One Finger

The heavy rain showed no signs of letting up, its rhythmic patter echoing through the hall. Horn calmly took a sip of tea, seemingly unperturbed.

After the Tianhai Su family issued the pursuit order, Sun Jun was the first to locate Horn. Brutally beating him until he vomited blood, Sun Jun then forcefully stamped Horn's head on the ground in an attempt to please the Tianhai Su family.

Under the watchful eyes of the Su family, Wu Lan, Sun Jun's mother, joined in the brutality, breaking many of Horn's ribs. She shared her son's goal – if torturing Horn could earn favor with the Su family, she was more than willing to participate.

The atmosphere in the hall grew solemn. Sun Sheng, Sun Jun, and Wu Lan hesitated, not acting rashly. Sun Peng, at the fifth level of the Qi Condensation realm, was accompanied by two guards, one at the seventh level and the other at the sixth level of the Qi Condensation realm.

Horn, crippled after having his immortal bones taken away and his eyes gouged out, posed no threat. Sun Sheng and others were confident that Horn had no possibility of cultivating immortality.

The lingering doubts in Sun Sheng's mind surfaced. Could Horn's survival mean he had connections with someone influential? Did Horn's mysterious benefactor eliminate Sun Peng and the others?

"Dad, I can't sense any Qi Refining breath in this trash. In Linzhou, should we be afraid?" Sun Jun voiced his uncertainty, reflecting the collective confusion and concern in the room.

"Grandpa and Mr. Nie are both upstairs. Even if there's someone behind this trash, there's no need for us to worry."

Horn's hands clenched into fists, his cold eyes fixed on Sun Sheng. Rising from his seat, he calmly remarked, "Tea is good tea, but people are not good people!"

"Sun Dog Thief, you and your old dog father did a lot when my eyes were gouged out. Tonight, I will repay you well!"

Determined to ensure the extraction of his Infinite Purple Eyes, Horn remembered that multiple people had worked together to gouge out his eyes without damage. The memory brought a dull pain to his eyes.

Sun Sheng's momentum surged, shattering marble tiles as he rushed forward. The hall's stone tiles cracked like a spider web.

"Little bastard, I don't care who is behind you. Your life must be kept tonight!" Sun Sheng's figure moved with remarkable speed.

"Husband, don't kill him directly. Leave him alive, and I will make his life worse than death!" Wu Lan reminded coldly.

Observing his dead brother's tragic state, Sun Jun roared, "Trash, you've successfully angered our Sun family. You will regret it soon! The people behind you can't protect you!"

They were convinced someone was backing Horn.

As Sun Sheng approached rapidly, he remained vigilant, aware of potential attacks. Unleashing his half-step Innate momentum to the fullest, he was just a step away from truly entering the Innate Realm.

Amidst Sun Sheng's actions, Mr. Sun and Mr. Nie descended from upstairs. Seeing the hanging corpse, Mr. Sun grew furious. "Sun Sheng, Mr. Nie and I will pay attention to our surroundings. You don't have to be afraid."

Sun Sheng sensed his son's perpetual wariness, but reassurance came after hearing his father's words, knowing both his father and Mr. Nie were formidable Innate Realm powerhouses. With these guardians, any potential threat had to tread carefully.

In the face of Horn's threat, Sun Sheng confronted him, exuding a fierce and proud demeanor. The clash escalated, and furniture shattered under Sun Sheng's dominating momentum. Sun Jun and Wu Lan contemplated the punishment for Horn.

Mr. Nie, in a Tang suit, shook his head at Horn's audacity in visiting the Sun family after killing Sun Peng.

Horn confronted Sun Sheng, aiming for his throat with a menacing palm. The room quaked under the pressure of their confrontation.

However, in a surprising turn, Horn merely tapped Sun Sheng's eyebrows with his index finger. Sun Sheng, immobilized, felt as if a mountain weighed on him, his body frozen and bones on the verge of shattering.

Others, unaware of the finger's power, witnessed Sun Sheng's sudden paralysis. Horn, savoring the moment, asked Sun Sheng for any last words, while Sun Sheng experienced excruciating pain as death seemed imminent.

Despite being a formidable half-step Innate, Sun Sheng found himself powerless against Horn, refusing to yield. Threatening retaliation, Sun Sheng declared Horn wouldn't leave Sun's house alive.

Sun Jun insisted his father couldn't lose to Horn, asserting that Horn lacked Qi Refining energy. Wu Lan tried coercion, proposing Horn's surrender in exchange for sparing those around him.

Ignoring the threats, Horn, indifferent, prompted Sun Sheng to finish his last words. Panicking, Sun Sheng resisted his impending death, pleading for mercy.

Old Sun intervened, proposing to end the feud in one stroke. However, Horn, unfazed, drove his index finger into Sun Sheng's eyebrows, obliterating him. Defiant, Sun Sheng vowed to doom the Sun family.

Horn withdrew his finger, delivering a lethal kick, creating a bloody hole in Sun Sheng's stomach. As Sun Sheng crashed into a wall, Horn, unforgiving, scanned his remaining foes—Sun Jun, Wu Lan, and Sun Lao—ready for the next confrontation.