Chapter 10

" It's another day of the week but luckily, it was Friday…

" Amy dear, today's Friday ..right?"

"yes mom"

"And you know what we do every Friday right?"

"We do extra chores." ' That's right! How could I forget. Mom made it a rule that every Friday,we are to do more chores since we're going to close early from school. What a bucket load of crap. And here I thought that this Friday was going to be better; turnd out it's just another torture for me.'

"That's right! Now, on your get back from school, remember to stop by at the supermarket and get some groceries. I've sent the list to your phone so remember to check. Also, your father and I are not going to be home today so you are in charge. Please remember to bathe Marcus,read his favorite bedtime stories for him and once it's time, tuck him in."

" Mom!"

" Yeah; Oh! Did I leave anything out ."

"That's not it Mom. I've got to visit my friends later this evening ."

" Then I'm afraid you have to cancel, dear."

" Please Mom!"

" Fine but on one condition… you have to take Marcus with you. I'm sure there are kids friendly movies that he could watch like that amine or what do you youngsters call it."

" Mom it's A-n-i-m-e and there is nothing kid -friendly about anime . Also, I didn't inform Leo that Marcus was coming along. It could make him think that I'm indecisive."

"Well, sweetie, it's either you take him along or you forfeit."

" Mom, please! I  could take Marcus to stay with his friend until I'm back."

" I'm sorry dear but I am not around and so is your father so I can't guarantee your safety. Also Marcus told me how you left or should I say "forgot" about him till after you went home. I don't want such a thing to happen again dear. A lot of kidnapping has been going on recently and I can't bear to lose you both, understood?"


"Now that's a good girl. See you tomorrow dear."

"Mom, where are you going that can't be disclosed to me."

" it's a secret dear. All will come in place in good time.".....

" Bye Mom. "

"Bye dear. Take care and don't forget what I asked you to do."

" no prob. Love you."

"Yeah love you to."

Mom's POV

' I wish I could tell you dear but I don't want you to be in danger of people watching you and plotting to kill you. Right now it's best If you are under the radar."

Amelia's POV

' Mrs Harwin was right. No one would spill so right now, I'm going to find out on my own. But for now, I better take it easy so I don't make them worried."...

"Hey Amy!"

"Hey guys. Oh it seems like Anna and Jane showed up."

"(Anna) duh, who would miss a reunion like this. I see you brought Marky."

" Sorry guys; my parents are out for the night and they left me to babysit him."

"(Leo) no need to apologize Amy, Marky is always welcome her."

"(Marcus) Amy they keep calling me Murky! I will tell Mom about it!"

"Come on Marcus, they justwant you to feel comfortable ."

" it's a lie! You all hate me!wahhh!"

"little boys, am I right? Haha "

" But he's 11. "

" To be honest, I don't know if he's still a baby or a boy anymore."

" Hahaha. … "

" (Leo) Let's head In everyone! And Marcus, you can follow the butler to take you to the other theater where you can watch as many cartoons as you want with maids at your beck and call."

"(Marcus) Woah! Are you sure uncle Leo?"

" of course Marc , and it's Leo without the Uncle; uncle make me look like a 30 year old man.

" Thanks Leo! I never want to leave this house…. Ever..

Bye, Amelia!"

" Now you be careful, young man! I'm warning you."

"(Jones) You sound like a grandma when you yell like that ."

" Just as my brother ran happily to catch up to the butler, everyone laughed and we headed down to the other theater to watch anime and play some games. We also caught up on other things like what happened at our various schools, how cool, Janes online school was going, how dread dragon was doing and finally ,Leo gloated for about 10 minutes about how he's on the high rank of various video games like Elden rings, Fantasy football and a lot more while ate pizza and drank some soda.

To be honest, today wasn't really a bad Friday; both for Marcus and I as later that night, Marcus kept talking about all the new cartoons he watched and how fancy the theater, maids and butler were while I was thinking of how Leo outdid himself today.