Kyle and Lily

As the day began to darken, Kyle slowly woke up, finding Lily gazing at him with beautiful, innocent eyes.

Seeing Kyle awake, Lily immediately hugged him like a kitten seeking comfort. Witnessing this, Kyle reciprocated the embrace. The scene continued for several minutes.

"Lily, can you let me go for a moment?" Kyle said, attempting to coax her.

Hearing Kyle's words, Lily nodded but remained silent. Concerned, Kyle asked, "Lily, what's happening? Are you unwell?"

However, Lily stayed silent, her face blushing. Observing her, Kyle reached out to feel Lily's body temperature.

Upon feeling Lily's warmth, Kyle grew worried and said, "Lily, do you have a headache or feel dizzy?"

Lily shook her head, and seeing Kyle in silence, she suddenly spoke, "I'm hungry. Can you give me some food?" Her face turned even redder.

Observing her seemingly fine, Kyle slowly stood up to get some food. Seeing the variety of items in the cart, Kyle pushed it toward Lily to let her choose.

With numerous food options, Lily hesitated, glancing at Kyle. Seeing Kyle's bare upper body, Lily blushed even more. Realizing this, Kyle swiftly put on his black shirt.

Seeing Kyle changing, Lily hurriedly grabbed some food to cover her embarrassment.

After changing, Kyle sat beside Lily, and they began to eat. While eating, Kyle felt Lily continuously staring at him.

"Lily, is there something on my face?" he asked gently.

"No, there's nothing on your face," Lily replied. However, with an anxious expression, Lily spoke to Kyle again.

"Darling, c-can you f-feed me?" she stammered.

Seeing Lily's shy expression, Kyle found it amusing. With a gentle smile, he took some food and slowly directed it toward Lily's mouth.

As Kyle fed her, Lily opened her mouth delicately, her lips resembling cherries, creating an adorable sight. Lily chewed the food Kyle fed her.

Observing Lily chewing, Kyle couldn't help but find her incredibly cute. 'Like a squirrel,' he thought.

Feeling Kyle's continuous gaze, Lily blushed, closing her eyes while chewing. During their meal, Kyle occasionally teased Lily.

The scene between them was truly beautiful. If anyone witnessed it, they might say, "This must be a couple made in heaven."

After finishing their meal, Kyle cleaned up the trash and disposed of it. As the sun was setting, Kyle reflected, 'Another day has passed.'

Sighing, Kyle slowly walked towards Lily, who currently buried her head in the pillow.

However, Kyle had no intention of sitting on the bed. Changing direction, he walked slowly toward the window, where he witnessed the chaos outside. Zombies were everywhere, staggering with low growls, "grrr~~."

'The world is getting more chaotic. Can other humans handle this?' Kyle thought.

As Kyle immersed himself in his thoughts, he suddenly snapped back to reality as Lily hugged him from behind. Kyle felt his back getting wet; it seemed Lily was crying.

"Huuu, Kyle, do you think my family is still safe?" Lily said, tears streaming down her face.

Seeing Lily cry, Kyle turned around and embraced her tightly.

"Of course, they must be alive," Kyle reassured Lily. After a few minutes, Lily began to calm down.

Pulling away, Kyle held Lily's hands and walked towards the bed.

Laying Lily on the bed, Kyle grabbed a blanket to cover her. Looking at Lily, who still gazed at him, Kyle gently kissed her forehead with a warm smile.

If anyone who knew Kyle saw him smile, they might be surprised because Kyle rarely smiled; he always maintained a cold expression. Seeing his smile, one could imagine how special Lily was in Kyle's heart.

After kissing Lily's forehead, Kyle turned around, planning to go to the window to keep watch.

However, as he was about to walk away, his hand was suddenly held. Turning back, he saw Lily holding his hand. Lily's appearance, with disheveled hair and traces of tears in the corners of her eyes, was incredibly tempting.

"Kyle, I want to do it," Lily said with determined eyes.

"Do what?" Kyle asked with a serious face, knowing exactly what Lily meant.

"I want us to do what should be done by husband and wife," Lily said with a blushing face.

"Are you sure? We just met," Kyle said with a patient expression.

"Don't you like me?" Lily asked.

"Of course, I love you very much," Kyle replied.

"Why are you rejecting it, then?" Lily asked with a sad face.

"Will you be okay if I do it?" Kyle asked with a serious expression.

"Of course, I'll be fine because I'm your wife."

Lily slowly released Kyle's hand, but as she did, Kyle caught it. Catching Lily's hand, Kyle immediately kissed her lips.

Not stopping there, Kyle's hands began to wander, and seeing Kyle's eyes on her, Lily suddenly hugged Kyle's neck, using her hands.

Lying Lily down, Kyle said again, "If you change your mind, just say so."

Hearing his question, Lily shook her head and said, "I have no regrets because from the moment I first met you, I fell in love with you."

Upon hearing Lily's words, Kyle's eyes slowly changed. If before it was just liking, now Kyle truly loved Lily.

Tonight will be a sleepless night. And also, tonight is a special night because Kyle and Lily officially become husband and wife entirely.