
"Can you not go to him.. Stay with me please" Kylan whispered and Carly gulped unable to move.

What's she supposed to tell him now??

"K-kylan..." She called slowly and Kylan pull away from the hug,still holding unto her hand.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's okay.. Did something happen?" Carly added concernly.

"Not really,Are you still going to Reed?" He mumbled sounding a bit hurt.

"I'll just talk to him in school tomorrow!" Carly replied and stared down at their interlocked hand.

"Oh! Sorry!" He immediately let her go and ran his hand through his hair.

"I've to go back in,mum will be worried already..." She said.

"Of course,see you tomorrow!" Kylan smiled and she return the smile before turning. She waved and ran back in.

She met Mona by the doorway,appearantly she has been watching the scene.

"Is that the guy? Did you told him your feelings already?" Mona grinned.

"I'm tired mom and sleepy too,,goodnight!" She pecked her cheek and stormed into her room.

She fell on her bed and grab her phone to dail Reed's line,but he didn't pick up. She did that numerous time but it's still nothing.

'Is he okay?' She bit her lips worriedly and started sending him a text.




All the text was marked delivered but he never reply to none. Her worriedness grew even more.

As much as she tried to push the thought of Reed out of her mind, she couldn't help but worry.

If only she knew where he lived, she could have rushed to his place without thinking twice. But she didn't even know his address. She felt frustrated and helpless, knowing there was nothing she could do.

"I hope he's okay" She muttered sadly and hugged her pillow to herself,she closed her eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.


Half of the students in the lecture hall exhaled as soon as the lecture stepped out,The last class for the day just ended

"Finally!!" Leah stretched tiredly and got up quickly.

"Where to?" Joan and Lavender asked at a time as if planned.

"Somewhere amusing!" Leah smiled and look around the class,she spotted Freddie sitting at the back with Simon and immediately rushed to them.

She immediately sat next to Freddie.

"I miss you all night!" Leah pouted and Freddie turned to her with a smile.

"Me too!" He replied and Leah kissed him shortly.

"I better go find Violet!" Simon grinned and left the class.

"Do you have plans tomorrow?" Freddie asked after she broke the kiss.

"Yh,to spend all day with you!"

"How come we both have the same plan?" Freddie chortled and Leah smiled. "I love you!"

"I love you too!" Leah smiled.


"Why do I feel you're gonna loose your prince charming or that newbie girl soon?" Emma suddenly said.

Michelle looked up from her phone.

"Not happening.. Over my dead body! Have you forgotten who I am? I'm Michelle DiCaprio and as long as Dad is alive and I'm his favorite daughter, I'll always get what I want" Michelle replied proudly.

"Good! So what are you plans?" Emma smirked.

"My birthday is coming soon, that's the perfect day to make her regrets ever existing! She'll regret coming to this school!"

"I can't wait!" Emma retorted evilly.

Scarlet was also in the class but she didn't utter any word. She was staring at the window side thinking of how to make Simon hers.


Carly turned off the tap and lifted her head, her eyes meeting her own reflection in the mirror. The restroom was empty, the only sound the faint hum of the fluorescent lights overhead.

She could feel the cool water dripping down her face, her skin tingling from the chill.

Carly couldn't stop thinking about Reed. She had been texting and calling him nonstop since that morning.She was desperate to hear his voice, but he wasn't answering.

Just as Carly was about to give up, her phone rang from inside her pocket. She yanked it out, her heart pounding as she saw that it was Reed calling.

She couldn't help the smile that crept on her face but she immediately masked it up with a frown.

"Is he really calling her now?" She scoffed before swiping green.


"Car... Carly?" she heard him say, his voice trembling and weak. She felt a sudden wave of panic wash over her, her heart racing as she worried about what might have happened.

"Hey, are you okay?" she asked, her voice shaking with concern.

"Carly... I... I'm..." His voice trailed off,and she could hear him struggling to speak.

"What's wrong? Are you alright?!" She almost screamed but she hold herself.

"I'm fine." She heard him chuckled faintly and she could tell you he wasn't fine.

"Where are you?!" She asked immediatly.

"I...In my condo"

"Where is it?" Carly asked impatiently.