
"Hey." I greeted Dom who was sitting on the couch by the window facing the street with Letty on his lap.

Vince sat in a reclining chair that faced a window facing the driveway while glaring at me with an angry, jealousy, filled look.

Jessie and Leon were sitting together on the floor playing PlayStation and what looked like GTA.

Walking over and sitting down on the couch next to Dom and Letty.

"Jesus man you smell like pussy and ass." Letty said half busting my balls half serious.

"Thank you, it's my favorite cologne." I replied to her with a smirk that made Letty shoot back a naughty smirk of her own.

"I'm out of here!" Vince suddenly yelled as he got out the chair kicking it into the wall as he stomped out of the house.

"Vince! Vince, come on!" Dom spoke deeply as he threw Letty onto my lap while chasing after Vince.

"Ooo, I can see why Mia was so loud." Letty expressed as she felt my cock through my jeans.

"Thanks beautiful." I winked at her with a little smirk just as Mia came downstairs stopping on the bottom step looking at Letty and I with her eyebrows furrowed cutely.

"Alright you better hop off, before Mia thinks you're trying to steal me away." I joked while patting her lower back, making Letty smirk while sliding out of my lap, and walking over to Mia locking arms with her and pulling her into the kitchen with her.

Hearing some hushed giggling and whispering between them.

'Defeniently…girl talk.' I thought to myself while feeling a small smile spread across my lips.

Dom walked back into the house sitting down heavily beside me.

"So…I didn't just break up your family did I?" I asked Dom curiously.

"Haha, nah he'll be back when he gets hungry…plus you've always been a part of the family." Dom replied to me throwing an arm over my shoulder pulling me close and pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Letty's right…you really do smell like pussy and ass." Dom said to me while playfully pushing me away.

"Watch it, that's Mia you're talking about." I joked to Dom who punched my shoulder.

"Before you get started explaining how you operate and the job…there's a few things you should know, one I still have my obligations to the club so I may be called away at any time, two…coming to see you and Mia was my main reason for coming here but I found out…that the person we discussed in Lompoc is here, I'm on the hunt Dom…for both me and the club." I told Dom seriously noticing Leon and Jessie both eavesdropping and pretending not to be.

"Haha, yeah I figured you would still, whether you went Nomad like you and I talked about or not…about him, I've got your back brother." Dom replied to me seriously while offering me a fist bump.

"Thanks Dom." I replied to him. "Now tell me about how you go about these liberations." I continued to Dom who smirked at me and started laying it out as Leon and Jessie came over to join in.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — ~~

"That sounds wildly fun." I said to Dom as he finished explaining to me how they jack the trucks.

"Haha, I figured you'd say that." Dom laughed before replying to me.

"So since Vince took off, I'll be the one to jump on the truck if it's cool with you guys?." I said to the others, who looked around at each other and nodded while Mia set the table with brunch food, while looking at me and biting her lower lip in worry.

"I'm all for it man, if it's not you or Vince, then I have to do it." Letty said with a smirk and a wink.

"It's cool with me Bro." Leon chipped in and Jessie nodded his head up and down rapidly while scratching his head through his beanie.

"Well then it's settled Keller, will take the truck." Dom said happily as we got up and walked to the table Mia was about to sit down in a chair as I took a seat at the table opposite to the head of the table that Dom sat at while pulling Mia into my lap.

"EEE, hehe." Mia giggled as I pulled her into my lap and she almost immediately melted into my arms.

Mia tilted her head and kissed me openly in front of everyone and I heard Letty let out a little giggle/laugh.

"The food is great Mia, especially your waffles…" I told Mia while giving her a wink that had her blushing.

"Stop it!" Mia expressed with an embarrassed voice before kissing me again and cutting up my food, feeding me and herself off of my plate.

~~ — — — — — — — — — — ~~

'Haa, damn you predecessor…making me a Mia simp.' I thought to myself as I rode with Dom up to the reservoir where they kept their Honda civics.

"I'm happy for you and Mia…I've never seen her so happy other than when she read the letters you wrote to her…but if you hurt her I'll kill you." Dom said while trying to look serious before breaking out into a laugh as he smiled at me.

"I don't plan on hurting her Dom…but I'm not a good guy, I'll probably end up doing so by accident." I replied to Dom seriously as I looked out the window watching as desert, rocks and shrub grass passed by us.

"Bullshit, a bad guy wouldn't have shielded me with his body. I'm not saying you're a saint or anything but you're a good man and you have a code, that you live by." Dom said to me seriously as we pulled up next to a row of civics covered in tarps.

"You know…an Express would be better for jacking could just jump from the open door onto the truck…it's how we jack trucks back home." I told Dom as we got out of his eclipse and he pulled the tarp off of the civic in the lead position of the four civics.

"Not my style…but you're right we should probably change up our vehicles every now and then so as not to draw too much attention our way." Dom replied to me and I climbed into the civic right after him.

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