Elysium: Moon X Star: Chapter 14: The War (Part 4)

Zephyr wiped off the Nectoid Oil with his hair and smiled at the Nectoid. He put his palms together, praying that the Nectoid be reborn safely and happily. He always does that every time he kills a Nectoid. (am I making that up now or did I forget to add it before?) 

Zephyr continued to run through the dungeon's long and dusty corridors, looking left and right for an entrance somewhere. Zephyr's feet were like Hercules, running as fast as he could to rescue Cliff. 

Finally, Zephyr found a wooden door ahead and kicked it open like he depended on it. 

It smelled like rotten eggs, plus there wasn't anything inside the room. Emptiness. It does stretch out long though, so Zephyr ran across the room for a few minutes until he reached the end.

Zephyr's eyes were full of impurity and guilt as he saw two rotten bodies scattered across a bookshelf. Zephyr gets on his knees and almost mumbled something.

"I- no- Um..." He muttered.

Zephyr stood up to the gore and slowly reached out to grab the bodies. As he touched one of the arms, Zephyr feels an icky feeling on the tip of his fingers and retracts his hand.

"What's this? It felt like dated slime. What were they killed by? Or, did..." 

He imagined their suffering experience before death, and called off moving the bodies. Zephyr just prayed that they didn't experience what Zephyr taught they did, and of course you thought too.

He ran back to the door but heard a large bang sound from above. 


As he saw 2 men falling into the center darkness. 

"Oi! NOOOOO!" They screamed. 

Before Zephyr could react, the bodies haven't reached the bottom yet. It took another 10 seconds for a faint "chiuk" sound from below signalling how deep the dungeon is. 

The sound of clashing swords grew bigger as Zephyr stood there. He grabbed the railings and threw it below. Now, it took 12 seconds to make the "chiuk" sound, which Zephyr estimated could be 450 meters deep, 300 floors from above to the deepest point. 

He knew that even if he used a Hydro Punch below, it would explode his hand. Zephyr continued to maneuver down the stairs until Floor 70,?where Zephyr met another Nectoid. This time, the Nectoid's color was off. Instead of the reddish brown colour of normal Nectoids, this one was blue.

"What?! A blue Nectoid! Hey you!" 

The Nectoid seemed like it was shivering and cold. Zephyr slowly approached the Nectoid, ready for it to attack him.

"Ok, I'm going to help you, but don't you dare kill me. Okay?"

Zephyr was standing right in front of the tiny Nectoid. He realizes that a Cryo user must've attacked her, and either they escaped or they were killed by it.

Zephyr gave the Nectoid a few hot breaths until it wasn't freezing. The Nectoid saw Zephyr and immediately retreated.

"AAAH! Don't kill me, please!" The Nectoid screamed.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not gonna kill you if you promise me one thing."

The Nectoid was a child, maybe a 2-month-old Nectoid, but Zephyr was curious on how it could get this deep inside a dungeon.

"What is it, mister human?" The Nectoid slowly replied.

"Ok. Good Nectoid. Promise me that if you grow up, don't hurt humans like me, okay?"

"But Mama New- ne- Nectoid says that if I grow up, I have to kill humans."

"Oh, your mother already told me to say this to you."


"Oh yeah."

"Okay funny mister, I'll make the promise! I promise not to hurt humans when I grow up!"

"Great! Now, go hide in there. When I come back, you can follow me, okay?"

"Okay, funny mister!"

"Ok. I'll be back in a few minutes, honey."

The cute little Nectoid waved at Zephyr who was descending deeper into the dungeon.

Meanwhile, the chaos at the surface is getting more intense. Julian Torde, King of the Lotus Kingdom, sends all of his troops to the battlefield and doesn't pay attention to the north border, where Magic King sends about 5,000 men to raid the castle and burn down Lotus Palace forever.