An SOS from the Waves

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


It had been a week since Tsunade's return to Konoha. Everyone was elated by her return. No one mentioned her impulsive decision of early retirement. From what I heard from her, though, the council was not too happy with her return. They accused her of being irresponsible for her decade-long absence. She shut them up by saying that she could leave again if they didn't want her to be around. That was kind of badass.

"She may be the reason I survive."

"The why and wherefore I am alive."

"The one I'll care for through the rough… and ready years."

"Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears…"

"And make them all my souvenirs."

"For where she goes, I've got to be."

"The meaning of my life is… she."

I hummed the last part of the song, ending it as I went through my morning routine. It was quite a unique experience singing songs I knew back in my previous life in this world's language. Whenever I sang a song from my previous life, I was tempted to produce it in this world and make money. However, I was always reminded that not many people listen to music in this world. It probably had something to do with their lack of musical instruments.

This world was strange, to say the least. People sold DVDs and Blu-rays, but they didn't have a single Western instrument, like a guitar, for example. But that was the least weird aspect of this world. The technology disparity was mind-boggling. Yukigakure, a smaller village to Konoha had a train, but we still traveled mostly on foot.

"Did you make that song?"

A familiar alto voice brought me out of my musing. My hand stopped stirring the stew as I cursed myself for forgetting that I no longer lived alone.

"Have you heard that somewhere?"

"No…" Tsunade walked to the counter and stood a few steps beside me. "That was beautiful, by the way."

I quirked an eyebrow. "Oh, you like it?"

"Yes," she admitted shyly. "Can you sing that again?"

"As long as you don't mind with my voice, sure."

"I like your voice."

"Thanks. That affirms my belief that I am a decent singer."

Tsunade chuckled, causing me to clear my throat. It was honestly quite embarrassing to praise myself on that aspect. I knew how to sing, but I wouldn't consider myself good. But well, since Tsunade didn't protest, I would take the compliment.

One song later, the breakfast was done. Shizune, at one point, had already prepared the table and eating utensils. She helped me take the food to the table while Tsunade sat at the table, waiting for us. Tsunade also wanted to help, but Shizune forbade her from helping.

I ate my breakfast in silence whereas Tsunade and Shizune chatted during the breakfast. They once scolded me for bringing a book to the table, saying that I was disrespecting the food. I had pointed out that they did the same when they chatted during the meal, but they begged to differ, giving me bullshit about the dining table being the place to eat and talk with friends and family.

"Are you going to take a C-Rank Mission with your teammates today?" Tsunade asked curiously.

"Yeah. They are already fed up with the physical labor D-Rank Missions provide."

"I heard you suggested Kakashi take your team to take those missions. Why?"

"They need to train their physique."

It also gave me time to spend by myself as my teammates slaved off on the field, but Tsunade didn't have to know that. I didn't want to hear the speech Sarutobi often gave me about teamwork from her mouth.

When we finished breakfast, I bid my farewell as I had to meet with Sarutobi to discuss the available C-Rank Mission my team should take. I wouldn't want us to take another boring escort mission like the last time. The merchant's daughter had done her best to hit on me. I had to hold myself back from sealing her vocal cords.

"Nii-chan! Are you going to train me today?" Konohamaru asked when he spotted me getting out of the house.

"Have you been waiting for me, Konohamaru?" I asked curiously.

"Yup! Gramps left early, so I figured that you are free today."

Sarutobi and I had been training from morning to midday for the last week. Kakashi had adjusted our team meetings to the time after my training with Sarutobi, so none of my teammates questioned me about where I went in the morning.

"I am sorry, Konohamaru. I have to take a mission today."

"Oh, you have a mission?" the kid said dejectedly. "Well, can't help it. I guess next time, then." He grinned and ran while waving me goodbye. "Bye, Naruto Onii-chan!"

Using Shunshin, I headed to the Hokage Tower. It took me less than five seconds to reach there with the continuous usage of Shunshin. The Hokage Tower was close to the compound and Shunshin allowed me to walk a great distance with one step. Sarutobi once joked that my Shunshin's speed might match Hiraishin's in the future.

