Chapter 11

.....NEXT DAY.....


"Mum! How was your trip?!(Marcus).

"Welcome Mom!.... where's Dad?.. Last I remembered, you went together."

   "Ooh! Your dad! He went on a business trip from there ."

  "oh!..okay. if you say so."

"oh ! I just remembered! Your dad and I talked and we agreed that that since it's weekend, we thought that maybe you both should go spend sometime with your grandma and grandpa and come back on Sunday evening. What do you think?."

"(Marcus) Yippee! I can't wait ! Grandma must be expecting me especially when she makes her special cookies which is made from fresh cow milk and chocolate ;Hah... Grandma, I know you must be smiling now while thinking of me. I must really special."

" (Amy) No you are not, Lil bro; grandma was smiling because last time you went to her house, you ate almost everything on the table and had a balloon belly."

" (Marcus) Mom ,is it true? Did I have a balloon belly last Christmas?.

" Of course not ,my dear. Grandma was smiling because you were the life of the gathering. Everyone talked about how great you were later that night while your sister was acting like a snub to everyone."

"SNUB!!! I was just not in the mood to talk. "

"Yeah... right. Don't just do that next reunion. Grandma was worried that maybe you were down with a flu or something; You have go to apologize for who you didl, understand?

' I know she's just trying to get me away from the house . I better play along or am not going to get any where near what the big secret is.' .. Fine Mom, I'm going to get packing. "

"Now you're talking. Remember..... Just for a two days."

"(Marcus) awww can we stay for a few more days."

'what the— why do have such a spoilt child for a brother.'.. Marcus we have school on Monday so we are just going to check on grandma .

"Urgh!  fine then I just have to eat all the cookies I can!"

" it's settled then. You leave soon."

" Yay!!"

..... Hours after Amy and Marcus have left.....

"Knock! Knock! Knock!

"(Mom) Oh! Mrs Harwin, what brings you to my house! Is My Amy behaving wrongly in class.

" Oh come now, Madeline , you know who I am besides being Amelia's teacher, so let's skip the formalities."

" Just so you know Sofia, I really don't look forward to your visit any time because it means there's a problem."

" I understand,I don't either but we have a common goal which is to protect our families from. 'HIM'.

" Fine . So what do you want from us ."

Nothing. I just want your husband to make his work less suspicious or he risks letting you, Amelia and Marcus get in the eyes of 'Him'. Why can't he just do anything right! Right from when we met, he kept doing things without care and that landed us where we are now!"

  " Listen Sofia! Alex and I are not the cause of what happened to you! It was an accident."

" Yeah... an accident but I'm with an incomplete family."

" I'm sorry,Sofia. I didn't mean to s—

" it's okay... I'll be taking my leave now . You just be careful and keep Amelia and Marcus safe ok?"

"Yeah.... Thanks so much for visiting. Be careful not to get run over."

"Yeah , thanks."



" While on the road to Grandma's house, I felt anxious rather than excited. I glanced at Marcus who was beside me and saw that he was sleeping while smiling happily. I don't know what he's dreaming about since I'm not some mind reader but I don't need to read his mind because his smile says it all ; he must be dreaming about something lovely... I can't  help but get jealous of his free -mindedness, not being bothered by the fact that Mom and dad were keeping a secret from us or the fact that Mom is sending us on this trip not for fun but to keep me from prying any further.. I know!! Grandma is dad's mom ; so of course she must a few things about her son. Grandpa may not know since dad talks about grandma alot , I'm guessing he does not have a good relationship with his dad. Speaking of grandpa. Not a lot is known about him since he's not around most of the time. I'm not sure he's at home even now. Whatever the case, I need to know the truth."