Elysium Moon X Star: Chapter 11: The War (Part 1)

The alarm blared through the halls of Nexus Academy, its shrill echo piercing the calmness that usually enveloped the campus. Zephyr, Lyra, and Cliff were among the first responders, swiftly assembling at the central meeting point.

Principal Xyte's voice echoed over the speakers, grave and urgent. "Report to the Mastas Plateaus immediately. A hostile conflict has erupted at the dungeon site. Lotus Kingdom soldiers are engaging."

Without hesitation, the trio equipped themselves with their swords, grimoires, and sturdy armor. They mounted their broomsticks and soared into the sky, streaking towards the Mastas Plateaus, an hour south of the academy.

As they approached, a sight both astonishing and concerning met their eyes. An army of Lotus Kingdom soldiers clashed with guardians of the dungeon, their banners flying high as they fought to either enter or protect the mysterious cavern.

Cliff sent an urgent communication back to Nexus Academy, detailing the dire situation. But it was evident—war was upon them, and it was unfolding right at the dungeon's entrance.

Zephyr's heart raced with a mixture of fear and determination. "We have to do something. Nexus Academy must have a plan," he exclaimed over the tumult of the battlefield.

Lyra nodded, her gaze fixed on the chaos below. "They'll send reinforcements, but until then, we have to hold the line and prevent the conflict from escalating further."

The three prepared for battle, knowing that their actions could turn the tide in this unexpected war.

As the soldiers closed in on them, Lyra, Zephyr, and Cliff braced themselves for the oncoming battle. Swords clashed, and spells soared through the air. They swiftly evaded the initial attacks, weaving between the ferocious strikes, but the enemy's numbers were overwhelming.

Magic users from both sides engaged in a spectacular display of spells and enchantments. Lyra's eyes widened at the sheer magnitude of the battlefield; it was chaos unfolding before her. Amidst the skirmish, they caught glimpses of familiar faces among the mages who came to their aid.

With the situation intensifying, Zephyr shouted, "We need to find cover!" A deafening explosion echoed through the air, sending shockwaves rippling across the battleground. Cliff's leg was hit, leaving him in excruciating pain.

"We can't stay here!" Lyra cried out, her voice barely audible over the clamor.

Zephyr grabbed Lyra's hand, pulling her close. "We're not fighters. We need to find a way out."

The trio navigated through the tumultuous scene, seeking refuge from the relentless onslaught. Despite the chaos outside, they aimed to stay clear of the violence. Their goal was to reach safety, to regroup and figure out their next steps.

Traversing the passages of the dungeon, they sought sanctuary, away from the merciless clash of steel and magic. The echoes of battle resonated behind them as they hurried deeper into the cavernous confines.

Cliff gritted his teeth, enduring the pain, while Lyra and Zephyr scanned the darkness for any sign of shelter. They pressed on, their determination unwavering, their hope resting on finding solace amid the turmoil that raged outside.