Are You Teaching Me How To Do Things?

Mr. Nie acknowledged his earlier misjudgment, realizing Horn's significant prowess. However, he remained skeptical, doubting Horn's cultivation could surpass Mr. Sun's.

Enraged by the consecutive deaths of his grandson and son, Mr. Sun's murderous intent surged. Without hesitation, he lunged at Horn with formidable Innate power, reaching the middle stage.

His withered palm transformed into a deadly claw, emanating a chilling light. A powerful force concentrated on his fingers as he aimed to tear out Horn's heart.

The claw marks appeared on the ground before the attack landed, emphasizing its ferocity. Sun Jun and Wu Lan, mourning Sun Sheng, shifted their attention to Horn, anticipating a decisive confrontation.

In their grief, Sun Jun and Wu Lan threatened Horn, promising harm to his friends, especially targeting Tang Yuxin and her mother.

As Mr. Sun's claw neared Horn's chest, he gloated, assuming Horn couldn't escape. In the midst of his triumph, he taunted Horn, declaring, "Zhazui, where did your arrogance go? I accept your heart..."

The words hung in the air, interrupted by Mr. Sun's failed attack. Horn, unscathed, mocked the old man's futile attempt and questioned his earlier aggression.

In retaliation, Horn effortlessly shattered each finger on Mr. Sun's right palm, leaving it bloody and broken. Astonished, Mr. Sun couldn't comprehend how his powerful strike had failed.

Seizing the moment, Horn pressed his palm onto Mr. Sun's shoulder, immobilizing him. With a swift motion, Horn exerted force, causing Mr. Sun's legs to explode one after another. In mere seconds, the lower half of Mr. Sun's body disintegrated.

Horn, victorious, stepped on the remnants of Mr. Sun. Tauntingly, he reminded the dying man of the consequences of the past, specifically the Su family's role in gouging out Horn's eyes.

Pointing his finger at Mr. Sun's eyes, Horn coldly executed a final act. Mr. Sun's eyes exploded, eliciting hoarse screams. Horn, unfazed, questioned Mr. Sun's understanding of the pain of losing one's eyes, recounting his own torment.

With a decisive kick, Horn sent Mr. Sun flying, his internal organs shattered, sealing his fate. The once formidable adversary lay lifeless, meeting his end in a brutal and vengeful manner.

Sun Jun and Wu Lan, witnessing Horn's newfound power, felt an unsettling suffocation, questioning how a supposed loser became so formidable. Desperation drove Sun Jun to seek refuge with Mr. Nie, with Wu Lan closely following.

Mr. Nie, having underestimated Horn's strength repeatedly, sighed at the tragic deaths around him. Attempting to intervene, he appealed to Horn, acknowledging the three consecutive killings and urging him to reconsider.

Nie Jiuxuan, confident in his higher cultivation, offered a compromise, suggesting that Horn stop his actions to avoid further escalation. He emphasized the existence of the Xia Kingdom's hidden tribe, responsible for maintaining order and hunting down unruly monks. Nie Jiuxuan proposed Horn's departure, assuring that Anbu wouldn't learn of the incident.

Observing Horn's silence, Nie Jiuxuan continued to caution him about the consequences of defying the established order. Sun Jun and Wu Lan, interpreting Horn's hesitation, advised him against provoking both Mr. Nie and Anbu, emphasizing the potential repercussions from the Su family.

While Wu Lan harbored a deep desire for revenge, she reluctantly acknowledged the need for caution. Sun Jun, controlling his anger, warned Horn to cease his actions before it attracted the attention of the Su family, who would undoubtedly intervene to address the situation.

Horn, exuding an eerie confidence, locked eyes with Nie Jiuxuan and commanded him to kneel. Under the weight of Horn's presence, Nie Jiuxuan, realizing the gravity of the situation, reluctantly knelt, causing the ground beneath him to shatter.

In his submission, Nie Jiuxuan pleaded for mercy, prioritizing his own survival over allegiance to the Sun family. Sun Jun and Wu Lan, witnessing the unexpected turn, couldn't comprehend the Ghost Hand Doctor's humble posture.

Seizing the opportunity, Horn swiftly moved towards Wu Lan, who, paralyzed with fear, failed to resist. In a powerful strike, Horn shattered all the ribs in Wu Lan's body, causing her internal organs to burst. Vengeful words followed, expressing his intent to repay the humiliation.

As Wu Lan lay incapacitated, Horn addressed Sun Jun, prompting him to kneel in fear. Desperate, Sun Jun repeatedly kowtowed, pleading for mercy and emphasizing the Sun family's compliance with orders rather than malicious intent.

Each desperate kowtow echoed in the tense atmosphere, a stark contrast to the arrogance displayed earlier. Sun Jun, now humbled and fearing for his life, sought mercy from the one he once considered a loser.