Elysium Moon X Star: Chapter 9: Lyra's Dreams

Scene 1: Troubling Dreams

Amid the night, Lyra found herself submerged in a disconcerting dream. Within the dream, she stood amidst the void, encountering a radiant reflection of Karya. Its brilliance was blinding, yet the only message it conveyed was a cryptic warning: "Don't find me."

Abruptly jolted awake, Lyra's head spun with dizziness, and she felt an overwhelming urge to vomit. Frantically rushing to the bathroom, she coughed blood, the sensation ceasing abruptly with the sound of the morning bell.

**Lyra:** (In distress) "What's happening to me?"

In a state of panic, Lyra made her way to the nurse's office, seeking answers to the sudden and unexplained illness that had befallen her. The nurses conducted various tests but were unable to discern the cause of her ailment.

**Nurse:** "Your vitals seem normal, Lyra. Maybe it's just a passing episode."

The nausea and faintness returned with greater intensity, causing her distress, and she struggled to catch her breath.

**Lyra:** "I... I can't breathe..."

Fortunately, Zephyr arrived just in time, noticing Lyra's deteriorating condition. Without hesitation, he rushed to her aid, offering her water to ease her discomfort.

**Zephyr:** "Here, drink some water. It might help."

Lyra sipped the water, feeling a bit better, but the unsettling sensations persisted, and she still felt unwell.

**Lyra:** "I feel terrible... What's happening to me, Zephyr?"

**Zephyr:** (Concerned) "I don't know, Lyra, but we'll figure it out. I'll go get help."

Determined to find a solution, Zephyr swiftly exited the school premises, heading towards Cliff's house, hoping for assistance in unraveling the mystery behind Lyra's sudden affliction.

Scene 2: Seeking Aid

Zephyr swiftly reached Cliff's house, urgency etched across his face. Seeking a remedy for Lyra's ailment, he implored Cliff, a graduate in Health, to lend his expertise.

**Zephyr:** "Cliff, please, you have to help Lyra. She's getting worse."

Without hesitation, Cliff accompanied Zephyr to the nurse's office, his knowledge and skills ready to be of aid. After a thorough examination, Cliff administered a potion to Lyra in hopes of alleviating her condition. As Lyra drifted back into sleep, she was once again enveloped in the haunting dream.

**Lyra:** (Dreaming) "I will find you, Karya."

Abruptly roused from her dream, Lyra's distress remained palpable as she woke up, still plagued by dizziness and nausea. Despite her gratitude for the potion, it seemed to have little effect.

**Lyra:** "Thank you, Cliff, but I still feel terrible."

The head doctor and a town specialist were called in, but despite their expertise, they were unable to pinpoint the cause of Lyra's suffering. Her appearance was alarming—pale and with veins visibly protruding. Breathing had become an arduous task, each inhale a struggle.

**Cliff:** "Zephyr, we need to talk."

Taking Zephyr aside, Cliff divulged a potential solution. There was someone in Itorund Town who might offer the aid they sought for Lyra's baffling ailment.

**Cliff:** "There's someone in Itorund Town who might be able to help. We need to go there."

Scene 3: Kezin Market Rush

Zephyr and Cliff mounted a horse, galloping through the night towards Itorund Town. The town was bustling, even at midnight, as bars, houses, and small flats gleamed with vibrant lights. This was the day of Kezin Market, an annual event drawing crowds to the Kezin district for a day of shopping.

**Zephyr:** "It's packed tonight. We have to find Antol's Magic Shop."

As they maneuvered through the throngs of people, Cliff stumbled and fell, but Zephyr quickly extended a hand to help him up. Sharing a reassuring smile, they pressed on through the crowds.

**Cliff:** "Thanks, Zephyr. Let's keep going!"

Pushing through the sea of bustling bodies, they finally arrived at Antol's Magic Shop. With urgency in their steps, they purchased an Ophiuchus Contract Key. However, obtaining it cost them their entire life savings—100,000 Tolca, equivalent to 18,500 USD.

**Zephyr:** "It's a hefty price, but it's worth it for Lyra."

Exiting the crowded market, they made their way back to the port. The atmosphere was electric with merchants haggling, people chattering, and the occasional commotion echoing through the air. Rushing to secure transportation back, they encountered the buzz of merchants and travelers discussing their wares and destinations.

**Cliff:** "We need to find a ship heading back immediately!"

Navigating the lively port, they searched for a vessel to take them back, eager to return to Lyra with the newly acquired Contract Key.

Scene 4: A Challenging Encounter

Zephyr and Cliff hurriedly made their way to the port, hoping to secure passage back to their destination. However, they encountered a group of seamen who approached them with an unusual proposition.

**Seaman Leader:** "Hey there, travelers! How about a friendly challenge? If you win, you get a free ride on our ship!"

The seamen challenged Zephyr and Cliff to a friendly contest, a game of maritime knowledge and skill, with the stakes being a free voyage. Though they had no funds left, Zephyr and Cliff hesitated at first but agreed to the challenge.

**Zephyr:** "Sure, why not? Let's do it."

As the contest began, they engaged in various activities such as knot-tying, identifying maritime flags, and recounting tales of legendary sea voyages. Zephyr demonstrated his impressive knowledge of ship parts, while Cliff astounded the seamen with his understanding of wind patterns and navigation techniques.

**Cliff:** "Did you know that the best winds for sailing vary depending on the time of year and latitude?"

Their opponents were impressed by the duo's skills and knowledge. Although there was a tense moment when Zephyr narrowly missed a knot, they managed to impress the seamen with their enthusiasm and proficiency.

**Seaman Leader:** "Well, you two really know your stuff! You've won fair and square. Enjoy your trip on the house!"

The seamen, impressed by their maritime knowledge and skills, graciously offered Zephyr and Cliff a free voyage on their ship as a reward for their impressive performance.

**Zephyr:** "Thank you! We appreciate it."

With their spirits lifted and a free voyage secured, Zephyr and Cliff bid the seamen farewell and boarded the ship, looking forward to their journey back to Lyra.

Scene 5: The Unforeseen Encounter

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting an amber hue across the tranquil sea. Zephyr and Cliff joined the crew for a hearty dinner, sharing tales of their adventures as they savored the camaraderie.

"So, Zephyr, any more encounters with mischievous sprites?" Cliff asked with a chuckle, sipping from his mug.

"Not lately, but I've been reading about ancient water enchantments," Zephyr replied, flipping through a tome.

As the evening progressed, the mood aboard the ship was lively, filled with laughter and tales. Meanwhile, Cliff engaged in a poker game with the pirates, enjoying their banter.

Suddenly, the tranquil evening was disrupted by a disturbance in the waters—a peculiar hydra-like creature emerged, accompanied by mystical Drowned Nectoids. The crew swiftly sprang into action, their unity evident in the face of the unforeseen threat.

"Avast, the sea's stirred up some trouble!" shouted one of the sailors, scrambling to defend the ship.

Cliff, focused and determined, summoned Dorado, the Swordfish, exclaiming, "Time to lend a fin, Dorado!" The ethereal swordfish companion surged into action, diverting the attention of the threatening hydra.

At the same time, Zephyr called forth the aid of his Ophiuchus Contract Key. "Ophiuchus, lend us your aid!" he exclaimed, manifesting assistance to support the crew.

The crew collaborated, swiftly coordinating their efforts to repel the intruders while keeping the ship and themselves safe from harm. With combined teamwork, they managed to protect the vessel, albeit with some damage, and thwart the creatures' advance.