You've Gone Bad

Horn observed Sun Jun kowtowing like he was pounding garlic, disinterested in further conversation with this insignificant figure. Without a word, he turned around, a sharp air passing through Sun Jun's throat.

In the next moment, a blood streak emerged on Sun Jun's throat, and the pain struck him. The blood stains expanded, his kowtowing form severed, head detached from his body, eyes wide as lanterns, and his expression distorted.

Seeing Sun Jun's death, Nie Jiuxuan's heart surged, the rain outside the hall pricking like tiny needles. Swallowing hard, he spoke, "Senior, I took a liking to Sun Jun's talent and wanted to accept him as my disciple. I had no prior connection with the Sun family. Please be aware of this!"

Horn, without revealing his cultivation level, interrupted, "You interceded for the Sun family indiscriminately. This matter..."

Before Horn could continue, Nie Jiuxuan's right fist struck his left arm with unhesitating force. Bones shattered, Nie Jiuxuan gritted his teeth, groaning and sweating.

Horn stared at the decisive Nie Jiuxuan, questioning, "Do you hate me? Do you seek revenge in the future?"

Nie Jiuxuan shook his head, "Senior, I was at fault. I dare not hate you. I swear on my cultivation heart that I will not disclose what happened tonight."

Horn, sensing Nie Jiuxuan's sincerity, recognized him as a sensible person. "Next, it's up to you to finish."

"Remember what you said; you only have one chance to survive!" Horn warned before walking out of the hall.

Nie Jiuxuan, still kneeling, dared not take a breath as he saw Horn's figure disappear. Finally collapsing on the ground, he breathed heavily, shaken by Horn's terrifying presence.

Why did a young man possess such formidable strength? The Sun family's situation seemed more complicated than he thought, and Laizhou appeared to be heading towards turmoil.

As the rain gradually lightened, Zhao Meiqin, holding an umbrella, anxiously awaited outside the villa. Once Horn emerged safely, she greeted him with concern. Horn assured her he was fine, avoiding her entry to spare her from a more gruesome scene.

"I'm fine, Aunt Zhao. Don't worry," Horn reassured, choosing not to disclose the bloodshed inside.

Relieved, Zhao Meiqin muttered to herself. Then, she inquired about the Sun family's current attitude, unaware of their fate at Horn's hands.

Horn assured her, "Aunt Zhao, don't worry. I've taken care of this matter." Offering to take her home, he suggested leaving Yuxin at the hotel for now.

Zhao Meiqin, looking towards the villa, decided not to press for details, choosing to trust Horn's words. Horn recommended Yuxin stay a bit longer for a reunion, and Zhao Meiqin agreed.

As she left, Horn wore a wry smile, understanding Aunt Zhao's intentions.

The laws of heaven on Earth are too weak for Horn to teleport over long distances. Each instant movement requires tearing the void apart, risking the collapse of Earth's laws and disastrous consequences. Previously, he only teleported short distances in Lianhua Lake Park, the limit that Earth's laws could bear.

Horn's feet lifted off the ground as he walked towards the night sky. After a few seconds, he stood firmly high above, the Sun family villa below reduced to a small black spot. Horn extended his right index finger, drawing a talisman on the void. Golden light flashed, intertwining thin golden lines in the void. A complex talisman condensed, and with a point of his finger, a bright golden light burst forth, turning Linzhou into daytime.

People emerged from their homes, gazing at the dazzling golden light. Even the strong men in Linzhou struggled to look at it for too long. Nie Jiuxuan, exiting the Sun family villa, wondered if Horn caused the celestial disturbance.

Unconcerned with the shock he induced, Horn focused on searching for his parents. It was one of the reasons for his return. With the injection of his power, the talisman's light intensified. Sensing his parents west of Xia Kingdom, he sought their detailed location.

As he infused more power, a loud noise echoed through the sky. The entire sky seemed fragmented, on the verge of collapse.

Horn immediately ceased infusing power into the talisman, realizing the potential destruction it could cause. He waved his arm, dissipating the talisman, and Linzhou returned to the night. The fragmented sky swiftly recovered. Knowing his parents were alive and having a rough idea of their location was sufficient for now.

On the ground, Nie Jiuxuan struggled to calm down. Observing the broken night sky gradually healing, he questioned if this was truly Horn's doing or if there was an expert behind him. He leaned towards the latter, considering Horn too young to singlehandedly cause such an upheaval.

Regardless, Horn was someone Nie Jiuxuan could never afford to offend. He made a call, initiating actions to address the Sun family's affairs.

Meanwhile, Horn soared through the sky at high speed, landing at the hotel where Tang Yuxin was staying. Two minutes later, he entered her room to find her still lying on the bed.

Tang Yuxin had awakened earlier, discovering Horn's note. She hadn't expected him to rescue her from Sun Peng and others using his own strength. Pretending to sleep, her thoughts raced, feeling a bit uneasy.

Horn, discerning her ruse, sat on the bed and whispered, "Yuxin, are you ready to sacrifice yourself? If you don't open your eyes, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Feeling the heat near her ear, Tang Yuxin blushed. Suddenly opening her eyes, she turned her head, and her lips met Horn's.

Eyes widened, mind in chaos, she stepped back, accusing, "Horn, you've become bad!" She bit her lip lightly, heart racing.