Awakening of abilities

After seeing Kyle's departure Maya felt sad, feeling sad she slowly looked at her body. Seeing her appearance Maya immediately realized, 'Did Kyle see her bad condition? ' Currently there is still a lot of liquid sticking to her body.

'Maybe he feels disgusted, when he sees my current appearance' she thought.

Maya hurriedly grabbed a tissue and started to clean her body, seeing the sticky liquid left by the thugs before her. Maya was instantly angry 'If it wasn't for them Kyle would have liked me!'

While cleaning her body thoroughly, Maya came to her senses. Hurrying to stand up, she searched for antenatal drugs. She was afraid of getting pregnant with the previous thug's child. After taking the anti-pregnancy medicine, Maya was relieved.

'If only this convenience store had anti-pregnancy drugs'. She thought.

After feeling relieved, she began to continue cleaning her body, looking at her melon, she felt proud. Because wherever she went the men always looked at her.

While she was busy cleaning herself, Maya was immediately alert, because she heard footsteps.

"Who is it?" she asked cautiously.

"Me, Kyle," Kyle replied coldly.

Hearing that it was Kyle Maya was happy in her mind, 'Did he come back for me?

As she was thinking she saw a hint of admiration in Kyle's eyes when he saw her body, but that admiration disappeared quickly. 'Of course Maya was sure Kyle would be mesmerized by her'

"Kyle, you see me at my worst," she said with a soft smile. Seeing Kyle still looking at her body.

She became more confident.

Kyle frowned and said, "You're... different."

With a smile, Maya said, "A little cleaning makes a difference, right?"

"Right," Kyle said calmly

Eyeing Maya a few times

Kyle asked, "Maya, where are those thugs?"

Hearing Kyle's question, Maya's heart dropped to the bottom. Just thinking about it made her angry if it wasn't for them that she and Kyle were together now! Inwardly she cursed the thug but on the surface Maya was still smiling.

With a smile, Maya replied, "Those thugs? I dragged them out, while they were unconscious. I don't know what their fate is now." Indifferently, Maya shrugged.

Seeing the silence that ensued, Maya thought hard about how to get along with Kyle. Getting an idea.

Maya stood up and walked towards the food court. "You know, Kyle, there is a lot of food here. We can collect it for supplies.

Seeing Kyle thinking then nodded, "Okay, let's do it." He said

The two moved through the aisles of the supermarket, gathering food and other supplies they needed. While working, Maya tried to strike up a conversation, Maya's plan was to get Kyle to tell her a bad story, then she would take a chance. While Kyle was feeling down, just thinking about her excited him.

"Now, Kyle, tell me more about yourself before this mess," Maya said with a smile.

Kyle sighed. "I used to work as an engineer. I lived a simple life with my wife, Lili," he said cautiously,

When Maya heard Kyle already had a wife her heart ached, thinking of Kyle's face, she thought it was a natural thing if Kyle was married. An extraordinary man like Kyle must have many women trying to get close to him.

Suppressing his chaotic heart.

Maya voiced sympathy, "How is he?"

Looking at Kyle for a moment, Maya thought: "Separated since all this happened. I'm trying to get back to her."

Maya who heard that immediately felt that she had a chance.

Maya was very confident, where did that confidence come from?

The answer is from her body, Maya's body has an hourglass body shape and a beautiful mature face with a few moles. Even if adult movie actors saw her they would feel inferior.

While suppressing her excited heart, Maya tried to comfort Kyle.

"We all have difficult stories, right?"

The more the conversation passed the more Maya talked to Kyle the more she fell in love, because in the conversation Kyle accidentally said that he fought 20 adults without getting hurt.

Time passed but for Maya it felt very short, it was time for them to part ways, saying goodbye Maya saw Kyle slowly leave.

Maya, as Kyle left, watched him go with mixed feelings. An unexpressed desire arose in her heart, wanting to know more about the man who had given her protection and comfort amidst the chaos.

As Kyle left, Maya sat alone in a corner of the supermarket, contemplating their encounter. In her heart, there were doubts and a desire to express her feelings. Even though the world around them was full of danger, Maya felt like there was a strange power bound between them.

When Kyle returned to the hotel, Maya found herself lost in thoughts about the man. The desire to be closer and feel the protection he offered grew stronger, as if driven by an inevitable longing.

As she immersed herself in her thoughts, she suddenly realized, 'What if Kyle encounters a prostitute while wandering?' Her inner thoughts sparked anger just by imagining it.

However, Maya's expression abruptly shifted to a strange smile, her eye color turning pink, enhancing her allure like a Succubus Queen. "Yes, Kyle can only belong to me, only me," she said with eyes reflecting a strong sense of possessiveness.

Rising from the floor, Maya slowly walked towards the place Kyle had gone, knowing his location because he had informed her beforehand.

Maya didn't understand why Kyle had shared his address, thinking she wouldn't actually make it there. However, this time, Kyle miscalculated.

But as Maya walked, some pitiful-looking people appeared. "Hehehe, pretty girl, do you want someone to protect you?" one of them said.

Seeing the individuals blocking her path, Maya spoke with a low voice, "Fight them." Suddenly, their bodies moved on their own, initiating a brawl.

Watching them fight, Maya smiled, as if she wasn't the one causing it. Ignoring the ongoing brawl, she continued walking towards Kyle's location.

Author's note :

From now on, the development of the plot will begin to develop in a more serious direction in which the awakening is about to begin