The New Girl

"Hmm.... Reed!" She let out a cute yet tiny moan and Reed's eyes widened between the kiss.

He broke the kiss to stare at her.

Carly opened her eyes staring at him breathlessly.

"Did you just moan?" He ask with a sly grin.

"Moan? What is that?" Carly asked sucking on her lower lips.

Reed pulled her to the edge and made her seat, standing between her legs.

"The sound you did just now.. Can you do it again?" He smirked.

Carly gave him a confused look. To her,she didn't even realize she let out any sound.

"What you you talking about?" She pondered.

"Nevermind,but it's cute though" He grinned and Felix walked in that moment,his eyes widened meeting them in that position.

"What's going on here?" He inquired with a raised brows.

"Fe.. lix" Carly called surprisedly.

"What do you think?" Reed said and stepped out of the pool dripping wet.

"We need to talk" he said as he walk pass Felix who didn't move an inch from where he stood.

"Now! And it's d@mn important!" Reed turned and left the place.

Felix folded his fist and walk up to Carly, squatting in front of her. His eyes fell on her swollen lips.

He need no to tell him they kissed.

"It's okay.. I'll wait for you!" Carly said bringing him back.


"I taught you want to talk" Carly muttered.

"Do I have to listen to him?" Felix mumbled to himself before standing up to his feet.

"Don't go anywhere till I'm back,okay?" He said and Carly nodded. Felix left the place.

Carly resumed puddling her legs in the water as she recalled the kiss just now. Her cheeks turns red immediately and placed a finger on her lips.

"Why does his lips taste like strawberry?" She could still feel the taste in her lips and if it's up to her,she would want it to last forever.

Strawberries are actually her favorites.

"What's wrong with you Carly? Get yourself together! It's just a kiss!" She said placing her palms on her redened cheek.

Meaning,Ava folded her fist from a corner.. She actually came to look for Felix when she met the scene of them kissing.

"This is just the beginning! You like d@mwit!!" She hissed and left the place.

As soon as she made her way to class,she received a text from JoAnn.


She hissed and made to returned the phone back to her pocket when a hand suddenly grabbed her and pulled her into the male restroom.

"What the f*ck-"

Raymond didn't allow her to finish the word before smashing his lips on hers aggressively. He lifted her from the ground and drop her on the zinc,he immediately dipped his hand under her skirt and pulled down her panties,shoving it's somewhere.

"F**k!!" Ava hissed in pleasure as Raymond grabbed her ass directly,squeezing it like hardly.

"Ouch!" She moaned out as Raymond squeezed her b**bs roughly too.

Ava began unhooking his belt impatiently,once she was done.. She climb on the zinc and turn her back.

Raymond smirked as his member bubbled with excitement,he immediately grabbed her ass in place and thrust into her at once.

"Fuck Ray!!"


Lavender sat in front of her dressing mirror brushing her hair. She just finished taking her night shower.

Her mind suddenly went to Carl and she let out a scoff.

"Seriously? Who did he think he his?!" She rolled her eyes to the mirror imaging Carl standing in front of her.

"How come I didn't recognize you? How? Not like you've change or something.. You're still the Carl I know" She hissed and dropped the comb.

She stood up and fell on her bed,grabbing her phone. Immediately she saw no text from Jasper,her face formed a frown and she dropped it back dejectedly.

"Why do I even care if he text me or not? That weird jerk!" She heaved.

A knock suddenly came from the door.

"Who's that?" She sat up.

"Sir want you to come join the dinner" She heard the maids voice from outside and her eyes widened.

"What the h*ck?" Lavender muttered and left her room. She got to the living room and met her perfect family dinning as usual.

She didn't bother greeting any of them before taking a seat next to Michelle.

Mr DiCaprio raised her head and immediately thier eyes met,he looked away.

"Do you expect us to always have to invite you to dinner before you know the right thing to do?" He asked but Lavender refused to utter a word.

"Dad just ignore her, remember we've an important discussion for tonight" Michelle interrupted smilling.

"Remind me... Dear" Mr DiCaprio smiled.

"Yh tell us" Gladys smiled stroking Michelle's hair.

"My birthday of course.. Don't tell me you guys forget?" Michelle pouted.

