Elysium Moon X Star: Chapter 10: The War (Prologue)

As the ship faced peril in the tempestuous sea, Zephyr swiftly devised a plan to aid their survival. "Everyone, take this Water Affinity. It'll help you navigate the waters and breathe easily. Swim with all your strength and reach the shore," he instructed, channeling his elemental powers to provide the crew with the essential ability.

"Thank you, lad! We owe you our lives," exclaimed the ship's captain, deeply moved by Zephyr's assistance, as the grateful crew prepared to swim towards safety.

"Remember to stay together and keep each other safe!" Zephyr called out, his voice carrying over the crashing waves.

After their remarkable rescue and safe arrival ashore, the crew expressed their immense gratitude to Zephyr and Cliff. "We cannot thank you enough for your timely aid. Please take this as a token of our appreciation," the crew voiced collectively, offering 50,000 Tolca as a heartfelt gesture.

"We're glad we could help. Stay safe and take care," Cliff said, nodding in gratitude as they bid farewell to the crew.

Zephyr and Cliff embarked on their journey back to Nexus Academy, alternating between horseback riding and a carriage ride, relishing the moments of tranquility along the way.

"Quite an adventure, wasn't it?" Cliff chuckled, breaking the comfortable silence.

"It definitely was. But we made it through together," Zephyr replied, reflecting on the day's events.

Arriving back at the Academy, Zephyr and Cliff wasted no time and quickly headed to Lyra's quarters. "Ophiuchus, we need your healing," Zephyr requested, summoning the Contract Key to assist Lyra.

As they returned to the school grounds, Zephyr approached the council, presenting the retrieved Contract Keys. "Here are the keys, as promised. We've completed the task," Zephyr informed, addressing the council.

"Great work! Here's your reward," the council acknowledged, rewarding Zephyr with another sum of 50,000 Tolca.

Under the radiant sun, Zephyr, Lyra, and Cliff strolled through the vibrant market near Nexus Academy. They roamed among the colorful stalls, eyeing various items on display.

"I've heard about these claymores. It's a pity they're out of our budget," Lyra remarked, disappointment evident in her voice.

Cliff nodded. "Perhaps we could try something else. How about trying Niber? It's a local delicacy and quite delicious."

The trio decided to forego the claymores and instead indulged in Niber. The tantalizing blend of rice, seaweed, and raw tuna balls intrigued their taste buds, making it a memorable culinary experience.

Later, they returned to Nexus Academy, lounging outdoors and engaging in a discussion about Contract Keys.

Meanwhile, in a secluded office within the Academy, the school head summoned three individuals, Martis, Yatsu, and Clymene, to undertake a clandestine mission of paramount importance. They were to investigate a mysterious dungeon situated in the Mastas region, assigned by none other than Magic King Vormene Kristen himself.

Martis, a 16-year-old proficient in Earth Magic, hailed from the renowned Zonra Magic Family, bringing considerable skill and knowledge to the team.

Yatsu Barcona, a 15-year-old adept in wielding Contract Keys and harnessing Nature Magic, grew up as an orphan under the care of the Zedest Church, boasting a unique perspective and skillset.

Clymene Kallama, also 16 years old, specialized in Healing Magic, and was a distinguished member of the esteemed Kallama Family, recognized for their mastery in the healing arts.

The school head outlined the mission's urgency and significance, emphasizing the importance of discretion and the gravity of their task. With a solemn nod, the trio prepared themselves for this formidable quest into the unknown depths of the Mastas region.

As the sun set on Nexus Academy, both groups - Zephyr, Lyra, and Cliff, engaged in lively discussions, and the trio of Martis, Yatsu, and Clymene, bracing themselves for their covert expedition - found themselves at the threshold of new and intriguing adventures.