
"Dear twin brother,why don't we work together that's if you truly love her... You get Carly and I get Reed? What did you say?" Ava smirked crossing both her arms.

Kylan said nothing and stood up to his feet,he began heading out of the class.

Ava rushed to him and blocked his path.

"Are you seriously not gonna agree? I thought you truly love her,I was wrong" She said,shaking her head.

"Are you done?" Kylan asked and her eyes widened.


"Now get out of my way,bitch!" He snapped and Ava flinched and stepped aside in fear,she watch as he walked away and she slowly folded her fist.

"How dare you refer to your own sister as a b*tch, fucking idiot!" She hissed and started walking away too.

"I don't even need your help" She said hatefully and Michelle suddenly grabbed her and pulled her to a secret area.

"What did he say?" She asked impatiently.

"You f**king scared me? Take things easy will you?" Ava rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a patient person.. I badly want to stop seeing her face all around. So what's the plan?" Michelle heaved.

"Just like you suspected, he's too soft! He didn't agree! But why do we even need that fool? When we can do it all ourselves?" Ava smirked.

"You have a point,can we possibly get rid of her before tonight... You the care of Carly while I distract Reed-"

"No you distract Carly? I can handle Reed" Ava cuts in.

"Fine fine! As long as she's out... So what's the plan?" Michelle rolled her eyes.

Ava pulled her closer and whispered into her hearings.

"There's no way she's survive it" Michelle said with determination.

"I know right.. See you later. I'll text you" Ava smiled but the smile disappear immediately she walk a meter away from her,she hissed and smirked secretly.

Michelle also turned and glared as she watch her leave.

"You must be the prime time fool for believing me f**king b*tch!" She laughed evilly.


The hall was already getting filled when Carly got back to class,since it's a general class. It's expected to be crowdy anyway.

She spotted her friends quickly and rushed to join them.

"What did I miss?" She said as she sat next to Lavender.

"Nothing,the professor is not even here yet.. So now to what you wanted to tell us" Leah grinned.

"Yes, I've been impatient too" Lavender added.

"Actually... Reed and I are dating! He's now my boyfriend" Carly said,her voice barely above a whisper.

"What!!!!" Leah and Lavender shouted at once causing everyone in the hall to divert thier attention to them

* What's thier problem? Really?

"Keep quiet will you?!" Carly palmed her face as she pulled them back to seats.

"This is crazy!" Lavender exclaimed loudly.

"You can say that again! Damn! How did it happen? What charm did you use on him? Should I believe this?" Leah threw her questions.

"Aaarrggh!" Carly groaned.

"Why don't I believe?" Lavender said.

* Oh my fuck!

* The P3 came for lectures?

* Or I'm fvcking dreaming?

* Wake me up please?

* Reed changed his hair to the sexy black again,my Demi god!

*Why's Alex so hot?

* Felix!

As usual, Alex was the only one who paid them attention. Felix and Reed went to seat at thier usual. The back, it's was opposite next to where Carly and her friends.

"Wait? He's really staring at you?" Lavender squealed and Carly blushed lightly as her gaze locked with Reed own. He winked and she smiled but the smile disappeared immediately some group of girls swooned around Reed.

"Can I seat with you?"

"Please say yes to me!"

"I'll give you a blow job for free,we could even f**ked all night like we used to"

The girls kept pushing themselves, fighting for who will get picked. That's made her super angry that she looked away from him.

"Looks like your girl is getting jealous!" Felix whispered to Reed.

Reed turned to her and chuckled. He then stood and turned to the girls.

"You all should leave cos you're already making my girlfriend mad" He dropped the shell and thier eyes widened.

For a moment, the hall went silent.

* Am I dreaming?

* Reed as a girlfriend?

* Impossible!!!

"You're joking to make us leave right? Are you saying this cos you're not in the mood?" One of them asked.

"I don't think I've ever joked about something like that.. I'm no more the Reed you'll use to know,cos my hearts and body only belong to the girl I love insanely" He added and thier eyes widened again.

* WTF!!!!!!!!

* Who's she??

* Show her to us?

* We wanna meet the lucky girl?

Reed made his way through the hall, feeling every pair of eyes on him as he walked to where Carly was sitting.

He could feel the anticipation and excitement in the air, as everyone was eager to see what would happen next. When he finally reached her..

"Would you mind if I sat next to you, kitten?" He cleared his throat and ask.

His words were met with a chorus of "aww" from the other students, who were clearly invested in this little moment of drama.

Carly's cheeks turned a shade of pink, and she nodded her head, making room for him to sit down.

Reed sat down next to her, his shoulder lightly brushing against hers.

In a smooth, fluid motion, he reached out and gently removed a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face, tucking it behind her ear. She turned to look at him, their eyes meeting for a brief moment before he turned his gaze back to the front of the lecture hall.

"She's the lucky but I'm more lucky to have her.. Anyone who's planning to attack her will have to go through me first" Reed said seriously.

* I wish to be in her place!

"Love is crazy! I never want to be in love" Alex said from where he's sitting.

Michelle and her crew was just coming in but she left angrily immediately she saw the scene. Same with Ava.