"No! No! You know that's never gonna happen.. Actually I'm preparing a surprise for you. We'll do anything you want sweetheart"

"Awwwn,thanks daddy.. I love you" Michelle gushed and hugged Mr DiCaprio, secretly looking at Lavender.

Since her mom died,he had never even recall wishing her on her birthday not to talk of celebrating it.

"So dad, I want a more grand party than last year this year! And I'll be using our house cos I want to invite everyone at school.. Is that okay" Michelle pouted.

"Anything for you" He said and Michelle smiled.

His eyes went back to Lavender but he looked away shortly.

"Excuse me.. I wanna step out for a while" Lavender stood and starts walking out.

"Shouldn't we stop her?" Gladys said hatefully.

"Just let her be" Mr DiCaprio replied.

Lavender stepped out into the dark street totally lost in thought. She don't even know where she's heading,she just keep going.

She suddenly got tired of walking and lean on the car found,unknown to her the car took off and due to how she had rested her body on dashboard,she fell on and let out a wince.

The driver came down and rushed to her.

"Hey! Are you okay?" She heard the familiar voice and she raised her head to see Carl.

Carl eyes widened too.

"You Again!!!" The both echoed and Lavender immediately stood up straight.

"Stop stalking me!" She spat wanting to leave but she couldn't walk straight cos of the fall. She was limping.

Carl went after her and stopped in her front of her.

"This is my fault.. Don't worry, I'll take responsibility-""


"C'mon I'll take you home" Carl winked gesturing her to enter.

"No.. I can handle myself" She continue walking but Carl grabbed her head and nudge her in the front seat.

"Let me go Carl! This is abducting!!" Lavender shot as Carl entered the car too.

"For real? You obviously know how to open a car but you didn't do cos you want me to take you. Have you fallen for me?" Carl grinned.

Lavender said nothing and turn her face to the mirror side. She knew she had no choice if she really want to return home.

Carl gave her a wistful look before driving off


Kylan halted in front of Carly's house and she got down from the car and he also came down.

"Thanks a lot for today! I really enjoyed myself..." Carly smiled.

"It's nothing" Kylan replied. They actually had dinner together after class.

"About what you want to tell me_" Carly blurted out and Kylan's hearts skips a beat. He was not sure if this is the right time or place to confess.

What if she reject him or should he have brought something more romantic. He really didn't think before making up his mind to confess to her.

"Actually.. I'll tell you tomorrow. It's late! You should go in!" Kylan smiled and Carly waved and walked in.

She was shocked to meet Mona in the living room,watching a TV show.

"Mom!!" She didn't even know what push to rush to hug her.

Her eyes widened and she made to broke the hug when she felt Mona's wrapping her hands around her body. She hugged her back.

"Mum...." She called surprisedly.

"I know you miss me.. I miss you too!" Mona pulled her closer and hugged her properly.

Carly eyes almost popped out of it socket. She was shocked beyond words.

"Mum...." She called emotionally.

"I'm sorry for treating you bad and always ignoring you.. I'm really sorry,I promise to treat you better from now on" Mona whispered as she hug her,almost in tears.

"I hope you can forgive me!" Mona continued.

"I forgive you.." Carly said almost immediately.

"Thanks Darling...."

Carly smiled hugging her tighter. For how long she had long to be hold in her arm like this,it's finally happen.


Freddie could be seen leaning by his car outside the house as he wait impatiently for Leah to come out.

He never expected she could actually ignore his texts and calls but she did. That's enough to make him realize he's in deep sh!t.

He could have entered the house but he don't how to face her mom. What if Leah told her everything already.

He was almost loosing hope when a car suddenly parked in front of him and Joan stepped out gracefully.

She's putting on a short and sporty top and a tight bumshort matched together with a demin black cap. Despite the fact that her dressing is simple, she's looking so hot and a baddie she's of course.

"Don't tell me you guys break...." She gasped when she saw Freddie.

"Wait a minute, gotcha" She smirled and dashed into the house meeting Mrs Howard by the entrance of Leah's room.

"Aunt!" She gushed and they hugged.

"I don't know what is wrong with Leah,but she's scaring me... She has refuse to eat or come out of her room since last night" Mrs Howard explained.

