The Waves Liberation

10 advanced chapters on my Patreon: Fiction Haven


[Uzumaki Naruto's POV]

That was close. If I had moved a second later, Kurenai's head would have flown off her neck. Zabuza was a bad match for her. Well, every A-Rank Nukenin was a bad match for her. She might be a Jōnin, but her skills were not that amazing. The only reason she was known among the Jōnin was her Genjutsu skills, which didn't help much in this fight unless you were Itachi.

"That was a quick reaction, kid," Zabuza remarked.

"Maybe, you are just slow," I calmly responded.

"Hah! You know how to talk."

Putting more force into my tantō, I swung it upward, forcing Zabuza to retreat. I flashed through a sequence of hand seals and sent a Fūton: Daitoppa to him as soon as he was about to fortify his stance. The Jutsu hit him as he was given enough time to dodge. Unfortunately, his body turned into water and popped like a balloon.

"What is the situation here?" Kakashi asked, appearing beside me using Shunshin.

"We are facing Zabuza," I answered.

Kakashi nodded silently and then turned to Kurenai who was still too flabbergasted to pick up herself. Offering his hand to her, he helped her get up.

"Go secure your students. Naruto and I will take care of Zabuza."

Kurenai widened her eyes at the mention of her students.


She turned her head viciously to the side, body ready to run at full speed. The tension immediately left her body as soon as she found my clone and Sakura tending to Hinata who had a bruised neck. Not far away from them, Sasuke secured Tazuna and the rest of Team 8.

"Thank you," Kurenai said to me.

"You can treat me something as a thanks," I waved my hand. "Now, go. Your students need you."

Zabuza took that moment to get out from behind the tree. He had a frown on his face as he looked our way. He must be contemplating whether he should continue. Kurenai might not be a challenge to him, but Kakashi was entirely a different matter. Add me into the equation, he might have his last fight.

Coming to a decision, he flashed through a series of hand seals.

"Kirigakure no Jutsu!"

He finally used his special technique. Mist covered the place, obstructing the view. Good thing, Kurenai was already with her team. Zabuza would have taken this moment as an opportunity to take one of her students as a hostage if she hadn't secured them.

Facing my palm upward, I created a Rasengan and infused it with Wind Chakra. The wind swirled around my hand, dispersing the mist around me. I threw the Rasengan into the sky. It grew in size, dispersing all of the mist covering the area before disappearing. It was a far cry from a Rasenshūriken, but it did its job.

My instinct flared as soon as the area cleared. I brought my tantō before me, blocking Kubikiri Bōchō. The force behind the weapon made me skid back. I held the greatsword firmly, making Zabuza quirk his nonexistent eyebrow.

"You are not alone, you know."


Kakashi joined the fray with a kick, forcing Zabuza to somersault. It was quite comical to see Zabuza somersault with such a big sword in his hand.

"Suiton: Mizu Dangan!"

A series of water bullets came out of Zabuza's mouth. They came at us at a fast speed, but we could dodge them easily. Zabuza created two water clones who then flashed through a series of hand seals with him. I knew what Jutsu they were using, so I immediately prepared my Jutsu to counter theirs.

"Suiton: Suiryūdan no Jutsu!"

Three dragons made out of water came flying at us. Zabuza's water clones exploded and he bent his body slightly forward, showing his exhaustion after using such a Chakra demanding Jutsu.

"Katon: Gokakyū no Jutsu!"


Two great fireballs went to meet the dragons. Kakashi had come to the same conclusion as I did. We had no other way to counter the Jutsu other than to use its opposite element. The dragons turned into steam that quickly covered the area. Chakra filled the air, obstructing our senses. My eyes narrowed as I looked for the slightest movement in the steam-covered air.


I blocked a swing to my neck. The force almost sent me reeling to the back. Kakashi immediately took action, slashing his kunai at Zabuza. The Nukenin immediately retreated into the steam. I immediately coalesced my Chakra into my hand to make a Rasengan to clear the surroundings. Zabuza came out of the steam, forcing me to cancel whatever I was doing.

I blocked his sword and noted that Kakashi was no longer beside me. Judging from the sound of the clashing steel, he was also fighting. That made me wonder if I was facing a Zabuza's clone. I swung my tantō in a series of fluid motions. Zabuza had a hard time countering my attack as his sword was too big to be swung quickly.


When I drew blood from Zabuza, I blinked my eyes in surprise. I wondered what went through his head to make him assign a clone to face Kakashi. Granted, Kakashi was not as strong as he was supposed to be. However, it was logical to be more serious about facing a Jōnin than a Genin.

