
"I better go spend some time with Dom before he starts crying." I jokingly whispered to Mia as I moved to get out of the bed, that we've had to change the sheets on, over three times now and we're only on our second day together…as a…couple.

"Haha, yeah I'm sure Dom is just dying to see you after knowing you've been fucking his sweet innocent little sister." Mia replied teasingly from her place on my chest as she smiled up at me, before planting a kiss against my chest.

"Sweet, yes innocent…that's a good joke, Ms.Street Racer, who broke into the Police Station to find her brother that's on the lam." I joked as Mia had told me about some of her misadventures.

"Haha, I never should have told you about that." Mia giggled softly before pouting.

"I think it's cute, I broke into a police station too…but to steal evidence not to find someone I love." I replied to Mia with a little smirk of my own while Mia rolled her eyes.

"You know, you shouldn't tell me about all the crimes you've committed unless you plan on marrying me so my testimonies will be inadmissible in court." Mia replied to me with a bit of a nervous smile on her face, while I gulped slightly which I could see Mia picked up on.

"Ha, sorry I think I'll go take a bath." Mia said to me with both a hurt and slightly upset expression starting to appear on her face.

"Mia." I said softly, grabbing the wrist of her hand that she was pushing down on my chest to lever herself up with.

"Being an old lady isn't a simple or easy thing to be, I know you launder the cash from the heists and shit through the store and garage…but you have to be willing and able to kill for the club…for the family." I replied to Mia while our eyes met and we stared into each other's eyes for a long time before Mia leaned down and kissed me.

Before she left the bed with a smirk on her face her hand slowly grazed across my chest in invitation to follow.

I smiled at her but shook my head no to her invitation which made her shoot me a mock pout as she pulled on a pair of men's extra small boxers that made me raise an eyebrow at her the first time I saw her pull them out of her dresser.

Before she pulled on a white tank top from yesterday while grabbing some clean clothes out of her dresser.

"Love you." Mia said to me over her shoulder as she started to turn the door knob.

"I know you do." I replied back to her with a smile as I got out of the bed walking over to her dresser grabbing the manilla envelope from the inside pocket of my cut, while smacking her ass with the envelope.

"Jerk, you could at least say it back." Mia pouted, making me reach around her waist pulling her against me giving her a quick kiss on the lips.

Before pulling away and slapping her ass again, this time with my hand taking as second to grab it quickly.

"Go take a shower already." I joked teasingly as I walked back over to her bed, sitting down opening the envelope pulling out multiple documents, receipts, recording tapes and those small VHS tape things that used to come in home video cameras.

"How the heck did all of this fit inside this envelope sure it's a big envelope but still…right Grim Reaper, angel of death and Anarchy…better not try and quantumfy what she is or isn't capable doing." I muttered to myself as I found surveillance photos of my father meeting with a single lawyer here in L.A. named Julia Richards and handing off a large evidence box to her, along with where he was living, which is a mansion in the Hills, along with him meeting with a bald neo-nazi mother fucker with a swastika tattooed on his head.

I was still looking everything over when Mia pranced back in and dropped her towel, but I didn't even look up at her as I was too busy working through my rampant emotions.

"What's wrong?" Mia asked me softly as she climbed onto the bed pressing her bare slightly damp body against my back while slinging her arms over my shoulders and kissing my cheek.

"You and that guy in the photo look a little alike." Mia said softly as she looked over my shoulder at the image in my hand.

"I look nothing like him!" I snapped and instantly regretted it as I knew I wasn't mad at Mia.

"That's him then, your father." Mia said softly as she moved her arms from my shoulders to hug me around the middle.

"Yeah, that's the fucking bastard…sorry, for snapping at you." I told her softly as I slightly leaned back against her.

"It's alright just don't make a habit of it." Mia said softly while resting her chin on top of my head.

"I have to kill him, Mia, he would do it to me…and he." I told her while wondering how she would feel about knowing that I would actively kill people, and her body tensed before she releasing a sigh while the tension drained from her body.

"I understand…do what you have to do, just, just don't get yourself sent back to prison for "the Club"...I just finally got you all to myself." Mia said to me a bit unnerved while putting a special emphasis on the club, as she shyly mentioned her and I getting together.

"You addicted to my wonderful cock already?" I joked to Mia who smacked my chest even as she let out a soft giggle.

"Does Dom know…that part of the reason you're here is to hunt down and kill your father?" Mia asked me softly while she laid down on her back pulling me with her letting me use her as a pillow.

"We talked about it, while we were in Lompoc…I haven't told him I'm currently on the hunt yet though." I replied to Mia as her fingers ran through my hair massaging my scalp nearly making me purr.

"YO, KELLER! YOU TWO DONE HAVING YOUR HONEYMOON YET? WE GOT A JOB TO BRIEF YOU ON ! ! !" Dom hollered up from downstairs making Mia sigh sadly and me let out a groan.

"Tell him today while on the job, I know we'll all help you." Mia said softly as I rolled over kissing her tummy then moving up her body planting kisses, kissing both her breasts then up her collar bone along her neck, where I stopped to suck on it a little bit leaving a fresh hickey to accompany the many others I'd given her over the last couple of days, before continuing up her neck along her jaw finally planting a kiss on her lips.

"I will…" I told her trailing off as I pushed myself up off the bed and moved to get dressed.

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