"Don't worry aunt,I got this okay? Can you step back a little?" Joan said and Mrs Howard did as she said.

Joan step backward too and before Leah's mom could process what she's up to,she did a high flying kick jump on the door and the door bursted open at once.

Her eyes widened but she was only surprised she's still as good. If there's something Joan is well recognized for in thier family,that's her unique fighting skills.

During her highschool,she spent most of her times in Judo class and Takwandos,she never has time for boy,yes she has never dated.

"I'll talk to her" She faced Mrs Howard who nodded and left.

Joan walked into Leah's room and met her sobbing on bed. Her face and hair was all disorganized as a result of the too much crying. She had cried herself to sleep last night and she resumed this morning again.

"Get up and get dress right now! Your boyfriend is waiting_"

"You already help me enough,just let me be and let's go back to being enemies" Leah muttered not raising her head.

"I was going to say that first,but I don't want you to end up like me so believe me this is for your sake" Joan threw the duvets off her body and carried. Before she knew it,Joan was already taking her out of the house.

"What are you doing? I've not even taken my bath yet?" Leah said throwing her legs in the air.

"It's doesn't matter. He's not a stranger" Joan said. She got outside and threw her into the front seat,closing the door.

"Babe!" Freddie held her hand and she turn to him.

"Don't call me that-" She threw his hands off.

"Please hear me out.. I don't want to loose you-"

"Do you ask her to bring me out forcefully? Is this abduction or something?" Leah rolled her eyes.

"I don't mind, if that's gonna make you talk to me.. I won't stop asking for forgiveness" Freddie muttered.

Leah looked away from him without a word. Freddie sighed before starting the car.

"Where are we going? This is not the way to school...."

"That's because we're going to my mom's grave" Freddie's said and Leah's eyes widened.


*Holy fre@k! Who is that?!!!

*Ikr, who's she?

*Why is she so hot?!

* Isn't that Joan?

*She's back? I thought she got transferred to Mexico!!!

*How can a girl be so d@mn hot,her legs I can't!!!

Joan blew kisses to the students complementing her as if she's some celebrity.

As she rounded the corner into the hallway, the crowd of students following her parted to make way for her. She could feel their eyes on her as she strutted down the hall, her head held high.

She suddenly something that made her heart sink. Michelle and her crew were gathered around a girl, and they were hitting her nonstop as if she was some punching bag.

Joan felt a surge of anger and protectiveness as she watched the scene unfold. She despise bully's the most.

She folded her fist and began to walk towards them.

By the time she reached them, Michelle's hand was already raised in the air, poised to slap the other girl. Without hesitation, Joan grabbed Michelle's hand and held it tightly, stopping her in her tracks.

The hallway fell silent, and all eyes were on Joan.

"How dare you treat her like that!" Joan said, her voice shaking with emotion.

"What are you going to do about it?" Michelle sneered, her eyes flashing with anger. "Do you even know who I am?"

Joan glared at her, her hands shaking with rage.

"I don't care who you are,, Apologize to the girl right now before I loose it" Joan warned.

"Who are you to tell me what to do huh?" Michelle pushed her chest.

"A poor freak I guess....." Scarlet laughed.

"I guess you haven't heard of me yet!" Joan smirked taking a step forward.

"I'm Joan Howard, but you can call me Hot baddie" Joan winked and both Michelle and Scarlet broke into laughter.

"Hot baddie my foot" Michelle laughed pushing her by her chest again.

Her laugh suddenly got replaced with winced of pain as Joan grabbed her hand and twisted it backward.

"Aaargh! Aaargh! Let me go!!!" Michelle whined and Scarlet stepped back in fair.

With that, She let go of Michelle's hand and took a step back. Then, without warning, she launched herself at Scarlet hitting her squarely in the

face and the crowd around them gasped.

Scarlet staggered to the ground,falling on Michelle who was still clutching her hand in pain.

"What did i say my name is?" Joan smirked standing in between the both.

"Joan hot! You're drop-dead-gorgeous! We are sorry please let us go" Michelle pleaded almost in tears

"More than hot, you're bewitching" Scarlet cried out loud.