Being stupid is my job

I knew he was trying to help me but I still slapped his hand. I was pretty tipsy and I was feeling really embarrassed.... I realized that that probably wasn't the nicest thing to do but I was also too drunk to care..... 


I felt like I needed to get away from Prince Alexander as fast as possible. I still felt the same feeling I had when I saw him with that beautiful woman... The alcohol was definitely making me feel more emotional and maybe even a little bit jealous... 


The alcohol was making it hard to walk and I kept falling down. I tried to get up again and again and I knew that I had to get out of the garden. As I tried to stand again, I fell down again in front of Prince Alexander.... 


As I looked over my shoulder, I saw that Prince Alexander was now sitting on the grass and hugging his knees. He seemed like a completely different person now, as if the events of the last day had completely changed him. I couldn't help but feel even more sad for him now that I could see the tears in his eyes.... 

I tried to crawl towards him, since I could not really walk at this point. I wanted to comfort him in some way. He was looking at the moon and he was sobbing, but I knew I couldn't let him see this sad side of me either. I wanted to talk to him but I didn't even know where to begin... 


We both sat there in silence as we looked at the moon and tears rolled down our cheeks. It was like the world was in slow motion right now. We both were still so young and yet we had both been through so much already. We should have been out here enjoying this night and the beauty of the moon, but instead we were both sad and upset. I tried to think of something to say to him..... 


I couldn't help but feel really bad for Prince Alexander. He didn't deserve this fate, just like Robert didn't deserve to die in such a terrible way. It was all so tragic and it wasn't fair... 


I got ever closer towards Alexander and finally I was sitting right next to him. Our shoulders were basically touching and we could pretty much feel each other's warmth. I was surprised that he didn't try to back away or move... 

"S-sorry for earlier... I didn't meant to peek at the conversation" 

I suddenly felt so shy and embarrassed. I was drunk so I guess I couldn't really hide my emotions. I was pretty much showing Alex everything at this point and I didn't care. I had gotten myself into a very vulnerable state here.... 


I noticed that Alexander was now leaning his head on my shoulder. I felt a little bit surprised but I couldn't help but feel touched by his close proximity. I wanted to comfort him in some way and so I just brushed my fingers through his hair gently..... 


I watched as some tears fell from his eyes. The situation suddenly felt so much more intimate. I felt like Alexander was so vulnerable and he was turning to me for comfort. I could no longer sit still so I moved a little bit closer to him and I put my arm behind his back... 


I guess the alcohol was making me feel a little bit more brave so I moved in even closer to him now. I put my other hand on his back now and I held him firmly...I wanted to just hug him and comfort him somehow... 


The alcohol was definitely making me feel less self-conscious and I was able to do things I wouldn't have ever done sober. I now placed both of my arms around him and I pulled him in close to me. I kept brushing my fingers through his hair... 


I was basically holding him now. I had pulled him completely in my arms and I was caressing his hair. It was so soft and smooth and I didn't want to let him out of my grasp. I had never been this touchy with someone and he didn't seem to mind.... 

I realized that Alexander really was a softie. I had always thought of him as this cruel tyrant but I guess he really was just a lonely boy. He was clinging onto me like I was a life vest, and like I was his only savior. I tried to rub his back comfortingly... 


I continued rubbing his back and his hair gently. It was so soothing and comforting for both of us. It was almost like we were both receiving comfort from each other. Alexander was a very different person from the one I thought I knew... 


As I sat there in Alexander's arms, I noticed some footsteps in the distance. I saw Evelyn walking towards us with an expression of fury. I immediately pulled away from Alexander and I put all my energy into avoiding Evelyn's stare. I would not let her see me like this... 

Alexander looked at Evelyn with an annoyed expression. I could see the fury in her eyes as well and it was like she could not believe what she was seeing. I hoped that she wouldn't start yelling and make a big scene. The last thing I needed right now was to be screamed at... 


"What are you doing?!" Evelyn said in a harsh voice. I could tell that she was very angry at the sight of me holding and hugging Alexander. She didn't think that either one of us had the right to act like this... 


Alexander didn't say anything either and for a second I thought that maybe he would stand up for both of us. But then it suddenly occurred to me that maybe he wouldn't. Why would he stick up for me in front of Evelyn? He didn't even want people to know we were friends. He was going to side with her...