
As Dom led the convoy off of the abandoned resivor's secluded access road the sign in system's popup appeared.

[Ding: please sign in to The Sign in System.]

'Sign in.' I mentally commanded, while kinda wishing it would just do this automatically on it's own. As the confirmation notification appeared in my vision.

[1 custom built 1955 F-100 Coyote V8, by Garage Kept Motors, (bullet resistant, The Expendables inspired truck.)]

'Shit yes! Fucking been killing it with the sign-in rewards the past couple days.' I thought to myself as I'd gotten the skill-knowledge and muscle memories of Frank Martin "The Transporter" the morning after taking Mia's virginity, and then yesterday I revived a super technologically advanced 8" tablet computer with an A.I. at Jarvis's level from Ironman 1.

"Yo Keller, where is your head at, we're coming up on the truck?" Dom said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Just thinking about the pay day at the end of this my wallet's pretty light." I replied to Dom jokingly, as I pulled on the moto-cross helmet while pressing the button that opens/closes the sunroof.

"Hey, I forgot to ask…what's the hull on this truck anyways?" I asked Dom as I prepared to stand up and climb through the now open sunroof onto the roof of the car, as we got in front of the old flat front Peterbilt hauler that looks a lot like G1 Optimus Prime.

"Sound systems, DVD and VHS players and a few other things…it's about 1.2 mil dollars retail, we'll be getting 800k for the whole load." Dom replied to me as we'd discussed the how but not so much the why for this truck.

'Something about this truck feels off, the truck and it's trailer are in way too good of shape for something that's around forty years old.' I thought to myself as I remembered that both the C.I.A and military use what look-like civilian transport truck and trailers to move things stealthily anything from hidden weapons caches, cash, to prisoners at least that's something that happened in my old work something on of my uncle's told me about after he retired from the secret service.

That's when I got a good look at the driver as I popped up out of the sunroof and Dom handed me the harpoon gun.

'Rigid posture, buzz cut…and he's got that look in his eyes…definitely military…it makes more sense now how Dom and crew attracted the Feds, and how they had a report that mentioned things like precision driving, as those aren't really things a civilian trucker would say, especially after being thrown out of a moving truck.' I thought to myself as I fired the Harpoon into the passenger side window tying off the cable to a clasp on the roof climbing out of the Civic onto the roof, clipping my safety harness to the cable therhering the rig to the civic.

Clinging to the cable as I fireman climbed upside down across the chasm formed between the civic and the tractor trailer, coming to the window using my gloves fist to finish breaking the glass before trying to pull myself up into the cab coming face to face with a military issue Beretta.

Using the skills I got from Jason Statham's transporter, from the Sign in reward the other day, and my one past self defense classes, I was able to take the 9mm from him only to have to contend with a fist flying at my face which I quickly blocked with my forearm.

Using my peak human strength, speed and reflexes, I smashed the driver's arm into the metal dash, hearing the snap of bone and a strangled scream from the man that had dull blue eyes, as I grabbed the back of his head banging his face against the steering wheel knocking him unconscious.

Reaching over/around the unconscious man pulling on the door lever while using my elbow to keep the wheel straight, as I moved to unhook his seatbelt pushing him out of the open door quickly taking his vacated seat putting my foot on the accelerator.

Grabbing my walkie.

"Truck is secure." I said as I pressed the button on the walkie, before releasing it so the others could talk to me.

"Nice work Keller. " Dom said to me as I saw him reach up and unhook the cable, while I reached over and unlodged the harpoon from the seat and the wall while reeling in the loose cable, once I finished that I called over the walkie to Dom ignoring the praise from Letty, Leon and Jessie.

"Dom, something ain't right about this truck, that guy was military and had a standard issue Beretta…you sure this truck is just hauling consumer electronics?" I asked over the walkie and waited a few seconds for Dom to reply.

"That's what the manifest said, follow me and I'll take you to our warehouse. We'll inspect the trailer there." Dom finally said to me.

"Negative Dom, if this truck belongs to the military it'll be low jacked best to check it at a neutral spot, rather than burn your location." I replied to Dom who I could tell was speaking to Letty as she was in charge of planning the routes.

"Keller, there's a turn off to a dead end road up here on the right, we shouldn't be bothered there." Letty said to me specifically.

"Thanks Letty, I see it…" I replied to her as I almost drove by the turn off as I shifted gears, downshifting slowing down the truck before parking it behind Dom's civic quickly being followed by Letty and the others parking behind me.

Jumping out of the rig as Dom walked over to me.

"I hope you're wrong about this." Dom said to me while pointing his finger at the truck lazily as he walked over to me and we fell in step together walking to the back of the trailer.

"Me too Dom, I don't want federal heat." I replied to the man and he made a noise of agreement from beside me.

"Jessie, Leon, Look over the truck from the outside for a tracking device!" Dom commanded as they got out of their car's while Letty walked over to us carrying bolt cutters.

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