Chapter 9

"Hold up! You know my dad!? "

" Yes, right from childhood till now. We are currently still buddies and business partners."

" I don't understand. You are a teacher and my dad is an accountant,  so except if you have an organizational account you want to audit, I don't see the reason for the partnership between you two."

"Now it might not make sense but soon all will come in place. All will be explained at the right time"

'Her last sentence reminds me of what Mom said when I tried getting answers from her. Wait! This is my chance!'

"Since you know my dad so well, Could you tell me what he does…..really. My guts keep telling me that he's not really an accountant and the whole thing is just a coverup.

"A wise girl you are Amelia; just like your dad… Like I've told you before, it's not up to me to tell you,But up to you to find out. You had better head home now before your parents get worried "

" Hold on! Please help me out

I need to know what my own dad really does "

" I understand that but one is on you not me." look I've got to go; I've said more than enough already."

' She's right. If she's under surveillance too, then there's only much she could tell me.'.."I understand ma'am. Thank you very much. I better get going "

" Yes. Also….. once you find out what your Dad does, you can now meet me at this address for the next stage."

" Yes. Thank you for everything. Goodbye."


'What exactly does dad do that warrants such secrecy. I just hope he isn't in some trouble.'

" To be honest I can't help but think like this since I'm kind of afraid that the Dad I knew for years is not the true him. Maybe Mrs Harwin is just lying and using my father as bait but if so, what does she stand to gain by doing that; speaking of, I better head home now."


" Phase 2 complete. I've ignited the fire in the target."

"Good….. now we advance to phase 3…. Also did you hint her about the next phase?"

" No, I didn't."

" Perfect! Now we shall both get what we want. Hahaha."

" Just get this over with!"

" That's not a good tone to talk with your boss or..... should I remind you about manners"

"No Sir! I'm…sorry "

" Good. Now be a good girl and stay until I have need of you. Understood!?"

"Yes Sir"...

"I swear I'm going to kill him after I've gotten what I want from him.


"Hey Mom"

"Oh my baby! Where have you been!? I've been so worried about you. Were you attacked!? Let me check for brui…..

"Mom I'm fine I just had to wait behind for some after school duties , that's all. You're acting like I was kidnapped by some goons."

"Oh! That's not it dear haha…. I was just worried that's all."

"Ok Mom, if you say so."

'That was close, and here I thought that they have gotten to her.'

' Mom can't hide anything, can she?.'