Lily Demeter

The night passed quickly, Kyle slowly opened his eyes, as he opened his eyes what he saw immediately made him silent.

Because right now the girl he saved yesterday was sitting on his stomach, they looked at each other. And the atmosphere became quiet.

"What are you doing?"

"I-I was planning to w-wake you up" She said with a nervous and embarrassed face.

"So, can you get off my body now?"


She slowly got off his stomach, seeing her get off he felt something wrong had happened, but he quickly forgot it. And immediately asked: "Do you know what's going on right now?"


Seeing her nod, Kyle observed her expression, besides looking a little embarrassed, and nervous. There was no fear, she seemed not afraid of what was happening out there. Seeing this he was curious and asked.

"Aren't you scared?"

"N-no I'm not scared"

Seeing her nervous face, he thought it was funny. And asked again.

"Why aren't you scared?"

This time she didn't answer but walked over to him and buried her face in his body, because of the difference in their height, her head could only reach Kyle's stomach.

Burying her head in his body, she spoke in a low voice "O-of course because you are here. As a husband, isn't it your duty to protect your wife?"

Hearing that Kyle choked, and coughed. while coughing he asked.

"Since when did I become your husband?"

"Since you and I slept in the same bed! My mother said if I sleep in the same bed with a man he has to be my husband."

"Do you want to leave me after, taking advantage of my body?"

Speaking like that she burst into tears, "Huuu, huuu I don't want to live, my body has been defiled."

Seeing her cry Kyle had a headache, and in a forced situation he accepted her, anyway he wouldn't suffer a loss. Because she had a beautiful and cute face, which he had seen for 2 lives.

Suppressing his thoughts he said to the girl.

"Okay I'll be your husband from now on."

The girl stopped crying and asked

"Really? You're not lying, are you?

"Yes, I'm not lying."

The girl looked at Kyle with a slightly doubtful eye, as if saying: 'don't you agree, where's the promise'

Seeing her keep looking at him Kyle knew what the girl wanted, slowly bent his knees, like a man who was going to propose to his lover, he won the girl's hand and said:

"I Kyle am willing to be your husband, through thick and thin I will always accompany you until the end of my life."

"I Lily Demeter am willing to be your wife, through thick and thin I will always accompany you until the end of my life."

After saying that the girl cried happily and hugged him.

After hugging him for a long time, the girl slowly released her hug. Seeing the girl release him, Kyle sighed in relief he was afraid the girl would hug him all day long.

If this was before the apocalypse it didn't matter, but now the apocalypse he had to go out to look for food and drink. He was afraid the other survivors would run out of all the food.

Seeing the girl calm down he stood up and said: "I'm going out to look for food."

The girl nodded obediently, seeing her so obedient, he approached her and kissed her forehead.

"If anyone knocks on the door other than me, never open it."

Seeing that the girl understood what he said. Kyle slowly walked towards the door, when he was about to open the door he stopped.

Looking at his shirt, he slowly opened it. The girl who saw him, blushed, and immediately covered her face with her palms. But still opened a few fingers to peek.

His body was full of muscles covered by many scratches, and most importantly a large lion head tattoo on his back.

Seeing Kyle take off his shirt, the girl said: "W-what are you doing by taking off your shirt?"

"Do you really want to do it now?"

Hearing what she said, Kyle's face turned gloomy 'can't the girl think normally? She always thinks weirdly' Kyle thought

"Stop saying nonsense."

"The reason I took off my shirt was because I didn't want to stain it with zombie blood."

After taking off his shirt, before the girl could speak, he threw the shirt he had taken off, over her head. and immediately left the hotel room.

After leaving he looked down, near the door there were boots that he used yesterday, taking the boots he wore them.

After wearing the shoes he slowly walked with firm steps, Kyle's appearance now radiated a dominant aura.

By using boots, long black pants and most importantly he was now bare-chested with muscular muscles from years of gym.

Added with tattoos, and scars added to the aura like someone who came out of a war zone.

His face was stern with a serious look in his eyes, his messy hair almost covered his eyes, yesterday he used the undercut hairstyle, but after waking up his hair was messy.

Added with some piercings in his ears added to his charm.

Now he walked with firm steps towards the elevator, when he arrived at the elevator he was silent.

It seemed like the elevator was broken, because the elevator was broken he was forced to go down the stairs.

After a few minutes down the stairs, he arrived at the hotel lobby, when he arrived at the hotel lobby there was one zombie who happened to see him.

The zombie ran quickly towards him, seeing the zombie running quickly towards him. He immediately knew that this zombie was superior to other zombies. Because other zombies walked very slowly.

When the zombie entered the area that he could reach with his hand, he immediately grabbed his neck and slammed him to the floor.

Before the zombie lifted his hand to scratch. His fist hit his head first, with the strength of the muscles from the gym, and the wild mode active with 5% power, the zombie's head was instantly destroyed.

After the zombie's head was destroyed, his body twitched a few times and then calmed down, apparently dead.

After killing the zombie, a few more zombies came towards him, maybe because of the sound of the zombie's skull breaking, it left a loud noise, attracting some zombies.

Seeing that there were about 7 zombies walking slowly towards him, he slowly smiled, if anyone saw his smile they might be afraid, because his smile now looked like a villain.

Of course he didn't wait for the zombie to come to him, instead he approached the zombie.

"Alright, let's just call it a warm-up." He said as he walked towards the zombie.

1 minute passed, now Kyle came out of the hotel with a calm face, using a handkerchief to clean the stains on his hands.

In the hotel right now, if anyone saw the surrounding environment they might vomit.

Right now in the hotel, several zombie corpses lay on the ground with bodies that looked mutilated. head shattered, hand detached from body, zombie blood scattered everywhere with a pungent smell, from the zombie's body. So that if seen by normal people they might vomit.