I continued to eat but my mind was focused on flirting with Alexander. I had never even tried to flirt with a guy before. How was i supposed to do it in a smooth way without making it obvious I was attracted to him? I wanted to appeal to him, but I needed it to come across as natural. I didn't want him to think that I was trying too hard to impress him. I needed to be subtle in my flirting....
But I wasn't exactly sure what that kind of flirting looked like. I kept thinking of ways to try to get him to notice me. But everything I could think of just seemed too obvious or too childish. How could I approach this? I didn't want to come on too strong, but I also didn't want to appear too innocent.... A couple of maids came into the room and finished tidying up. When they saw how lost in thought I was, they started talking amongst themselves in a low whisper, laughing....
"My lady, forgive us but we never saw you so quiet"
The maids began giggling as they spoke to me. I suddenly realized that they were witnessing my inner struggles. I felt even more embarrassed now. They were probably thinking: 'Poor lady... she doesn't have a clue what to do.' I wanted to just run out of the room and hide somewhere, but that would be equally embarrassing. The best thing I could do was to pretend that I didn't notice them. I gave them a light smile...
... and tried not to blush in front of them. They kept trying to hold back their amusement but they weren't exactly being successful. It seemed like they were enjoying seeing me in such a awkward state. I didn't blame them. I'm sure they had never seen their lady acting this way before. It was probably quite a funny sight. I felt my face getting warmer and I could feel it flushing. I wanted to leave the room but I was too embarrassed to move...
I looked out of the window at the moon. The moon's soothing light was very peaceful. It was nice to see something so calm and peaceful after everything that had just happened. It was like the moon was watching over me. The moonlight shined on my skin, its gentle and warm glow was very comforting. It helped to ease the tension that my encounter with Alexander had caused. I let out a deep breath and tried to calm myself....
The moonlight had a faint silvery glow to it, which was so calming and peaceful. It also reminded me of Alexander. The prince had that kind of hair, white - grey hair . The type of hair that was found only in royal families. I was starting to daydream about him again but I pushed those thoughts away. I needed to focus for now. I was going to figure out how to seduce this guy into marrying me without being extremely obvious. I was still thinking about the moon's gentle glow...I slowly open my eyes. Now I understand why his father accepted Alexander and not Robert.....Robert looked more like his mother and Alexander looked more like the king. It wasn't Alexander's fault.... It wasn't his fault that he looked like his father, the man his own wife hated. That's why he didn't get attention from his mother. No love....
My heart ached for Alexander. I understood why he was so cold and distant. He never got any love. No love from his parents. No love from his mother. It always had been this way. He probably never knew what love truly felt like. He was probably very lonely. The prince had had such a difficult, lonely life. I felt bad for him. I wish things were different for him...
But I still had to get Alexander to marry me! I took a deep breath and decided to concentrate on that task first. Because if I was going to help him find more happiness in this world, then I had to become his wife first. And that meant I had to seduce him. I had to make his heart flutter and then...then he would ask my father if he could marry me. I couldn't afford to let anything go wrong.
I was still thinking about how to seduce him. But I wasn't going to let his thoughts of me stop me from achieving my goal. I needed to make Alexander love me. How could I make him love me, if he thought I was some creepy, clumsy girl? I needed to find a way to make him see beyond that. And somehow, I had to get him to see me in a more romantic light...
... And that meant having a more personal connection with him. But the way he had perceived me up until now made that a challenge. How could I change his image of me in one day? I had to figure out something...I had to make him see me as a woman, a woman who could be his wife. I can't just keep going around and bumping into him like some stupid clumsy girl....
... And if that didn't work, I'd have to switch tactics. I had to switch my approach to something else in order to make him notice a different side of me. He needed to see me in a romantic way and he needed to notice my more feminine attributes. I didn't really have a lot of experience with guys , but I did have one technique that could work. It was my only choice at this point...
I was going to have to try being a little flirtatious. Not too flirty, but just a little bit. I would be subtle. I wouldn't go overboard or be obvious like some clingy, obsessive girl. Just subtle, sweet, and feminine. Just enough to make him notice me in a different way...if that doesn't work, oh well, I'll just beg at his feet.