Elysium: Moon X Star: Chapter 8: Cliff Render

Scene 1: A Strategic Retreat

Surrounded by the growing horde of Nectoids, Zephyr and Lyra found themselves outnumbered and facing an escalating situation. With the Nectoids closing in, the duo realized that confrontation would be futile.

**Lyra:** "We need a plan, Zephyr! We can't take them all head-on."

Zephyr, understanding the gravity of the situation, shifted his focus toward creating a diversion to aid their escape. Concentrating his elemental powers, he unleashed Hydro Technique 5: Mist of Poseidon—a skillful maneuver that generated a thick veil of mist, obscuring the Nectoids' vision and providing cover for them to retreat.

Amidst the confusion caused by the billowing mist, Zephyr maneuvered skillfully, evading the giant Nectoid's grasp and finding higher ground. He didn't aim to attack but to draw the attention away from Lyra, creating a momentary distraction.

**Zephyr:** "Follow my lead, Lyra! We need to find an opening."

As Lyra gathered her powers, she focused on a strategic approach to the situation. With a calculated move, she utilized Pyro Technique 3: Ember Extension, creating a controlled barrier of fire that slowed down a group of Nectoids, providing a brief respite.

**Lyra:** "Zephyr, let's regroup and retreat! We can't fight them all."

Realizing the escalating odds, Zephyr and Lyra abandoned the notion of direct combat, instead opting for a tactical retreat. They aimed to fall back to a more strategic position, seeking a way out of the encircling Nectoids rather than engaging in a battle they couldn't win.

As they navigated through the thick forest, their primary objective became finding a safe path to escape the overwhelming Nectoid presence.

Scene 2: Unforeseen Allies

As Zephyr and Lyra strategized their retreat from the encroaching Nectoids, they devised a plan to redirect and disperse the remaining creatures. Lyra skillfully used her abilities to divert the Nectoids' attention, allowing Zephyr to assist in their safe escape.

**Zephyr:** "Lyra, let's lead them away from our path."

Lyra swiftly executed a plan, channeling her magic to create a diversion. Their coordinated effort successfully redirected the Nectoids, granting them an opportunity to seek cover within the foliage of the forest.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Zephyr and Lyra, a hooded figure observed the events from a distance. This figure, shrouded in mystery, observed the duo's actions with a watchful eye. Slowly, a smile graced the figure's lips, a subtle expression of empathy and understanding.

As Zephyr and Lyra maneuvered near the Nectoid Nest, Lyra volunteered to handle a powerful Nectoid, displaying her courage and determination to protect her friend. However, as she attempted to approach, the Nectoid reacted unpredictably, causing her to stumble.

Witnessing his friend in distress, Zephyr rushed forward, intending to assist. In a surprising turn of events, a previously unnoticed magical barrier intervened, obstructing Zephyr's efforts.

Just as the situation grew dire, the hooded figure, now revealed as a young boy, intervened. His presence seemed to alter the course of events. Employing his unique abilities, the boy swiftly aided Lyra, preventing her from harm.

Approaching Zephyr, the boy used his magical prowess to neutralize the barrier and offer healing aid, ensuring Zephyr's safety.

Scene 3: Cliff Render's Gift

Grateful for the unexpected help from Cliff Render, Zephyr, and Lyra gathered the Nectoid Oil with his assistance. As they packed the precious resource into bags, Cliff extended his hand, offering the filled bags to them.

**Cliff:** "Here, take these. You can always find me near the mountain if you need help in future battles. I'll be glad to assist."

With a warm smile, Cliff introduced himself as the son of Kalos Render, the former vice leader of the Anexus Defence Force. Zephyr and Lyra bid farewell, carrying the bags of Nectoid Oil back to Nexus Academy.

Their return to the academy was met with consequences; they faced detention for their tardiness. However, the impressive amount of Nectoid Oil they brought back earned them high marks despite the reprimand.

The following day, driven by curiosity and gratitude, Lyra and Zephyr visited Cliff's secluded house. They discovered he lived alone and decided to lend a hand with the housework. Afterward, over a cup of tea, they inquired about the remarkable magic Cliff had employed against the Mutational Nectoid.

**Lyra:** "That magic you used, it was unlike anything we've seen before. What was it?"

**Cliff:** "That was forbidden Exo Magic. It's similar to pixel magic or video magic but belongs to the Dark Magics. I learned it from a shaman long ago."

Intrigued by the revelation, Cliff handed them a Contract Key, explaining its function to open a transcending gate and summon a Contract Beast to aid them in battles. He bestowed upon them the Contract of Canis Major, assisting them when needed.

**Cliff:** "Take this Contract Key. It'll open a gateway to summon Canis Major. He'll lend his power whenever you need it."

Appreciative of Cliff's generosity and guidance, Zephyr and Lyra left Cliff's house with newfound knowledge and a sense of gratitude, determined to explore the depths of the power they now possessed.

Scene 4: Unleashing Canis Major

Under the canopy of trees, Cliff, Lyra, and Zephyr embarked on a leisurely walk. Their peaceful outing was interrupted as a group of goblins emerged from the nearby pond, startling the trio.

**Cliff:** "Stay behind me, you two."

Cliff confidently faced the goblins, deflecting their attacks effortlessly. Witnessing Cliff's prowess, Lyra was amazed.

**Lyra:** "Wow, Cliff! You're incredible!"

With swift movements, Lyra summoned Canis Major, calling upon the Contract Beast for aid.

**Lyra:** "Canis Major, protect us!"

Canis Major materialized, a magnificent and imposing creature, coming to their aid with a fierce demeanor. The colossal dog leaped into action, swiftly dispatching the goblins and ensuring their safety.

**Zephyr:** "That's amazing! Canis Major is truly formidable."

Impressed by the Contract Beast's prowess, Cliff rewarded Canis Major with additional contracts, strengthening their bond and granting more opportunities for summons.

After the skirmish, Lyra and Zephyr quizzed Cliff about acquiring other Contract Keys, eager to expand their arsenal.

**Lyra:** "Where can we find other Contract Keys?"

**Cliff:** "Zodiac Contract Keys like Virgo, Leo, and Gemini are guarded by the 12 Xeno Beasts. And for others like Draco, Orion, and Centaurus, you'd need to visit magic stores. They're quite pricey though."

Lyra and Zephyr's curiosity grew about Shadow Magic, but Cliff deftly diverted the conversation.

**Zephyr:** "What about Shadow Magic, Cliff? Can you tell us more?"

**Cliff:** "Ah, let's discuss something else for now."

Sensing Cliff's reluctance to delve into the topic, they decided to respect his choice and bid him farewell.

**Lyra:** "Thanks, Cliff! We'll come back for more adventures."

With a smile, Cliff entrusted them with the newly acquired Contract Keys, setting them on their way to explore the vast potential within the magical artifacts.