Reciprocated Love

Ava entered the class and met Raymond waiting for her already.

"Come here!" Raymond grinned and Ava sat on his legs,slamming her lips on his own.

Raymond responded immediately and grabbed her ass squeezing it,his other hand loosening her top.

"What's going on here?"

JoAnn voice suddenly mad then broke it and they turned to see her eyes filled with tears as she stood by the door.

"Ava? Ray... mond?" JoAnn added. hurtfully and Ava just rolled her eyes.

"I can expl-" Raymond made to touch her but she turned and ran off quickly.


Raymond made to go after her but Ava pulled him back to sit,she sat on his thighs caressing his chest.

"Let her go! I want you.. right now!" She bit her lips and immediately went for his lips



Carly rushed into the condo, thankfully the door wasn't unlocked. Seems like he left it open as he was waiting for her.

She stumbled inside, her eyes scanning the room for him.

There he was, huddled on the bed, shaking like a leaf. His eyes were wide with fear, and his face was pale. She rushed to his side and sank to her knees beside him.

"Reed," she whispered, her voice full of concern. "What's wrong?"

Reed was burning up with fever, his body wracked with chills. His teeth chattered as he tried to speak, but all that came out was a hoarse whisper.

"You...r... really...came..." he managed to say, his eyes closing in exhaustion.

Carly's heart broke at the sight of him, and she took his hand in hers.

"Stop talking, you're hurt!" She said almost in tears.

Carly quickly stood up and hurried to the kitchen, grabbing a clean towel and filling a bowl with warm water. She dipped the towel in the water, wringing it out until it was damp.

She carried the bowl and the towel back to Reed, kneeling beside him once more.

She gently wiped his face with the towel, careful not to jostle him too much.

When she was done,she lay him properly on the bed and covered him up with a duvet.

"Just rest for now," she said, her voice gentle and soothing.

Reed nodded weakly, his eyes closing as he rested his head against the pillow.

Carly sat beside him, watching him as he drifted off to sleep. She reached out and stroked his hair, her heart aching for him.

"I'm sorry for coming late!"


It's was already night before Tasha finished tutoring Becca for the day.

"Should we just leave this for tomorrow?" Tasha asked but no reply came from Becca,she turned to see she's already asleep.

She sighed and stood up wanting to carry her but Alex beat her to it.

"Told you I'll be helping out with this right? Don't work up your pretty face too much!" He grinned and Tasha blushed lightly

Alex took Becca to her room and returned back to met Tasha almost walking out.

"Wait, I can give you a ride home" Alex offered getting to her.

"No, it's okay," she said, grabbing her things. "I can walk. I need the fresh air anyway."

"I can't let you walk home alone" Alex said, his voice insistent. "It's late and it's not safe. Let me at least walk you part of the way."

"I'll be fine, really" Tasha insisted, her tone firm.

"I can't help but worry,lemme just drive you home huh?" He swunged her bag off her hand and started walking out.

"Wait--Sir Alex!" Tasha went after him.

"Just call me Alex,the sir makes me feel like an uncle.. I'm not ready yet!" Alex opened the car door and gestured her to enter.


"No but, we're already here.." Alex replied and Tasha stared at him before getting into the car.

Alex grinned getting into the driver seats too.

"So,where did you live?" He asked starting the car.



Reed lashes fluttered opened and he stared blankly at the ceiling. At first he couldn't remember anything before his sanity stabled.

He sat up, holding his head which wasn't hurting as before and he was better than few hours ago.

He stopped immediately he saw Carly crawled up on the chair with her head on his bed. She must have doze off.

He smiled remembering how she took care of him earlier and her scolding and he couldn't help but chuckled.

He leaned closer, to remove the strand of hair which was covering her face. He tucked it behind her ear and her pretty face came to view.

She was even more beautiful in sleep, he thought with so much admiration in his eyes.

"What has she done to me" He whispered, as he stared at her shut eyes. He was unaware of when he began leaning closer to her lips.

His phone suddenly dinged and he brought it out from the drawer to see it was a message from Alex.


As he left Alex chat box,he saw the message from Carly.

She had something to tell him? What does she have to say?

He wondered and turn to stare at her,only to see her eyes squirting open. Reed quickly lay down feigning sleep.

Carly turned to him impatiently hoping he's already awake but her face fell disappointedly.

Gently, she reached out and stroked his hair, hoping to rouse him.

"Wake up already," she said, her voice rising with frustration.

Reed's eyes suddenly fluttered open, and he turned to look at her.

"Did you miss me already?" he teased, a sly smile on his face.

Carly froze, feeling caught off guard. She withdrew her hand quickly, but he caught it in his, holding it firmly. Her heart began to race as she looked into his eyes,realizing how close they were.

"I just thought you were sleeping too " she said, her voice wavering slightly.


"I-I should go and it's getting late" She quickly stood,her voice shaky.

"Please stay,I don't want to be alone" he said, his voice soft and pleading.

She sat back down on the chair, looking down at her hands. "I...I wanted to tell you something," she said, her voice quiet and uncertain.

Reed leaned forward, his eyes fixed on her. He never expected her to mention it first.

She went silent for a moment as he stared at her,his gaze unwavering, and she felt like she was being stripped bare under his intense scrutiny.

She took a deep breath,feeling a knot of anxiety in her stomach.

"I've thought about it and I...I like you too" she said, the words tumbling out before she could stop them.

Reed's eyes widened.

"I..." she stammered, at a loss for words.

"You like me?" He asked reassuring and Carly quickly palmed her face,heat rushing to her cheeks.

"I love you.. so much" She said out loud and he bent more closely, their lips almost touching.

"I love you madly.... Kitten" he replied and claimed her lips immediately, kissing her harder than thier past kiss.