Elysium Moon X Star: Chapter 15: The War (Part 5)

The following story contains mature language and violence, proceed with caution.

As Salvos advanced toward Yatsu, he could feel the cold air from the ice spikes that surrounded him. He knew he had to act fast, or he would be caught by surprise. With a swift movement, Yatsu lunged himself at Salvos, hoping to catch him off guard. But Salvos was not an easy target. He quickly turned around and kicked Yatsu's head, causing him to fall and nosebleed.

"You're not bad, but you're not good enough to defeat me," Salvos said, taunting Yatsu as he stood up.

Yatsu gritted his teeth, determined to prove him wrong. He charged at Salvos, throwing punches at him, but Salvos' sword dodged them all. Yatsu fell to the ground, out of hope.

"You're a tough one, I'll give you that," Salvos said, looking down at Yatsu. "But you're no match for me."

Yatsu struggled to stand up, his body bruised and battered. "I won't give up. I'll fight you until the end," he said, determination in his voice.

Salvos chuckled. "I like your spirit, but it's time to end this." He raised his sword, ready to deliver the final blow.

Yatsu closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable. But nothing happened. He opened his eyes and saw Salvos standing there, frozen in place.

"What's going on?" Yatsu asked, confused.

Salvos looked around, equally perplexed. "I don't know. Something's not right."

Suddenly, the dungeon shook, and the ground beneath them began to crack. Yatsu and Salvos had to work together to avoid falling into the abyss. They found themselves standing back to back, ready to face whatever was coming their way.

"We may be enemies, but we have a common goal now," Salvos said, looking at Yatsu. "We need to get out of here alive."

Yatsu nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Let's do this."

With that, they charged forward, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

A few seconds later, the two heard footsteps from outside the room. 

"Hey! Help us!"

"You brat!" Salvos shrieked.

He rushed through the exit while Yatsu tried to hold the ground together.

"Hurry, dickhead!" Yatsu screamed at Salvos.

Salvos managed to open the crack and saw Zephyr being attacked by a horde of Bralbeasts. He was insanely injured, and couldn't afford to look at the monsters. Salvos opened the crack and ran outside to help Zephyr.

"What are you doing here? Son of a PAAH!"

One of the Bralbeasts kicked Salvos on the head. A chunk of blood came pouring out of his mouth, even a few teeth. Salvos took a deep breath, before turning around faster than light and roundhouse kicking the Bralbeast down the void.

"Get that, piece of shit!" Salvos shouted.

The other Bralbeasts raged at Salvos. Thankfully, Ice Magic is powerful towards the Fire Bralbeasts, and he managed to defeat them in seconds. 

"Oi! Shithead, ya done out there?"

"Ah, wait a minute. This guy's face is covered in blood."

Salvos wiped the blood on Zephyr's face away, before putting him inside his bag. 

"Hurry! I'll open it for ya!" 

Salvos opened the crack in the wall and Yatsu exited. 

"He's wearing the same clothes as you. You know this guy?"

"Ah, must be Zephyr. Yeah, I know this guy."

"Remember, we must finish what we started, so we'll have a rematch later on."D

"Deal. B-b-but don't kill me, okay?"

The four rushed up the stairs hoping to return to the surface.