Chapter 7

"urgh, who is video calling me now. I really don't want to be disturbed. Well I better check "

«»«»«»On video call «»«»«»

"Hey Amy, feeling better?" Yeah but I wasn't really expecting anyone to call me" I know but we knew you weren't sick. If there's anything, could you tell us ?" Yeah, no prob " " look Jones is here " " Jones? What are you two doing together?'' Have you forgotten that today is school day? Oh no! The evil ones have gotten to my saiyan noooo!" "Quit worrying Leo, I'm fine" (Jones) Yeah if the lady says she's fine, then she's fine. I really should give your butler a piece of my mind about your excessive anime- watch and gameplay." "Nooo! Please Jones, I will do anything! I'll even reduce my gameplay to 3 hours from four hours ``(Amelia) is that even a bargain Leo? You just removed 1 hour silly " " (Leo) not helping Amy" "(Amy) I know, hahaha" "(Jones) Amy is right , I say only one hour " (Leo) 3 hours!" " (Jones) I'll pass" "(Leo) oh come on! Just 3 hours pleaseee" "(Amy) Guys how about 2½ hours, sounds fair? " (Leo & Jones) sounds fair." "That reminds me, Amy, could you click on the link below? I told the girls about you and all that happened and they were so worried and decided to make a group video chat for us." "(Awww guys! That's sounds wonderful, let's do it!"

On the group video chat

"(Anna and Jane) Amy are you okay!?" "(Amy) woah! Slow "" down girls , I'm alright just a little headache. A little rest and I'll be back up" "(Jane) oh that's great! For a moment there I was really worried ""(Anna) Me too, get well soon okay? Unless we'll come there to drag you to recovery" Well then, I guess I must try to get well before I get spanked." "(All) Hahahaha ...….

Later we talked about different things ranging from sports, movies, anime, games and Soon I had to say goodbye to all of them but not before Leo invited us all to his house on Friday evening to get together. That's my friends for you; Always willing to help, I almost feel sad not telling them about what was really going on with me. In the end, I agreed and that's when Mom came into my room.

" Hey sweetie, still mad ?" "No mom, it's not your fault. You have to protect us no matter what and I love you for that." " Aww honey! Thanks for understanding. I promise, I'll explain at the right time." "Yeah Mom, by the way, has Marcus returned?" " Yeah; he is in his room, doing his homework." "Ok that's good. Mind if I join you in the kitchen?" " of course not. You are always welcome after all I'm teaching you the basics of being a wonderful woman though I know that you're already growing into one. "Thanks Mom. I love you "

"love you to my sweet; now come on, let's make lunch, I sure everyone must be famished " okay Mom "