Evil Plans

Kylan got out of his room and met Amanda and Ava at the dinner table, already having breakfast.

"Good morning mum!" He said simply and Amanda looked up.

"Morning Darling,your night?" Amanda smiled

Kylan only nodded without a word.

"Join us for breakfast,I have something to tell you anyway-"

"I can't wait! Maybe later" He turned to walked out but the door suddenly opened a middle aged man suddenly walked in,dressed in suit.. He look like he's in his 50's but still super handsome.

A glance at him and you would know he's there dad, Ava's carbon copy.. She got all her facial look from him.

Sometimes most people find it's hard to believe Ava and Kylan are twins cos they look nothing alike,Kylan got his look from Amanda while Ava from Cliff,thier dad.

"Daddy!!!" Ava gushed and rushed to hug him.

"My other half!" Cliff smiled and kissed her cheek.

Ava blushed as they broke the hug. "I missed you so much!" She pouted and Cliff patted her back tenderly.

"Me too Princess! I had to return early cos of you...." He said and she smiled.

"Darling!" Amanda smiled and they both hugged.

"I knew you came back because of her,what about me?" Amanda asked jealously.

"Not at all-" Cliff smiled.


"Just kidding.. I missed you" He replied and they hugged shortly again.

All this while,Kylan was standing on the same spot.. without moving.

Cliff eyes went on him and he rolled his eyes

"Welcome back!" Kylan said simply and he nodded taking a seat

"I brought you a lot of stuff. Ask the maid for Helo late cos you won't be able to carry them in alone" Cliff said to Ava, who's now sitting beside him

"That's why you're my favorite dad,you're the best" Ava said and smirked at Kylan

"I'm leaving now!" Kylan started walking out but Cliff voice stopped him

"You're going to leave your sister alone to come by herself? What if she had an accident of her way? What kind of a brother are you?" He snapped and Amanda turned to him

"They've stop going together a long time ago,Ava is no more a kid Cliff-"

"Are you hearing yourself right now? And you allowed it? Do you want to kill my princess for me?" Cliff said, raising his voice in frustration

Ava smiled secretly. Exactly what she miss about him,always taking her side no matter what.


"I disagree,He should wait for her in his car" He turned to Ava. "Take your time in dolling up, he dares not with you!" Cliff said and began heading upstairs.

"Thank you daddy,give me 30 minutes twin brother!" She smirked at Kylan who folded his fist angrily.

"Are you okay?" Amanda asked but he said nothing and walked out.

It's was after 30 minutes passed that Ava came out of the house.

"Poor Kylan, you really wait.. I actually love this side of you more" She laughed when she got to the front seat with him.

Kylan said nothing and started the car.


In a very big mansion all castered with white paint,the living room is enough to showcase what the rest of the house looked like. The owner must be stinky rich.

A lady who seems to be in her early 40's could be seen sitting with her leg crossed gracefully,flipping through the newspaper she was holding.

The door suddenly opened and a guy came in.

"Ma'am!" The guy called politely, making his presence known to her.

"Did you get his location?" The lady asked without looking up.

"Yes ma'am! We've everything intact,his recent information too" The guy replied.

"Good.. From now on, follow him and report ever single details about it to me" The lady instructed.

"Yes ma'am!" The guy bowed.


As soon as Kylan pulled to the school parking lot,and came down with Ava. All eyes fell on them.

* The f**k is happening? Why's she with him?

* Was about to say that? Are they dating?

* Of course not,he wouldn't stoop so low to that b*tch!

* I know right, she once dated Felix and now Kylan.. Why her?

* I suddenly hate her.

Kylan didn't spare any of them a glance and walk away first,Ava rolled her eyes to the students murmuring and made her way in too.

"I know he's cute,our related blood is what's stopping me from f**king him!" She smirked and suddenly bumped into someone.

She looked up to see JoAnn.


"Shut the fuck up and don't ever try talking to me.. We're no longer friends bitch!" JoAnn hissed and purposely bumped her shoulder with Ava's,before walking away.

"As if I've always want you as a friend.. I only want your boyfriend's dick and I get it!" She resumed walking and Michelle suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Hi!" Michelle waved.

"What do you want cos the last time we aren't friends!" Ava spatted.

"Relax I know and I hate how I had to swallow my ego and talk to you too but.. I've a proposal for you?"

Ava raised her eyebrow.

"You still love Reed right? Why not let's work together against that b*tch?" Michelle smirked and Ava just stared at her.


Kylan was already waiting when Carly came in. He stood up happily and walked to her.

"You're here" He chortled and Carly nodded with a smile.

"Of course,you said you wanted to tell me something..." She said.

Kylan nodded looking straight into her eyes.

"What is it?" She asked slowly.

"You see-"

"I also have something to tell you!" Carly suddenly added and Kylan gulped.

"But you can go first..."

"After you" Kylan insisted.

"I'm... sorry" she muttered, and he swallowed hard.


"I love someone else" she replied, and his eyes widened. Why's he even shocked? He had suspected it anyway but he never knew it would hurt so much.

"Reed?" He asked with a sad smile.

Carly nodded

Kylan's heart shattered completely immediately

"I'm sorry" she said and Kylan managed to nod, hiding his hurt feelings.

"It's okay... I can't control the way your hearts anyway... We can still be friends right?"

"Of course!"

He took a step forward and before she could react, he took a step toward her and pulled her into a tight embrace.


"This is the last time I can do this. Consider this out first hug as back to being friends" He whispered,his voice gentle.

Carly went mute,she couldn't imagine how he was feeling but what can she do?

"You should go back to class, I'll see you later" He said after breaking the hug.

"What about you?" Carly muttered,unable to look at his face

"I'll follow soon, I've somethings to take care of" He replied and Carly nodded before walking out.

Kylan's eyes followed her and her word hit him hard as fuck, like he was stab in the heart

Why does she have to choose Reed over him?

Like that,he squatted then buried his face in his palms, and he was unaware of when a tear dropped from his red eyes.

"Someone just got rejected!" A familiar voice suddenly laughed behind him and he raised his head to see Ava walking up to him.

"Dear twin brother,why don't we work together that's if you truly love her... You get Carly and I get Reed? What did you say?"