Chapter 8

  Rinnnng!!! " What's with this clock, it just 1:am" "Hold on! It's 7:30!? But I just slept. Oh I know I shouldn't have been awake for so long last night now there are dark circles under my eyes. I better go shower before Marcus wakes up so he would probably have to go to school with Mom.

After the morning tussle

" Woah Amy! You look like you were digging up dead bodies last night."  "Yeah Amy, your hair is messy and you have dark circles under your eyes. A really good way to scare Mrs Harwin."

  "I know  what I look like, thank you but I'm not trying to scare Mrs Harwin . I just slept really late while watching one of my favorite movies;  the streaming platform made it free for seven days and yesterday was the seventh day. I just had to watch it.

  "Understood Amy, but next time try sleeping early."

" Says the guy who watches Animes for 4 hours daily

"Hold on! I not doing that anymore remember? I agreed to reducing my watch time in exchange for keeping Jones mouth sealed "

" Now that you mentioned it, I was about to give this ticket to you, Jones and the girls; it a ticket to comic Con but it's to be reserved in advance. It took me a whole month to get it."

"(Jones) I'm sure you are expecting a thank you now so thanks bro, that is great!"

At school

"Good morning, Mrs Harwin "          "Good morning, Amelia. I see    you are now back in shape save for your hair and eyes.

"Pardon me ma'am I'll go fix it right away."


"Yes ma'am?"

" Meet me later behind the school building."

"Yes ma'am."

" Good! And ensure that you are not being followed ok." Mrs Harwin whispered in my ear.

"on my way to the bathroom, I kept thinking about what she wanted to tell me. Was it that she wanted to beat me up for showing up to class unkempt but wanted to do it when no one else was watching so she could get away with it. I kept thinking of different reasons why she  made that request; well it's hard to tell if it was a request or a command; That woman is just so stoic and hard on the eyes , she gives you an aura of a military officer. I'm always on my toes when talking to her because I'm afraid that she might get vexed and take her anger out on the whole class. That said, I'm going to meet her.

' There's that tingling again. It happened when I figured out that mom was hiding something which I want to figure out and now it's here again. Anyways I will add it to my list of things to figure out but for now I need to know what Mrs Harwin has to tell me.

After closing

" Hey guys, I have some after school duties to attend so you both can go home without me."

" You sure? We could just wait."

" Nah, you both head home before it gets dark and please could you stop by my house and inform my mom that I will be coming home late. My phone's dead."

" (Jones) Sure, no prob Amy. You better be careful and try to get home early."

  " (Leo) Yeah Amy we don't want to come looking for you later, okay?

  "Sure thing, dads. I'm not a baby anymore. I can handle myself just fine, thank you. Don't worry about me and get going."

  "well then, see ya! Let's go Leo.


"Good day ma'am. You said you wanted to see me, so here I am."

" well-done Amelia. Now let's skip the pleasantries and get straight to the point. I'm sure you would like that."

" I would like that very much Ma'am, thanks."

" The reason I called you here was to let you know that you are not safe. You are being watched everyday by people you don't know but I know. Now, I don't want you to start panicking or behaving abnormal rather I would advise you to remain calm and continue to act like you are not suspicious. I couldn't tell you anything in class because I'm also under surveillance 24/ 7 by these same people so I'm also under pressure like you but you don't see me acting all strange or looking everywhere every minute of the day, do you? Now what I want to say is going to sound shocking but please exercise patience and caution.Understood?

" Understood. Please carry on."

" very well….. the truth is that I know your father. "

"Hold up ! You know my dad!?"
