
Carly instantly held his face in her palms just the way he loves, and their body moved as they kissed hungrily, their groans and gasps filling up the whole room.

Reed held her waist tighter, and she started rubbing his jawlines with her fingers. They were kissing so desperately that their bodies curved into each other, and as devour each others lips sweetly.

They kissed with a fiery passion, as if the world around them had melted away. For what felt like an eternity, their lips locked together, their bodies molded to each other. The kiss was intoxicating, consuming, and they were powerless to resist it.

It was as if they were the only two people in the universe, lost in a moment of pure bliss.Time seemed to stand still, and they surrendered to the desire that was consuming them. It was like they were drowning, but they had no desire to resurface.

Reed suddenly broke it for her to catch her breath and Carly immediately took in her lower lips, feeling a bit shy cos of the swolleness.

"Does this mean you're my girlfriend now?" He asked playfully, a smile dancing on her lips.

Carly nodded looking down.

She could sense the happiness radiating from him, and she felt a surge of joy herself.

She had never felt so connected to someone before, and she couldn't wait to see what the future holds.

Reed held her chin raising her head up to look at him.

"Are you shy?" He asked and Carly quickly shooked her head.

"It's obvious,was it that hard to express your feelings-"

"Don't blame me! It's my first time confessing to a guy!" Carly muttered biting her lower lip

"It's my first too. You don't have to be" He chortled and took her hand in his,giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm not shy..." Carly mumbled and stylishly looked away from him.He looked at her, his eyes dark with desire

"Come here"

He pulled her to the bed with him and covered her up with the duvet,he pulled her even more closer and hugged her tightly.

"Stay with me.. I'm still cold,Help me warm up" He said, his voice low and husky.

Carly smiled, her heart fluttering.

"Sure" she said, her voice barely above a whisper. She hugged him back and Reed brushed his nose on hers.

He kissed her forehead then her eyes and lips,he was literally pouring kisses all over her face.. while she blushed all though.

"I can kiss you all I want now.. You're finally mine!"

He said and they both chuckled.

"I love you..." She whispered cuddling on his body even more.

"I love you more, kitten!"


Simon had just finished washing up. He pulled on his favorite pair of jeans and a soft cotton shirt, then reached for his watch and slid it onto his wrist.

One would think there's an occasion or rather he's going out but all this was because Violet promised to come over,since it's Sunday and no class for today.

He was still dolling up himself when his phone buzzed from his table,he immediately rushed to pick it up and a smile crept his lips seeing who it's from.


He smiled and quickly text a reply.


He sent and gave himself one last look in the mirror before exiting the bedroom. He met Violet in the living with his mom,they seemed to be chatting.

"He's finally here. How could you keep a lady waiting?" Mrs Roberts said sarcastically and Simon chuckled.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting my lady!" Simon grinned his eyes not leaving hers.

Violet only smiled.

"Good.. I think I should leave you two now.. I've a bus to catch!" Mrs Roberts stood up

"Why? Your car is faulty?" Simon asked.

"Yes,I already called someone to come fixed it though.. I should get a new one soon" Mrs Roberts said.

"Don't tell me you're finally selling it. It's remains your only memory from dad-"

"I can never do such,you know how much I love your dad-"

"You can use mine! I'm not going out anyway" Simon dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out the keys,he hand it to her.

"Thanks son" Mrs Roberts smiled and gave him a peck,she did the same with Violet and turned to leave but suddenly stopped.

"Wait a sec,am I missing something? Are you guys finally a thing!' She exclaimed and Violet eyes widened,she immediately stood.

"No ma'am-"

"Yes mom! She finally agreed to be my girlfriend!" Simon cut in and interlocked thier hands.

Violet looked at him feeling a little bit embarrassed.

"OMG! I'm so happy... Thanks for giving him a chance even though he's a pain in the neck. Try not to get tired soon,cos he's a clingy type" Mrs Roberts said to Violet who gave a smile in return.

She then turn to Simon.

"And you,you better treat her well or else" She threatened funnily and Violet laughed.

"You don't have to remind me.. You should leave already or else you'll be late!" Simon pulled her to the door and waved before closing it.

He went back to Violet and immediately pulled her to his laps.

"Finally got to do this!" He hugged her body and pulled her closer,he then slammed his lips against hers and Violet reciprocate immediately,just as he wanted

Her chest slammed on his own as his other arm wrapped on her slim waist,kissing her tenderly

Simon hands went to her ass and he gave it a gentle press as they continue kissing as if thier lives depended on it

Her tummy suddenly rumbled and that made him broke it

"You haven't had breakfast?" He suddenly asked and she nodded like an obedient kid

"Great.. Let's find you something to eat first"

He carried her in a bridal style, heading to the kitchen,he stopped her on the counter, turning on the cooker.

"What would you like to have?" He turned to her and ask..


"Pasta!!" He beat her to it and Violet eyes widened

"You still remember?" She gasped.

"Of course,it's your favorite since we're kids..  How can I forget every little thing about you.. You love adding ketchup too" He grinned and Violet palmed her face.

"That's a long time ago,I don't add ketchup anymore.. It's kinda disgusting" She said.

"My baby is finally a grown up!" Simon chuckled and Violet blushed secretly.

"You know,there's actually a meal that does not require cooking and add up a lot of energy too.." He turned off the cooker and held her waist again.

"What's that?"

"Kissing.. Let's kiss again-"

"Seriously?" Violet laughed.

Simon nodded and like that Violet held his face firmly and reconnect thier lips.


Felix was already waiting when Reed comes in,he spotted him quickly and walk up to him,he sat across him and that was when Felix looked up.

"Why do you want to meet up?" He asked at once.

"About what you told me.. I think you're right, she's really back!" Felix said and Reed chuckled.

"I told you but you didn't want to believe me,glad you saw her yourself"

"So,what's the plan?" Felix retorted impatiently.

"What plan?"

"Aren't we going to inform Alex about it? He need to know-"

"Not just yet,I don't want to go through those highschool nuisance all over again.. I'll inform you when the time comes!" Reed replied and stood.

"Shouldn't we talk out our differences and fix things?" Felix suddenly said.

Reed eyes widened.

"You finally decided to grow up.. I'm not surprised, you're great at holding grudges.. But then,we can be back as friends if you're still planning to use my girlfriend against me..." Reed smirked proudly.

"Girlfriend? What girlfriend are you talking about?" Felix eyes widened beyond compare.

"Take a guess..."

"Fuck! Carly? She really agree?" Felix gasped.

"What did you expect? She made me the happiest guy alive last night!" Reed smiled as he recalled how she slept off in his arms.

"Is this really you-"

"Of course.. You're the first person I'll be telling this" Reed said and Felix smiled. "I'm happy for you