The professor came in,and everywhere went quickly.

Meanwhile,Kylan was also by the doorway and he heard everything. He couldn't take it so he turn and made to walk away but bumped into Joan and all her book fell.

"Fuck!!" Joan cussed as she bent to packed them.

"Sorry" Kylan muttered and walked away.

"What? Just like that? Come back here jerk!" She stood yelling after him but he didn't wait.

"But wait, he's cute" She said unknowingly and smile before starting to pack her notes.


"Let's have lunch before the next class starts,I believe we won't have the chance till the day ends! I can't believe we've more than 5 classes today! I hate Thursdays!" Leah said as soon as the professor left the hall.

Simon and Carly chuckled.

"Reason why parties are fixed on Friday to have fun" Freddie said beside her.

"Even though.. This is too much for my beauty! I feel it's gonna fade cos of the hardwork soon. All my back are aching too" Leah pouted.

"Can you give me a massage when we got home?" She turned to Freddie.

"Sure" He smiled.

"Reason why I can't love you any less" Leah pecked his lips and Lavender rolled her eyes. She suddenly spotted Jasper leaving the hall.

"I better leave before you guys kill me with oppressions" She said and immediately went after him.

"Let's eat" Leah stood and grabbed Freddie's hand.

Simon interlocked his hand with Violet's and she smiled.

Carly grabbed her stuffs too.

"Wait... Have anyone seen Kylan together?" Freddie suddenly asked.

"I know right.. He never skips school" Simon added and Carly bit her lips.


Kylan stood by the edge of the rooftop,staring at the whole campus from there. He would rather stayed there instead of getting more hurt while seeing them together.

His phone suddenly buzzed, It's from his Dad.


As if his day could become any worser.

He folded his fist and angrily smashed the phone on the floor angrily.

"OMG!" Joan gasped loudly, she's just coming in.

Kylan looked at her expressionlessly.

"Why would you do such a thing? Even if you're rich, think of those that can't afford to buy one" She said with an eye roll.

Kylan began walking away without a word.

"He's truly cute.. But definately not his anger. So rude!" Joan heaved and left the rooftop too.


"Jasper!" Lavender finally got him and halted to caught her breath.

"Hey! Lavender" Jasper called and smile.

"Should I stop chasing after you?" She said,her face forming a frown.


"Nevermind! Where are you going?" She immediately covered it up with a smile.

"The Art gallery! Wanna come along?" Jasper said simply.

"Sure,I've nothing to do anyway" She smiled as they started walking together. Jasper gave her a short glance and turn away.

Carl was just coming out from an empty class when he saw them,he just finished fucking a bitch.

"He must be the reason why she's playing hard to get? Interesting" He smirked and walk away.


The campus was already getting dark, and students could be seen leaving the school already. Indeed it has been a long day.

Carly walked through the quiet, dark hallway, the sound of her footsteps echoed off the walls. The other students had long since left, including her friends since she insisted on waiting behind.

She wondered where Reed was, and why he hadn't shown up as he'd promised. A pang of worry and disappointment settled in her chest.

She was about to give up and just head home, when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out and saw a text message from Reed.


She looked up at the ceiling, then back at the message on her phone. The rooftop? What would he want them to meet up there? Curiosity and a hint of trepidation tugged at her heartstrings, but she knew she had to find out.

She turned on her heels and made her way to the stairwell leading to the rooftop.

As she climbed the stairs, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest. When she finally reached the door to the roof, she hesitated for a moment,having a second thought about this.

Her hand hovered over the door handle as her phone buzzed again, this time with another text from Reed.


She read the message, and then re-read the previous one, trying to make sense of what was going on.

She stood there, frozen in place, not knowing what to do.

She took a deep breath, and steeled herself to go back down the stairs.

As she left Michelle came out of her hiding place and dail Ava's number.

Switch to plan B, she's already heading downstairs.

She ordered and hang up quickly,a smirk crepting her lips.


Carly's heart was racing as she bolted out of the school building,she felt a wave of relief was very her as she spotted Reed standing by his car, he was obviously waiting for her.

"Reed!" She called out, hoping he would hear her.

Reed turned at the sound of her voice, a smile spreading across his face. Reed opened his arms. Carly broke into a run,her feet pounding against the floor as she made her way towards him.

Reed noticed a figure emerged from the shadows,the figure was tailing after Carly as she walked unnoticed. He was covered with mask and his eyes caught the knife in his hand,his eyes widened.

He tried to alert her but she didn't hear a thing cos she's still far away,he knew he had to act fast.

He took off running towards Carly, grabbing her shoulders and spinning her around.

The blade sunk into his back, and he let out a cry of pain. Carly's eyes went wide, and she let out a scream. The figure fled, disappearing into the darkness.

Carly looked down at her hand and saw it covered in blood. Her eyes widened in horror as she looked up at Reed, who was clutching his chest. He looked pale and his breathing was labored.

He was bleeding, the knife wound deep and severe.

"Reed! Reed!! Reed!!! Look at me! Are you okay? Talk to me.. Reed?" She called, her voice shaking.

"Reed, no!" Carly screamed as she cradled his limp body.