Elysium: Moon X Star: Chapter 16: The War (Part 6)

Zephyr, Clymene, Salvos, and Yatsu rushed up the dungeon's stairs until Floor 60. This was the highest they had ever gone, and the corridors were scattered with dead bodies. The smell of blood and decay was overwhelming. The group walked cautiously, weapons at the ready and eyes peeled for danger.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming from the end of the hallway. Salvos signaled for them to stop and hide. They took cover behind a nearby pillar, waiting for the source of the sound to reveal itself.

A group of Lotus Kingdom soldiers appeared, their swords drawn and ready for battle. Zephyr motioned for the others to stay hidden while he stepped forward, his hands raised in surrender.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" one of the soldiers demanded, his sword pointed at Zephyr's throat.

"We're just passing through," Zephyr replied calmly. "We mean no harm."

The soldiers eyed them suspiciously, but eventually lowered their weapons. "Fine. But be careful. This place is dangerous."

With that, the soldiers disappeared down the hallway, leaving the group to continue their trek upwards.

As they walked, they could hear the sounds of battle echoing from somewhere above. They quickened their pace, eager to see what was happening.

When they reached the next floor, they saw Lyra and Cliff in the midst of a fight with a group of soldiers. Lyra was wielding her sword with ferocity, while Cliff was trying to keep up despite a wound on his leg that was getting worse by the minute.

"Lyra, Cliff, we're here to help!" Zephyr shouted.

The soldiers turned to face the newcomers, but they were no match for Salvos and Yatsu, who charged forward with their weapons at the ready. Together, they made quick work of the enemy soldiers and the group was reunited once more.

Cliff's leg was badly injured, and he was fading fast. Lyra tried to stabilize him, but it was clear that he needed immediate medical attention.

"We need to get him out of here," Clymene said. "There's no way I can heal him in a situation like this."

Zephyr nodded in agreement. "Let's get him to the surface."

As they made their way back down the dungeon, they heard a commotion coming from outside. The Palace of Lotus was under attack.

"We have to help," Lyra said. "We can't just leave them to die."

Zephyr hesitated for a moment, but eventually nodded. "Alright. But we have to be careful. We don't know what we're up against."

The group emerged from the dungeon and saw chaos unfolding before their eyes. The 5,000 men sent to burn down the Palace of Lotus were in disarray, with many of them already dead or dying. But there was no sign of who or what was causing the destruction.

As they made their way through the carnage, they heard a sinister laugh coming from somewhere in the distance. It sent shivers down their spines, and they knew they were in for a fight.