Ch 80: Looking into it [pt1]

Meria wanted to spend more time with the emperor, but the look on Rukia's face stopped him.

The royal guard looked irritated; one look outside would tell anyone why she was so irritated.

"Rukia, I wish to stay here for a little longer. Surely you will not go against the emperor's words and try to take me back?"

Kerin asked in an authoritative voice.

He looked at Rukia's pissed-off expression and flinched.

It seemed as if Rukia was ready to drag Kerin off back home.

"Oh, I don't know what I will do anymore. We needed to be back home an hour ago. Do you think your position can be taken lightly? You need to head back now, Kerin."

Rukia had closed the door and put a charm around the room before she yelled these words.

She knew all the nuances that clung to the emperor and tried to take advantage of the situation before them.

Most went after Rukia and her guards since they could not get to the emperor.