chapter [112]

Rias sighed, feeling increasingly uncomfortable with the situation. She knew she had gotten herself into a mess by making up a story about being in love.

"Well, actually..." she began, hesitantly, as she tried to come up with a convincing lie.

Akeno watched her closely, waiting for a response.

"It's... Kiba," Rias finally said.

Akeno raised an eyebrow, surprised by Rias's choice. "Really? I never imagined you had a thing for Kiba."

"Well, you know how it is... Sometimes feelings come from unexpected places," said Rias, forcing a smile.

Akeno watched her with a penetrating gaze, her eyes sparkling with a mix of disbelief and amusement. "Rias, do you really expect me to believe that? Kiba?"

Rias felt embarrassed by Akeno's reaction but decided to stick with the lie. "Yes, it's Kiba. He's so... intriguing."

Meanwhile, Issei, who was still outside the door, heard the conversation and felt his heart sink at Rias's revelation.

"Rias... in love with Kiba?" he murmured to himself, his expression falling with disappointment.

With a heavy sigh, Issei stepped away from the Occult Research Club's door, feeling out of place and disoriented. He wandered around the school grounds, lost in his own tumultuous thoughts. Akeno sleeping with Riser and Rias interested in Kiba – it was too much to absorb at once.

As he walked, Issei tried to process everything. He clung to the idea that Akeno was being coerced by Riser, refusing to believe she could genuinely be interested in someone else. It was easier for Issei to believe in a narrative where Akeno was a victim rather than accept that she might have willingly chosen to be with someone else.

As for Rias and her supposed interest in Kiba, Issei struggled to understand. He knew Kiba well enough to know he was a good friend, but he never imagined Rias could have romantic feelings for him. The idea simply didn't fit into his worldview. To Issei, Rias and he were like oil and water – they just didn't mix.

"It's a lie," said Ddraig in his mind, interrupting Issei's tumultuous thoughts.

Issei frowned, confused. "What's a lie?"

Ddraig sighed, resigned to Issei's lack of understanding. "What Rias is saying. It's a lie."

A glimmer of hope shone in Issei's eyes.

"However, what Akeno said about her relationship with Riser is true," Ddraig interjected, crushing Issei's hopes.

Issei felt like he'd been punched in the gut.

"But why would Akeno sleep with Riser and why would Rias lie about Kiba?" Issei asked, perplexed.

Ddraig responded with his typical bluntness. "Because you're weak."

Inside the room, Akeno looked back at Rias, a playful smile playing on her lips. "Well, if you say so, Rias. But I think I'll need a little more evidence before believing that."

Rias took a deep breath, trying to maintain her composure. "Of course, Akeno. I'd be happy to... share more details about it with you."

Akeno let out a soft laugh, amused by the situation. "You know, Rias, you don't have to pretend. I know you well enough to know when you're lying."

Rias furrowed her brow, her irritation showing through. "And who says I'm lying?"

Akeno arched an eyebrow, a challenging smile on her lips. "Oh, I just know. It's a gift I have."

Rias sighed, tired of Akeno's teasing. "Alright then. If you want to know the truth, I'm not in love with anyone."

Akeno nodded, as if she already knew the answer. "I already knew that, Rias."

Rias was surprised by Akeno's confidence in her response. "How could you know?"

Akeno shrugged, maintaining her enigmatic expression. "Well, it's just a hunch."

Rias rolled her eyes, frustrated by Akeno's lack of clarity. "You can be very irritating sometimes, you know?"

Akeno laughed softly. "I know, Rias. It's one of my most charming qualities."

Rias let out a sigh, knowing that Akeno was just teasing her. "So, do you want some kind of prize for guessing right?" she asked, a sardonic smile playing on her lips.

Akeno tilted her head, her playful gaze meeting Rias's. "Actually, Rias, I think the one who's going to get the prize is you."

Rias furrowed her brow, puzzled by Akeno's response. "What do you mean by that?"

Akeno smiled, revealing a mischievous gleam in her eyes. "I'm talking about Riser and the marriage contract."

Rias raised an eyebrow, surprised by Akeno's sudden mention of Riser. "Why do you think he would do that for me?"

Akeno shrugged, maintaining her enigmatic expression. "Well, Rias, I think you underestimate how much he values his friendship with me."

Rias blinked, processing Akeno's words. "You mean he would do it for you?"

Akeno nodded, a smile playing on her lips. "Exactly. He knows how much your happiness means to me."

Rias didn't fully believe in Riser's ability to do something for her just because of Akeno. However, to avoid further insistence from Akeno, she decided to relent.

"Well, if you believe that, then I do too," said Rias, her voice laden with doubt.

Akeno smiled at Rias's positive response, but soon her expression turned serious, leaving Rias intrigued.

"What's wrong, Akeno? You seem worried," asked Rias, noticing her friend's mood shift.

Akeno took a deep breath, gathering her courage to reveal an important decision she had made. "Rias, I've made a decision. I'm not going back to your Peerage."

Rias widened her eyes, shocked by Akeno's declaration. She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"What? Why?" asked Rias, her voice filled with surprise and concern.

Akeno looked into Rias's eyes, her expression serious and determined. "I've decided it's better for me to stand by Riser's side. He offers me opportunities that I wouldn't have in your Peerage."

Rias felt struck by Akeno's decision, a mix of emotions washing over her. She was hurt to lose her friend, but she also understood that Akeno needed to do what was best for her.

"I understand, Akeno," murmured Rias, trying to maintain her composure. "If that's your decision, then I support you. But know that you'll always be welcome back by my side."

Akeno smiled, grateful for Rias's support. "Thank you, Rias. It means a lot to me."
