Chapter [111]

Occult Research Club

"Grayfia is concerned about my safety because of Azazel's disappearance," Rias explained, her voice laden with disinterest.

"Rias, I understand you want to make your own decisions, but Grayfia-san is just trying to ensure your safety," Akeno began, her voice soft and compassionate. "Sirzechs-sama wouldn't do this without a valid reason."

Rias sighed, acknowledging the logic behind Akeno's words. However, her stubbornness still prevented her from accepting the situation willingly.

"I know, Akeno. But I don't like being treated like a child," she replied, her voice tinged with frustration.

Akeno watched Rias with a mix of concern and relief. She was glad she made the deal with Riser to help Rias break off the engagement, especially after witnessing her friend's childish behavior.

"Rias, we need to talk about Riser," Akeno said, deciding to change the subject.

Rias frowned, concerned by Akeno's serious tone. "What happened? Did he hurt you?"

Akeno blushed slightly, feeling uncomfortable at the thought of sharing her intimate encounters with Riser. "Well, in a way, yes..."

Rias widened her eyes, surprised by Akeno's revelation. "What do you mean 'in a way'?"

Akeno chuckled softly, trying to ease the tension. "Ara ara, Rias. I slept with Riser."

Rias was shocked by Akeno's confession. "You... what?!"

As Rias tried to process the revelation, Issei listened in on the conversation behind the door, his eyes widening at what he had just heard. He couldn't believe what was happening.


Issei ran through the school, his friends Matsuda and Motohama by his side. They were being chased by a group of girls from the kendo club.

"Come back here, you perverts!" shouted one of the girls.

"Quick, Issei! They're almost catching up!" Matsuda exclaimed, panting as he ran alongside Issei.

Issei laughed, feeling the adrenaline rushing through his veins as they dodged the girls' attacks. He spotted a nearby tree and got an idea.

Issei quickly climbed a nearby tree, leaving Matsuda and Motohama behind as the girls continued their frantic pursuit.

From atop the tree, Issei looked down and saw his friends being chased by the girls, and he couldn't help but laugh at the situation. However, his smile disappeared when he remembered Rias.

Deciding it was time to stop fooling around and get back to more serious matters, Issei climbed down from the tree and began walking towards the club.

As he approached the club, Issei began to hear voices coming from inside.

"Akeno..." Issei murmured, his heart racing at the prospect of seeing her again.

He approached the club door and listened in on the conversation happening inside. His curiosity was piqued when he heard Riser's name being mentioned.

End of Flashback

Akeno watched Rias's surprised expression as she revealed her involvement with Riser, silently questioning why her friend was so shocked. However, before she could express her curiosity, Rias reacted unexpectedly.

"Well, it was quick, so I guess I should congratulate you," Rias said, trying to keep a light tone despite her internal confusion.

Akeno smiled.

"Well, thank you for the congratulations."

Rias looked down, a sad expression crossing her face.

"Rias, what's wrong? You seem sad," Akeno commented, wondering if her own decision to stay with Riser had caused any discomfort for Rias.

Rias sighed, recalling the marriage contract that troubled her. "I remembered the marriage contract," she murmured, her voice laden with sorrow.

Akeno noticed the melancholy in Rias's words and felt a pang of guilt, fearing that her own happiness was contributing to her friend's sadness.

"Rias, I know you're going through a difficult time with the marriage contract," Akeno began, her voice soft and comforting.

Rias looked at Akeno, her eyes filled with sadness and frustration. "Yes, it's a complicated situation. I don't know how I'm going to get out of it."

Akeno remembered Riser's words, warning her not to mention the deal they made. However, she decided it was important to offer support to her friend, regardless of the consequences.

"Rias, I can help you break the marriage contract," Akeno said, her voice firm and determined.

Rias raised an eyebrow, surprised by Akeno's offer of help. "How could you do that?"

"I truly believe that Riser can help us with this," Akeno said, her voice filled with confidence. "He has resources and influence that can be useful in this situation."

Rias sighed, seeming skeptical of Riser's abilities. "I understand what you're saying, Akeno, but I don't think even my brother would be able to do something like that. How could Riser?"

Akeno furrowed her brow slightly, bothered by Rias's lack of faith in Riser. "Rias, you can't underestimate the power of someone like Riser. He might surprise you."

Rias shook her head, her expression of disbelief persisting. "Akeno, sometimes you seem to be living in a fantasy world. A woman in love tends to create illusions in her head, thinking her boyfriend is perfect."

Rias's words hit Akeno hard, making her feel angry and hurt. "How can you say that, Rias? You don't even know what you're talking about. You've never truly been in love to understand."

Akeno's words hit Rias like a shot, and she suddenly felt exposed.

Rias looked away, a hesitant expression crossing her face. "Well, actually... I am in love."

Akeno widened her eyes, surprised by Rias's sudden revelation. She didn't expect to hear something like that, especially considering the complicated situation Rias was in with the marriage contract. However, her surprise quickly turned into disbelief when she realized Rias was lying to try to come out on top.

"Rias, are you kidding, right?" Akeno asked, a smile playing on her lips. "Is this some kind of joke?"

Rias held Akeno's gaze, maintaining her serious expression. "No, I'm serious. I really am in love."

Meanwhile, Issei, who had been listening to the conversation behind the door, was shocked to hear Rias's words. He immediately assumed she was talking about him and felt his heart race at the thought of Rias possibly having feelings for him.

"Who else could it be? I'm the only man close to her," Issei thought to himself, his chest swelling with the idea.

Back to the conversation between Rias and Akeno, Akeno couldn't help but laugh at Rias's assertion.

Rias frowned, annoyed by Akeno's reaction. "Why are you laughing? This isn't funny."

Akeno controlled her laughter, trying to maintain a serious expression. "Sorry, Rias. It's just... you don't seem very convincing."

Rias sighed, frustrated by Akeno's lack of support. "Well, if you're not going to believe me, then it doesn't matter."

Akeno tilted her head, a mischievous smile appearing on her lips. "Alright, then tell me, who's the lucky one who captured the heart of the great Rias Gremory?"
