Ch 60: The truth will come out [pt3]

"Meena, I need you to help the emperor return while I talk to General Meria here."

The guard moved forward to carry out the order she had been given, but Meria instantly stopped her.

"You are not going to take our emperor anywhere. Not until I know what you are planning."

Meria stood before the unconscious emperor, and he refused to move.

Meena was ready to remove him if she was ordered to do so, but Eric sighed before deciding to interfere.

"There is no point in attacking the general, Meena. You can carry Emperor Kerin to your room if you do not trust us. I promise I am not trying to harm you or the general."

The Saintess promised, but his words had already lost their credibility.

Meena looked tense, waiting to see if this small interaction would escalate into something more.

But the longer the situation went without an outcome, the more she relaxed.