"That was a remarkable swordplay, kid," he remarked as he took a few steps back.

"Why are you going after me?" I wondered.

"What do you think will happen if Kakashi finds his best student dead?"

"I guess we will never find out."


Zabuza was forced to turn his body to the side to block Kakashi's kunai. A mere water clone wouldn't be able to stop Kakashi. He should have known that. To his credit, though, he didn't look surprised. He must have expected this to happen but not this soon if his disgruntled look was any indication. Too bad, I was not like any Genin.

Kakashi retreated to my side after Zabuza threw him back with the force of his swing. Kakashi was slightly winded. Sarutobi told me that Kakashi had been training after what had happened in Yukigakure, but it seemed he was not diligent enough. However, it was still a good outcome since he hadn't used his Sharingan.

"Any plan to cash in his head?" Kakashi asked in a bored tone.

"If you agree to split it 70-30, I will get serious," I replied.

"My, what an aspiring Ninja you are."

"Well, you are on your own."

Kakashi sighed and then agreed to my offer. I grinned lightly and told him to disperse the steam. As he did, I engaged in a battle of swords with Zabuza. He was the fastest opponent I had ever faced so far, other than Sarutobi. Even with my enhanced perception, his movement still seemed quick.

"Do you think dispersing the steam will do you any favor?" Zabuza taunted.

"It sure will do," I answered, cutting his shoulder.

"I guess your friends would like to see how I butcher you, kid!"

Zabuza viciously delivered a low swing. I did my best to retreat, but the sword managed to cut through my grey vest and lacerate my stomach, coloring the vest red. At this point, the steam had cleared, so everyone could see my blood spilling out of my stomach as I skidded back on the ground. It was honestly embarrassing.


"Shit, are you okay, man!?"

I righted myself and waved my hand dismissively. My fellow Genin couldn't believe what they saw and Kurenai was no different. Sheathing my tantō, I took out the sword that I hadn't used after the modification I had made to it. The kids were stupefied when I took out a sword hilt, but Kurenai widened her eyes in disbelief.

"That is…"

"Raijin no Ken," Zabuza finished Kurenai's sentence.

I twirled the hilt before channeling my Chakra into it, materializing a black lightning blade.

"Let's dance, shall we?"

I dashed to Zabuza at a blinding speed. I was too embarrassed by what I said to spend any more seconds to dilly-dally. Zabuza blocked my lightning sword. The clash didn't make any sound. Zabuza's face became somber as he saw Raijin no Ken cut through Kubikiri Bōchō's blade. My sword was a bad match to his.

"It has been a good fight, Zabuza."

"I am not the one dying, kid!"

He swung his sword with everything he had to throw me away. It didn't matter as Kakashi was already in the ground below him. Before he could move, Kakashi grabbed his ankles and pulled him to the ground. To my amusement, Zabuza managed to stop himself from falling completely for the Jutsu. Only half of his torso was buried.

Knowing Kakashi would emerge from the ground before him, Zabuza shot water bullets in the said direction. Kakashi was forced to take a hasty retreat to not suffer from the attack. I dashed to Zabuza just as he pulled himself out of the ground. Proving his skills as a veteran, he swung his sword at me to defend himself even before he had a stable footing.


Too bad for him, I didn't need to cut him to incapacitate him.


He spasmed for a few seconds before his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He fell to the ground and let go of his sword. When I was about to land a dealing blow, I sensed a presence quickly approaching. I retreated with Kubikiri Bōchō at the same time a senbon hit Zabuza's neck. A female Hunter Nin soon took the spot I had occupied before.

"I will take care of the rest. I have been assigned by Kirigakure to hunt him down," the Hunter Nin said as she hoisted Zabuza onto her shoulder. Turning her masked face to me, she added, "I will properly send your share to Konoha after I cash in his bounty. Now, if you may, can you also hand that sword to me? It's one of Kirigakure's prized possessions."

Kakashi put his hand on my shoulder in a placating manner.

"Let's comply. We can't have—"

"What about no?" I sneered. "Kiri won't know what happened if its Hunter Nin dies, right?"

The Hunter Nin tensed and then instantly left the place. As Kakashi developed a look of realization, I stored Kubikiri Bōchō and Raijin no Ken in the Storage Seal under my wrist.


Honorary Mention:

Daoist Mufasa

Deividas Seputis

Faisal Salih

Florin Durbaca


Jamaul Pryor

Joseph Hollon

Luck George

Luis Fabiano

Zion X