with those two before I go crazy" Alex shooked his head.



Carly read the text from Felix and dropped her phone. She had already changed into a one-piece swimsuit and she's sitting at the edge quitely waiting for him to show up.

She was playing with the water with her legs when she heard footsteps approaching the pool. She look up to see Reed and froze, unsure of what to do.

Her eyes met his and for a moment, they both just stared at each other.

Reed walked up to her.

"First kiss,What are you doing here?" He asked and Carly raised her eyebrow for a moment.

"First kiss?" She puzzled.

"What are you doing here?" Reed asked, pretending not to hear what she ask.

Carly hesitated for a moment before answering.

"I-I'm waiting for Felix.. We both agreed, he's gonna teach me how to swim"

"With this?"

She could feel his gaze on her swimsuit.

"What's wrong with it?" She returned her gaze back to him.

"Too revealing! You should change into something more coverage. You can't wear something like this in front of other guys" Reed said at once.

Carly just stared at him,a confused look on her face. What's he talking about?

"Or maybe I should teach you instead"

Carly watched as Reed got into the pool, his movements graceful and smooth.

Suddenly, he began to thrash in the water, his head sinking below the surface.

Carly's eyes widened in horror, and she gasped. He was drowning.


Without thinking, she rushed forward, throwing herself into the water. She swam towards him, her arms propelling her through the water. Her heart was pounding, and her mind was racing.

She reached him, and grabbed hold of arm. Reed raised his head.

"Are you okay? Speak up,can you breath?" She asked concernly and to her  surprise,Reed broke into a laughter.

"I was only pranking you"

"Are you crazy? How's this funny? What if you had drown Huh?" She scolded,her heartbeat increasing more than before.

"So you do care about me?" Reed grinned and Carly hit him.

"This ain't funny!" Carly rolled her eyes and made to leave the pool but Reed pulled her back,getting hold of her waist.

"How did you manage to get me to do things i never did before?" Reed whispered.


"I mean this.." He pecked her lips lightly and Carly blinked.

"Everytime I see you,"I wanna kiss you so hard, until you can't think straight. Until you're completely breathless, and all you can think about is me" He said at once.

Her eyes widened, but before she could talk, Reed slammed his lips hungrily and hardly on hers.

She squeezed her eyes shut, her hands clenching the fabric of his shirt. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she could feel herself trembling.

For a moment, there was silence. The only sound was the beating of her own heart. And then, she felt his hands gently touch her wrists, slowly prying them off his shirt.

She started responding to it as hungrily as he's kissing her, though she can never be in the same like with him when it's comes to kissing hard.

He's an expert,sometimes she wonder if truly he hadn't kissed before.

The kiss got more intense by the minutes. It went more insane and crazy, none was ready to break it for a fucking breath.

Red's arm went behind her back, caging her tightly to himself while still eating up her lips in the most succulent way ever and for the first time-

"Hmm.... Reed!" She let out a cute yet tiny moan and Reed's eyes widened between the kiss.