My father coughs, trying to talk more like a king than a father "So, you heard about the death of the enemy king? Prince Alexander, the only heir, will become the king and he came to our kingdom to fix his father mistakes.."
My heart skipped a beat when my father started to speak. He was talking about Alexander. It was like a wave of realization hit me. Yes, I had heard that the king had passed away. But I hadn't put the pieces together yet. I had thought that Alexander was here to conquer the kingdom. Instead, it was like he was doing something different than expected. I felt a sudden rush of intrigue at what my father was saying...It's so weird, my dad doesn't know Alexander has a twin brother? Robert? It seems that the truth came out at the end... It's weirder that the prince came for peace, how come? Why did war come the next day in the book?
As I was thinking, my father says the unbelievable "So, i know that my daughter likes the prince and.... And how I know you were still upset when I didn't accept marriage proposals from the other princes.... I think prince Alexander is a great guy"
My mouth fell open. My father knew. My very not own dad knew that I liked Alexander. How on earth did my father know this? I had thought I was hiding my feelings pretty well, but I guess not? But that was not what surprised me the most. My father was saying that he thought Alexander was a great guy? This was an interesting surprise. But if that was true... then why was Alexander going to invade the kingdom in the book? My confusion only grew more and more...
I gave my father a suspicious look. Something was definitely not adding up. My father never approved any of the princes I wanted to marry. But somehow, he was okay with Alexander? Did the prince actually do something to change my father's mind? But it was so confusing, I didn't know what to think. I decided to start questioning him to get some answers. "Why exactly do you think Alexander is such a great guy?"
My father looked at me with a slight smirk on his face. It almost seemed like he was enjoying the fact that I was now questioning him. "Well, it's simple. Alexander understands the importance of maintaining peace in the region. With his father no longer there to cause more wars, his kingdom will thrive... And he doesn't want to cause any trouble for our kingdom either. He wants our kingdoms to be allied together. Isn't that a great thing my dear?"
I couldn't believe what my father just said. Alexander was here for the good of our kingdoms? The prince wasn't trying to invade us, but rather wanted peace between us. This was a massive shift from what I had originally believed. And apparently, my dad was already on board with the idea. It felt like I was living in some kind of alternate reality. I had to learn more about all of this...I was so confused. Could it be that Alexander had had a change of heart? Was he really going to keep our kingdoms at peace instead of causing a war? I didn't know what to think. If this was true, then the book was clearly wrong. But why? Was the book written wrong or was something else going on here?...
It didn't add up. So, Alexander was going to become the ruler of his kingdom but he wasn't going to be the tyrant? The book had been completely wrong about that, and I was glad about that. But now I was questioning what else had been wrong about the book. Was it possible that Alexander would actually keep the peace and not become a tyrant? I couldn't help but feel a spark of hope inside of my heart. Maybe there was still a chance of a happy ending after all...
The spark of hope that had been slowly building up inside of me finally burst into flames. My father was saying that Alexander wasn't going to become a tyrant. If the prince was actually going to keep the peace and bring about good things for both kingdoms there was no reason why we couldn't be married. All I had to do now was act like a good wife and everything would be fine. My whole world became so much brighter at that moment...
My father's words made my heart flutter. I couldn't believe that the prince actually wanted peace between our kingdoms. It was like he had changed his mind and decided to change his ways. And if that was the case... There was no reason why we couldn't be married. My whole world had just become so much brighter. The thought of being married to the prince was exciting and terrifying at the same time. But this was all going to be worth it. The book's prediction about the tyrant was wrong. Now, I just needed to convince Alexander that I was the perfect wife for him...
... And that meant acting lovey dovey towards him. I had never done anything like that before. Would I be able to pull it off without seeming too awkward or fake? I had a lot of work to do. Especially if I wanted to get the prince to like me. But this was going to be easier now. I knew that the book was wrong about the tyrant. And I was hoping the same also applied to everything else...