Ch 19: Ah, now I remember you [pt3]

'This is supposed to be distressing, right? I should be feeling panicked, but my instincts are too calm. Is it because the one biting me is a kid? Or because he is Kerin's brother?'

Meria closed his eyes and tried to ignore the tongue touching his neck.

The lack of fear or any other painful stimulation made Meria giggle. He would never admit it, but the young alpha's rough tongue felt like a dig was licking Meria.

Even the frustrated pheromones in the air felt comfortable, and they pressed against Meria like a security blanket.

"Why won't my mark take? Your body is not rejecting me! So why won't my venom seal my mark? What am I doing wrong?"

The pup in Meria's arms was in distress, making Meria's instincts rear their head. 

Meria reached out to hold the young alpha close to him, and his scent escaped slightly. It was such a rare occasion that Meria did not notice this until he was purring.

But he stopped as soon as he noticed and coughed to hide his discomfort.

"A young alpha's venom usually comes around when he matures around 17. If you are anything like your big brother, you might become an early bloomer and present properly near your 15th birthday. You still have a few more years to go."

Meria explained, trying to lighten the mood. But his words had a different effect than the one he wanted.

Instead of looking satisfied, the alpha looked agitated and buried his face in Meria's neck.

Panic surged through Meria's body as he felt more of his scent escape. But he relaxed once he realised that the emperor in his arms had not noticed the omega quality of it.

Instead, the alpha looked a little drunk on Meria's scent, and his face flushed. This reaction was usually found in alphas that were about to present.

'This must be a coincidence, or I am reading the signs wrong. Emperor Kai might be tall for his age and have a well-developed physique, but it will take some time before he presents as an alpha. After all, his mind must also be mature enough not to lose control during his presentation- ouch! Something bit me.'

The bite mark on Meria's nape stung. The culprit behind that bite mark was the alpha snuggling on top of Meria's body.

"I am not a kid, so don't treat me like one. My alpha fangs will come in any day, and then I will mark you as my mate."

The young alpha sounded confident, and Meria felt a shudder run down his body. 

He was never been affected by an alpha's voice or presence before except his best friend's. That was a secret Meria vowed to carry to his grave.

'But why? Why did a chill go down my spine when I heard this kid's vow? He is too young to affect me.'

Unfortunately, Meria did not have an answer. Both his mind and his heart conflicted now. But the one who caused this conflict was sound asleep.


"I am so sorry for my cousin's behaviour, General Morris. Kai grew up in a sheltered life, so he often disregards what is right and wrong. He is also a spoilt brat who does not think about other's feelings most of the time."

"But I assure you that there is a good soul underneath his bratty behaviour. He will be a fantastic mate for anyone his age."

Rucia entered the room only to smile softly at the picture before her. 

She could tell that her cousin was faking his sleep, and she released a bit of her scent to tease him.

Those arms immediately tightened around General Meria's middle, and the brat tried to pull the general toward his body.

'Ah, my poor little cousin. I know how long he pinned after the general, but I cannot allow him to win this easily.'

Rucia's smile widened as she approached the pair. She quickly separated the emperor's arms from around Meria's waist and helped the general up.

The general looked grateful for her help but worried for the young alpha.

"I should be heading back but have not gotten permission yet. Do you think you can-"

General Meria asked worriedly, and Rucia felt her heart soften.

As much as she wanted to tease her cousin, she also wanted General Meria to stop feeling awkward around her. It had been years, and the general still could not look Rucia in the eye.

'That's what makes the general so cute. And speaking of cute, isn't the general looking too thin these past few days? I know I have never seen him outside his armour, but still! His body should be more defined as a beta general, right?'

Rucia reached to touch Meria's arm to confirm for herself. But she was too late, causing the emperor to notice her intentions.

The alpha emperor quickly pulled himself into a sitting position and felt enraged when Meria did nothing to stop or discourage Rucia's actions.

Logically, the emperor knew that Meria had not noticed what Rucia was trying to do. However, emotions did not always align with one's logic, and the emperor reacted.

"General Meria, you head back home now. I'm tired of your company today and want to rest now."

Rucia saw this as an opportunity and instantly spoke up.

"Then I will-"

"NO! I want you to stay with me and help me with my paperwork, Rucia. As a member of the royal family and the only Grand Duke, it is your duty to help me when I cannot perform my duties. You need to stay with me."

Rucia could see the longing in his cousin's eyes. He did not want to send his beloved General away, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

"Oh, my dear cousin. You are still so dramatic and worry unnecessarily. Did you tell General Meria who you were? Is that why he looked so flushed? You confessed your undying love for him?" 

Rucia asked, only teasing his cousin, but he remained quiet, causing Rucia to panic.

"Hey! I was joking. You didn't seriously tell him the truth, right, Kerin? You will put him in danger if you do."

The emperor finally reacted by sighing.

"Of course, I did not tell him anything. I am not going to risk my beloved's life like that, alright? Anyway, did you get the news that I wanted?"

Rucia nodded.

"Yeah, I got something you would like to listen to. The temple has started to move, and we are keeping an eye on it."