Ch 18: Ah, now I remember you [pt2]

'Fuck! How did I not realise who this man was up until now? No wonder I always felt irritated, and my instincts kept warning me.'

The young alpha looked at the pair in front of him annoyedly. It was a warning for these two to stop lingering around him and quickly make their exits.

The other alpha got the message due to his sensitivity to the dangerous pheromones, but the omega was dense and ignored these signs of danger.

"Emperor Kai, you are such a dashing and strong alpha. I saw your older brother once, but I have to say that he is nothing compared to your beauty and strength. Don't you want to explore what it means to be an alpha? I can show you-"

Fiona extended her pheromones toward the young alpha and waited in anticipation for the young alpha to reciprocate her interest.

The emperor did reciprocate Fiona's interest, but not in the way she had anticipated. 

The second that sweet pheromone touched Kerin, he lost his sense of reasoning, and his enraged alpha took over. 

Before he knew it, he held the omega before him by her back. 

"How dare you try to touch me with your filthy pheromones? Did you think I would not notice your attempts? You are not the first to try such a thing with me."

Fiona was turning red due to the lack of oxygen, and she clutched her neck. The fear of losing her life replaced her adoration for being the empress.

"H-Help me!"

Fiona managed to mouth these words toward Shen before she lost consciousness. But the ex-fiancé was too scared even to move.

One look from the emperor's eyes made him cower like a coward.

"Emperor Kai, you need to get yourself under control. Think of what will happen if you kill General Fluorite's daughter. Their family will have to go into mourning."

Thankfully, Morris was there to be the emperor's voice of reason. The young alpha could calm down slowly, and his reasoning returned.

Fiona Fluorite was almost dead by the time the emperor let go of her, but the bruises on her neck were very prominent.

"Take her away and keep her locked up. How dare she touch me without my consent."

The emperor dismissed the pair with a dissatisfied face. Morris noticed this and instantly decided to save himself from becoming the emperor's target of dissatisfaction.

"Emperor, I know what you are thinking, but please! Think of your revenge plans! Death would be like liberation to these people. Won't it be better to torture them for trying to deceive General Meria?"

Morris asked, hoping his superior's curse was also affecting his reasoning. And somehow, he got lucky with his wish.

"Hmm, you are right. Death is such an easy way out. My instincts want me to make these two suffer as much as they made my beloved suffer. Maybe I will even go beyond revenge? Anyway, I am off to go and find Meria now. You take care of things here in my stead."

Morris opened his mouth to protest, but the alpha was already gone. He was left in the hallway with many guards, all looking at him with expectations.

'Ha! What did I do to deserve this? The only nice thing about my post is the pay, but I don't even have the time to spend it all. I wish General Meria marries our terrible emperor soon. I don't think I can take it anymore.'

Meanwhile, the emperor who left this mess behind was not concerned about anything but finding his partner.

The guards avoided his annoyed eyes, but they did give him directions when he asked for Meria's location.

Finally, he reached the hallway and found Meria comforting Grand Minister Ferin's granddaughter.

He was about to head out and announce his presence when he heard Misha Ferin ask for Meria's hand. 

'Don't agree with her. Meria, don't betray me like this.'

Kerin whispered in his mind, and he sighed in relief when his partner did not give a direct answer. But he was disappointed at the same time because Meria accepted the omega.

'How would two omegas even get married? That Ferin girl will not be able to care for my Meria even if she marries him. She will not even be able to give him children. This is a futile struggle.'

The emperor's inner thoughts were jumbled, and just when he felt his reasoning snap, Grand Minister Ferin retreated with his granddaughter.

Meria looked relieved to be alone, but Kerin's insides were boiling in rage. He needed to show Meria to whom he belonged.

Kerin reached out and grabbed hold of Meria's hands. The omega looked startled when a stronghold suddenly pulled him away.

That innocent and questioning look Meria sent him caused Kerin to grit his teeth in irritation. He could feel his anger melting away, but the alpha was not ready to forgive and forget.

"You traitor. You let that omega scent mark you, but you will not allow me to do the same? Did you forget whose fiancé you are?"

Emperor Kerin continued to drag his chosen mate through the hallway, and no one stopped him.

Everyone could tell that the alpha was not in his right mind currently, but they did not have a right to stop the emperor when he wanted to do something.

"Emperor, are you…angry with me?"

Meria asked and flinched as the grip in his hand tightened slightly, and the door slammed shut behind him. Meria had been locked alone in the room with a young alpha.

A young and angry alpha whose eyes were shining while walking toward Meria. The pressure of a predator walking toward Meria in a hunting manner triggered his omega, and Meria felt his knees hit the bed.

'When did I start walking back? Wait! I am going to fall. This is bad.'

Meria tried to stop himself, but a sudden rush of pheromones stunned him. The young alpha looked down at him, and Meria felt his mind wander.

'Fuck! Why did my fiancé betray me? Did he finally figure out that the cool-blooded general is a timid omega? Is that why the 12-year-old kid wanted to wed me? To secure himself an alliance?'

Merai thought as he was pushed on his back. He tried to get up, but the young alpha would not let him.

The familiar shade of Golden eyes, which once belonged to his best friend and now his husband, looked at him with a heated expression.

"Brother Merai, you are finally mine, right? I don't have to hold back since you will become mine. My wife."

The child emperor looked delighted before he nibbled at Merai's neck to mark him. Unfortunately, his fangs were too immature to leave a permanent mark. He did try to apply force, but his fangs were not developed enough to mark the omega.