He... likes me?

I could tell that Alexander was pissed about that. For the first time in his life, he had felt comforted and cared for. He hadn't felt so vulnerable and soft with anyone else and Evelyn had ruined it... 

 "Say something!" 

Evelyn yelled at Alexander and slapped him hard. I was taken aback by her sudden anger and by the force of the slap. I couldn't believe she hit him...... 

I felt sorry for Alexander. He was already used to people hitting him like this. He was just like a punching bag to people. He accepted it as normal and he just remained silent... 


Evelyn was a very beautiful woman but, her soul was ugly. She seemed to have no problem hitting Alexander with no remorse. If he were her boyfriend, she would treat him even worse. I knew that she probably didn't even see Alexander as human, but as a thing...His mother felt the same towards him, everyone only saw him as the heir of the throne and not an actual person with feelings and that infuriates me. There was no doubt he would become the Tyrant in the future. 

I grabbed her hand before she could slap him again. I was not going to let her hit him like that. I could see her face as she stared me down. I had made an enemy out of her... 


Evelyn laughed at me and she knew that I was out of my element. I didn't have a fancy dress like the other guests. I didn't fit in at all and she knew it... 


Evelyn looked at me with a patronizing stare, as if I didn't belong here at all. She said "And who might you be?" and she spoke with a mocking tone.... 


Her dismissive tone and mocking attitude made my blood boil. I felt like I wanted to punch her in the face but I knew I had to keep everything together. What I really wanted to say "I'm the princess who's going to marry this handsome man ." I had to stop myself... 


I stood there silent for a few seconds, trying to maintain my composure. I was seething inside, but I wasn't going to let her see that. I had come too far and gotten too close to Alexander for this to be a big setback... 


I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw that Alexander was wrapping his arm around me, bringing me closer to him. He showed Evelyn that I was his woman now, and that she should back off... This situation had taken a very different turn... 

Alexander had shown Evelyn a very possessive side of him right now and it was a side that I had never seen before. I liked it though, I liked that my prince would protect me. I tried to lean more into his body and I let my body relax more in his grip.......... 


Evelyn got really angry when she saw Alexander wrapping his arm around me and she cursed at him before walking away. I was just glad that I had won this battle and that she'd actually walked away... 


Alexander dragged me back into the palace and towards his chambers. I could tell that he was upset about what had just happened and that he wanted to show me something. I was confused a little bit but I trusted him.......... 


I looked at the bouquet of flowers and realized that they were the same one's I had thrown away earlier. I remembered being angry at him and throwing the flowers away without a second thought. I felt so stupid... 

I was feeling really silly now and I could have slapped myself. I should have given him the flowers and the present. But instead, I let my jealous emotions get the best of me... 


I couldn't help but look away as I felt so embarrassed by my behavior and my stupidity. I felt like a complete idiot..... I should have given him the flowers.... 


I heard him mumble thank you. It was a quiet sound and if I hadn't been so quiet myself, I wouldn't have heard it. I looked back at him and for a second our eyes met....