Ch 46: An offer I have to refuse [pt1]

 'I am in a place I do not recognise. Should I pretend to be asleep for a little longer to see what is happening?'

Meria did not open his eyes as he woke up. 

It was easy for people to lower their guard around sleeping people, and that was what he wanted to take advantage of.

A wet snout touched Meria's face, and then fur touched his body.

He could hear the wolf sniffing him before settling on his abdomen. 

The wolf's weight finally caused Meria to open his eyes, and he looked into the most beautiful pink eyes he had ever seen.

If he concentrated on them enough, Meria could see a cluster of stars in those pink eyes.

And then they blinked, breathing the spell they had cast on Meria.

He felt a little silly to be enchanted by a pair of eyes, but they had been beautiful.

Almost as beautiful as the face in front of him.