It was a ridiculous notion, of course. Space and Time Ninjutsu was a cheat that a mere speed could rival. Upon standing before the door to the Hokage's office, it opened before I knocked it. I found Sarutobi reading a scroll with a serious look.


"Good morning, Sensei."

I had to call him that since he was technically my teacher.

"Are you here to discuss the C-Rank Mission your team will take?"

"Yes, but what is that?" I pointed to the scroll.

"A C-Rank Mission went awry," Sarutobi hummed. "Kurenai's team encountered the Demon Brothers on their way to the Land of Waves."

I perked up. "Are they going to abort the mission and return?"

"No, they will proceed. The Demon Brothers were not a threat to Kurenai," Sarutobi shook his head.

"I smell something more going on here."

"I also think the same."

"What about sending our team as a backup?" I suggested.

"What if Kurenai's team doesn't need it?" Sarutobi asked curiously. "You will only waste your time and make Kurenai feel underestimated."

"I have a good feeling that they will."

Sarutobi smoked on his pipe and exhaled the smoke through his nose. He looked at me for a moment before telling his Anbu to summon Kakashi.


[Yūhi Kurenai's POV]

This was a mistake. I should have aborted the mission or requested backup from the Hokage. Now, I would be responsible for the deaths of the three Genin under me. I should have seen this coming. The Demon Brothers of the Kirigakure were the famous aides of the notorious Momochi Zabuza, the wielder of the legendary Kubikiri Bōchō.

I was confident in my skill as a Jōnin, but Zabuza was a bad match for me. He was an offensive swordsman with a sharp mind. He moved around a lot, so it was hard to catch him in Genjutsu. I managed to catch him off guard a couple of times, but he quickly recovered. There was not much I could do as I was far outstripped in Taijutsu.

"You are trembling, woman. Shouldn't have taken a Genin Team if you are this weak."


Instead of getting riled up, I worked my Genjutsu on Zabuza. He didn't know anything about me. It was both an insult and a blessing. I, someone who was regarded as the best Genjutsu user in Konoha, was a nobody before Zabuza. However, thanks to that, he underestimated my skills in Genjutsu.

"I know what you are trying to do, woman," Zabuza sneered. "It is not going to work on me."


Hinata's scream caused me to turn my head to the side. Much to my horror, I found another Zabuza holding her by her neck. Before I could scream out her name, an unbearable pain in my stomach caused me to keel over. Zabuza had buried his sword's pommel deep in my stomach. I couldn't breathe. My mind raced, but I couldn't find a single way to get out of our predicament.

Zabuza swung his sword down and cut my neck cleanly. That must be what he believed he had done. He shouldn't have underestimated my skills in Genjutsu. I didn't look back to see what I had achieved. I dashed at Hinata to free her from Zabuza's clutch. Once I got her, I would get the rest of the team and leave this place with them.

"You shouldn't turn your eyes away from your opponent, you know?"


I widened my eyes in horror as Zabuza appeared beside me. I abruptly stopped in my tracks and kicked the ground to propel my body backward. Unfortunately, I was not fast enough. Zabuza's sword was already a few centimeters away from decapitating me.

When I lost any hope of surviving, I felt a tug at my collar. My vision tilted upward. I watched as Zabuza's sword passed over me. As if unwilling to let me live, Zabuza turned his sword downward abruptly, sending it my way. I noticed a glint of steel in the corner of my eyes before I heard a loud clang.


My eyes widened at the sparks flying off above me. Stopping Zabuza's sword was a tantō that an Anbu officer often used.

"You should get down when you can't dodge a high horizontal swing, pretty lady."

"Uzumaki Naruto-san…"

Instead of an Anbu officer, I was saved by a Genin whom Kakashi-san loved to brag about. He held off Zabuza's swing as easily as swatting a fly. I knew how much force Zabuza put in his swing. It was enough indication that Kakashi-san had never exaggerated his assessment. Uzumaki Naruto might truly be the Second Coming of Yondaime-sama.


Honorary Mention:

Daoist Mufasa

Deividas Seputis

Faisal Salih

Florin Durbaca


Jamaul Pryor

Luck George

Luis Fabiano

Zion X