Stay With Me

Violet was lost in thought as she walked back to class. All of the sudden,two hands grabbed her from behind, starting her.

She turned and immediately she saw who it is,fear gripped her even more.

It's Emma and Scarlet.

"Let me go! What did you want from me!" She begged almost in tears.

Without saying a word, Scarlet and Emma dragged Violet to the nearest classroom, throwing her roughly against the door. Violet winced in pain as her hand hit the hard surface, blood welling up from a cut on her palm.

Scarlet approached her, a cruel smile on her face. She grabbed a fistful of Violet's hair and pulled hard, causing her to yelp in pain.

"You think you can get away with it, don't you?" She hissed.

"Please let me....."

"How dare you let Simon fall for you? What was out agreement huh?" She yelled and slapped her hard.

Violet lips bursted her eyes welling up with tears.

"How dare you!!" Scarlet slapped her again.

"I'm sorry!" Violet cried out.

Scarlet grabbed her chin wrenching her head up,forcing her to look up at her. She lean in close,her face mere inches from Violet.

"Your sorry mean nothing to me! You know what to do.. Go to Simon now and tell him you don't feel the same way,and also find a way to make me get closed to him.-"

"She won't be doing that"

Simon's voice echoed through the empty classroom, making Emma and Scarlet jump.

They whirled around to see him standing in the doorway, his face a mask of fury.

Scarlet's eyes widened in fear as she stammered, "Simon, I can expl-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Simon's hand flew out, smacking her hard across the face. Emma and Violet gasped, staring in shock as Scarlet reached up to touch her stinging cheek.

"You just hit me?" she asked, her voice shaking.

"And I'll do much more if you don't stay away from now on.. Are you crazy? I warn you to spot bothering her didn't I? If hitting a girl is what it takes to keep you from hurting the girl I love, then I'll do it. From now on, if you bully her again, you'll be answering to me. You will seriously regret ever knowing me" Simon said seriously.

He walk up to Violet and carried her in his arms,glaring at Scarlet hatefully as he left the class.

"Are you okay?" Emma made to touch Scarlet but she pushed her off and ran out of the class in tears.

"Where are you taking me?" Violet asked as Simon took her out of the school,heading to his car.

He said nothing, a frown settling on his face.

"I'm sorry for allowing them to hurt me again..." Violet mumbled and bit her lips hurtfully as she stared at him.

Simon opened the front door and placed her gently on the seat,he got into the driver seats and drove out of the school.

Violet kept quite stealing glances at him constantly.

Simon stopped the car in front of a nearby mall. The both came down but he walked in first,with her following from behind.

'What is he up to' She wondered.

Simon went straight to the ladies section and picked out some dress. Violet was still following him quitely like a puppy.

"Here,go and check if this fits you!" He finally spoke,placing the clothes in her hand.

"What? I can't accept it? They are too much Simon. Why are you suddenly buying me...."

Before she could say another word, Simon grabbed her hand and pulled her into the nearest fitting room, slamming the door behind them.

"What are you doing?" Violet demanded as Simon grabbed her jacket and yanked it off her shoulders, tossing it aside.

"What does it look like? If it's means wearing them for you then I will.. To stop them from bullying you,I hate it!" He said and held her shirt too,he began unblottling it and Violet eyes widened.

"Are you serious right now? What are you doing Simon?!" She snapped as Simon pull it off her body,leaving her only in her sport bra.

"Exactly what i should be asking you.. I want you to shout back at those b*tches! I want you to fight back when you're hurt,I don't want you to keep being a weakling.. I hate it" Simon snapped back.

"Then stop loving me-"

"I can't! It's not that easy, I really love you Violet, please stop seeing me only as your childhood friend. Give me a chance.. please Violet!" Simon whispered and Violet gulped.

"I don't actually like you..." She muttered looking down.

Simon gulped down emptiness.

"I love you!" She added and bit her lips,Simon's eyes widened.

"What? You love me?" He smiled and Violet nodded.

He immediately lift her up from the ground and placed her on the counter meant to place belongings,he wrapped his hand around her slender waist and immediately went for her lips.

Violet held his face reciprocating the kiss,Simon pulled her more closer and they began devouring each other sweetly.


