Lily (1)

Right now, Kayle is walking with a firm step, observing his surroundings.

The city that used to be crowded with people, now deserted, if there used to be many pedestrians, now there are only many zombies walking around in a daze.

The road that used to be clean with many cars passing by, now there are many cars that are wrecked along the road, with bloodstains everywhere.

Besides zombies, he also saw some other survivors who were looking for supplies.

He saw them carrying kitchen knives with trembling hands in fear.

Seeing them, he ignored them, and continued to walk to find the nearest supermarket. When Kayle was busy looking for supplies. In a hotel right now, a girl is silent with a shirt on her head. Yes, she is Lily Demeter.

Lily's pov

She is still stunned, staring at the closed door, with a confused look.

She is confused right now, how her plan could be so smooth. 'Shouldn't it take time and almost impossible as they said' she thought with a confused face.

Back to the past before the apocalypse

Lily, who is 19 years old and in her study period, is talking with her two best friends.

A short-haired girl named Emma Morgan, she is a beautiful girl with a very cheerful and very tomboyish personality, she has a hobby of martial arts. She is currently a black belt in taekwondo.

On the other hand, there is the most beautiful girl with a cold face, she has the most beautiful face compared to Lily and Emma, with a perfect body shape even though Lily's chest is more developed than hers. And she is the tallest of her two best friends. Her name is Lucy Carter, with her perfect face she has many suitors. Even though Lily is pretty, she looks more cute and funny, while Lucy has an almost perfect face, only she has a cold face and almost never smiles, even if she smiles it's just a thin smile.

Right now they are discussing the type of man they want.

"Hey, Emma what kind of ideal man do you want?" Lily asked

"The type of man I want is, a man who can beat me." Emma said with a fighting spirit.

Seeing her friend's behavior, Lily stopped asking her and changed her direction of view to Lucy. Even though Lucy seemed cold, she was very smart, almost every subject she had a perfect score.

Comparing with her two best friends, Lily felt inferior, she was not smart, nor strong, she only knew how to cook.

Even one of her classmates once said the reason why she was not smart, because all the protein she ate only went to her chest, not her brain.

She looked at her friend Lucy with hope, wanting to get a good answer. Hearing Lily's question.

"The type of man I want is a man who can always make me obedient, with all his actions." Lucy answered calmly.

Hearing this, Lily was a little confused, 'Is there such a man?' She thought

When Lily was thinking, Emma who was excited earlier asked her directly.

"Lily, how about you? Do you have a type of man you want?"

hearing her friend's question, Lily blushed. With both hands joined, she slowly answered nervously.

"I-I want a man who can take care of and protect me, and I also want him to only have me in his heart without any other woman."

Hearing Lily's type of man, Lucy who put on a cold face snorted.

"Huh, do you think in this day and age there is a man who is enough with one woman?" She said with a cold face

"Yes, men are just animals who only use their lower body to think." Emma added

Hearing her two best friends say that, Lily immediately refused to admit it and said:

"No, not all men are like that."

Hearing Lily's rejection, Lucy slowly explained with a calm face.

"Lily, in this world don't trust men, I suggest you better forget your mind about getting a man who is enough with one woman."

"Yes, Lily better forget it, with us here you don't need a man." Emma said

Hearing her friend's words, Lily immediately shook her head.

"N-Not all men are like that, I will prove it to you." She said

Then she stood up and ran out.

Seeing Lily's back slowly disappearing, she shook her head.

"Lily is still too naive."

"Should we chase her?" Emma asked Lucy.

"No, just let her see the real face of men, sometimes experience makes people understand." Lucy said.

Right now Lily ran to the women's dormitory and went straight to her room. In the room she hit a teddy bear.

"Huh, do they think I Lily won't get my ideal man"

She said while sniffing angrily.

Looking at the teddy bear she said.

"Hey, little baby do you think I will meet a man like that?"

The doll remained silent. Seeing the doll silent, she threw it away.

Staring at the sky of the dormitory room she muttered "I will prove them wrong" Seeing the clock on her cell phone which is still daytime she thought 'after night I will go out to find my prince'

Thinking like that she slowly fell asleep.