Alex had been in with a bitch since 2PM fucking nonstop as if the world is about to end.

When he's satisfied,he pulled out of her and the bitch exhaled.

"Leave!" He said codly and entered the bathroom where he had a quick shower before coming out,he wore a armless shirt over a short before walking out of the room, his two hands in his pocket.

He sight Tasha struggling to get Becca into her room,she already slept off.

"Let me" He said and took Becca from Tasha who gave a light smile.

She opened the door to Becca's room and they both entered. Alex placed Becca on her bed and covered her with a duvet.

"Thank you!" Tasha smiled as they both left her room.

Alex halted and turned to her.

"Why do you keep saying thank you" He said.

"It's part of my job to take care of her and you helped me-"

"You're only her tutor not her nanny! And I'm her brother,I do that for her often,so it's no big deal" Alex muttered as they resumed walking.

They got to the living room where she grabbed her bag wanting to leave.

"Goodnight,Sir Alex!" She bowed lightly.

"Wait-" Alex suddenly called and Tasha faced him.

"You don't have to make it obvious for everyone to know you're sick, there's 95% people living with HIV in the world and they are healthy and happy,even more than a negative person" He found himself saying and Tasha just gave him a confused look.

"Sorry,I bets that make you feel more bad.. Sorry" Alex muttered.

"No,no! Actually about that.. It's a lie. I don't have the disease....." She blurted out.

Alex eyes widened. "What?"

"Yeah,how do I explain this? I just had to say that cos I was in a tight spot. I'm really not sick.. Definitely not with HIV. I'm a virgin,how could I have contact that?" She said out loud and Alex eyes widened even more.

"Are you sure about this?"

Tasha nodded.

"F*ck! For real?" Alex grimaced.

Tasha just stared at him wondering why he's so happy. "I'm running late.. Goodnight!"

She bowed lightly before walking out and Alex stared at her throughout. When she was gone,he head to his room with smile all over his face.

He fell on his bed and exhale loudly.

"She don't have it. I was almost scared for nothing... F**k!!!" Alex grinned naughtily.


"Are you okay?" Mona asked noticing Carly's constant zoning out. They are both actually in the kitchen,making some pancakes.

"I'm okay!" Carly forced a smile.

"I don't think so.. Tell me what's going on" Mona said worriedly turning off the cooker.

"I--is it possible to love two guys at a time?" She blurted out feeling embarrassed.

"Of course it's possible to love two people at once," Mona said, her smile growing wider.

"Love is complicated and unpredictable. There's no right or wrong way to feel it"

Carly sighed out.

"Can you tell me more about the guys you're talking about?" Mona asked.

Carly took a deep breath.

"There's Kylan, he's sweet and fun to be with and he's always been there for me. And then there's Reed,we become close not quite long, but he always makes my heart skip a beat__"

Mona listened intently as Carly continued.

"Reed and I don't start up as friends, but I feel a connection with him that I've never felt with anyone else. When I'm with him, I feel like I can be myself and I don't have to pretend to be someone else. But Kylan is a great friend and I care about him too. I feel so conflicted!"

Mona placed a hand on her Carly's shoulder.

"It's okay to feel conflicted. You don't have to make a decision right away. Sometimes it takes time to figure out how we really feel..."

"But I already promised to get back to Reed before today ends,what if he shows up?" Carly pouted sadly.

"What do you plan to do now?" Mona asked.

"Mum, I'll be back!" She suddenly grabbed her phone and ran out of the house.

"She's really a grown up now!" Mona smiled,her voice full of pride and emotion.

Carly stepped out of her front door and got inside a car. Mona finally allow her to use a car.

Before she could start the engine, she noticed a figure in the distance. She squinted to get a better look, and realized it was Kylan.

"Kylan!" she shouted, getting out of the car and rushing over to him.

"What are you doing here? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

Instead of answering, Kylan wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug. Carly was surprised by his gesture, and for a moment she tried to pull away,but he didn't seem ready to let go so she stopped resisting.

Kylan held her for what felt like an eternity, before he finally spoke.

"Where are you heading?" Kylan asked,still holding onto her.

"To Reed,I have something I need to tell him" She replied truthfully.

"Can you not go to him.. Stay with me please"